All men are shallow. They only care what's on the outside than what's on the inside

All men are shallow. They only care what's on the outside than what's on the inside.

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All women are shallow. They only care what's on the outside than what's on the inside.

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I don't care about either.

t. schizoid

Character only matters for longtime relationships. If you look like a 3/10 nobody cares about your character

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schizoids are the vegans of Jow Forums

Tell me about yourself femanon.
I don't give a damn what race you are or whether you're fat or you're missing a leg or whatever.
What are your hobbies and interests and talents and hopes and expectations for the future?

Most men care about both in varying proportions, but the younger guys are the more it skews toward appearances.

You damn right i care a lot about what is on the outside, that's how i choose a girl.
I bet every guy does this, and since everyone has things they like and dislike, probs there is one for you too, no matter how ugly of a cunt you might be; You are someones fetish.

That's because all women have to offer is the outside. Women will never be able to bond as deeply with a man over a hobby or interest as another man. You will never be as funny as another man. You will never enjoy the easy comradery men feel with each other. You are a lesser human men tolerate for a warm hole.

>All men are shallow. They only care what's on the outside than what's on the inside.
I wiII date you, but you won't date me
And you have the nerve to call me shallow?

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>you won't date me
What makes you think that? I would date anyone as long as they love me for who I am

>They only care what's on the outside than what's on the inside.
>on the inside
What do you mean?
The internal organs, well she should be healthy i guess.

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On the inside, I'm a girl!

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Then why aren't you dating him?

okay, we're dating now
Got an emaiI?

Ok let's make it official.

Yeah, you're not entirely wrong.

However, I contend that men's standards in all categories are much lower than women's, by a long shot. It is NOT AT ALL hard in any way to meet what most of us consider "minimum" for a long-term relationship. You just need to not stuff your face constantly, and put a little bit of effort into your outward appearance.

Literally all I care about is fucking personality you vapid fucking whore. I'm not even Chad but I've had girls hit on me regularly and I've ended up ignoring them simply because they're emotionless pieces of shit.

Fight me nigger girl.

>implying women have other things going on beside taking care of their looks and appareances

I don't look for things that aren't there.

Cute!! I hope you guys have lots of sex and babies and build a life together and inspire each other to succeed and build up unrealistic expectations and become bitter and disappointed but know neither of you will ever do any better and grow old and die together the end amen.

Not shallow, I just can't find a single woman on this god damned planet that shares common interests with me and isn't either a whore or psycho or some sort

You literally use derogatory terms and insult women. I doubt that looks aren't important to you.

My boyfriend regularly got handjobs from his best friend. Not in a sexual way, it was just a cozy thing they done together while hanging out. They'd have a nice chat while she gave him a handy.

>love me for who I am
I think that's code for "I'm really fat".

>tfw attracted to fat girls

Dunno if I'd date a really fat girl, but I could certainly look beyond the outside of a pretty fat girl.

Hi why have you not tried to contact me yet, op?

I actually like chubby girls, who have some extra but aren't in the "fat" territory either. But if I say on Jow Forums I like chubby girls, then the only ones that will message me are huge landwhales which I'm not attracted to. Where are the nicely proportioned, just right, chubby girls with a pretty face and big tits?

Dating is shallow. If it were deep, you would marry the first person that you dated, then divorce and go date someone else when it didn't work.

Today, I learned that boomers are deep.

I'm like a 3/10 and I you could be a NEET who has mushrooms growing from your hair and I would still love you.

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We are indeed.

>But if I say on Jow Forums I like chubby girls, then the only ones that will message me are huge landwhales which I'm not attracted to.
Don't flatter yourself sweetie.

Hell I'm even attracted to landwhales, the problem is just finding a girl that is what I'm looking for on the inside

Nobody ONLY cares about looks

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You're kidding yourself if you think women are any different

That's because there's nothing on the inside except maybe a vagina. Men only care about women's looks because there's nothing else to care about.

"Men" More like EVERYONE. Fuckin' roasties I swear, think they're the center of the damn universe.

Factually wrong, I care a damn lot about ME being inside her.
But yeah, no nice soul will make you any less fat.




What's on the inside:

Your outside shows a lot about your inside but i've got a hard on for any woman i find interesting as long as they are a 5/10 or above. The only women i like are either lesbians or in a relationship already and the only women that like me are fatties.
But honestly, the men approaching most women want a fuck, i'm too scared about coming off as a creep unless there has been an established click before hand.
I don't really care about who has it worse anymore, i just want relationships to be more logical and rational than emotional and irrational.

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let's start a generalizing prejudice conga party

Cope. Ugly women are far more successful than ugly men in dating and you can't explain that.


>I hate that other bitch at work

Do you have any source or facts to back that up? Oh, you don't? Then stop spewing idiotic bullshit like the brainlet incel you are.

holy shit this

there isnt a more obnoxious group on earth than schizoids. they will CONSTANTLY remind you how ~schizoid~ they are
to point out just one out.

Ugly fat girls can always get laid or have a RL, but
>he won't be a rich prince with a dick as fa like my wabbely arm, so I am totally just as unhappy and lonely as you guis!

I would only care what you look like if I wanted sex.
If we were friends I would care about what's inside because someone who's ugly and cool to be around is far better for a friendship than someone who's attractive and a dickhead.

Real schizoids don't shove their psychotype down others' throats. They, most likely, just sit in read-only.

Not that guy, but there's clear informal evidence in the differing ways that men and women use the word "single".

If you google right now for "coping with being single for a long time", the articles written by women will be about dating lots of people (along with having lots of one night stands) but not getting into a long-term relationship. There will be next to no articles written on this topic by men, because men do their writing on this topic at Jow Forums, where "single" is defined as "not acknowledged by or touched by another human being for years at a time".

>tfw vegan and schizoid

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>I care a damn lot about ME being inside her
No you mean its the only thing you care about and what you can get her to do to you. Otherwise you don't care about her at all.

You guys think we can't figure this out. The reason you hate us so much is because we say NO, to protect ourselves.

Just neck yourself. There's always one idiot like you saying something similar
>i would date you, faceless internet m'lady, but you wouldn't date me, an anonymous Jow Forums gentleman, check and mate
You don't stop being superficial just because you are desperate enough to date anyone. You'd use her like a practice girlfriend and dump her as soon as you saw a better opportunity or as soon as you saw she really was ugly. No one wants to date an autist who forces himself to tolerate you and then goes home to fap to porn Stacies. kys

The link you posted has nothing to do with what you said. Did you even read it? You said ugly women are successful in dating. Absolutely nothing in that link indicates that.

You didn't give me the braps. That's all you deserve.

Statistics show that men and women have pretty similar sexual patterns. There is no significant difference in numbers of sexual partners, or frequency of sex, or being virgins, or not having sex at all. This is all out there for everyone to see, yet incels choose to completely ignore facts and instead blindly follow their cult leaders.

This. Not only for females, no one gives a single fuck about your personality/character if you're ugly

>No you mean its the only thing you care about and what you can get her to do to you. Otherwise you don't care about her at all.
>You guys think we can't figure this out. The reason you hate us so much is because we say NO, to protect ourselves.

You say you need to "protect yourself", but the thing you list in your first paragraph isn't actually a harm. So you're protecting yourself against...nothing.

>OH NOES! Someone wants to spend time with me, and fuck me! But they aren't really connecting to my inner self, so that's basically like being beaten with a hammer. I bettah pratech mahself!

News flash: nobody will ever actually connect to your inner self. Not really. It's an utterly arbitrary word salad, made up as an ideal, that serves no purpose other than to malign the relationships people can actually experience. It's not quite as fucking stupid and malicious as the concept of "unconditional love", but it's very close.

>date anyone because desperate and just need an affection
>feel happy for the first time, the relationship seems to be working out at last
>the bitch decides she can do better and leaves you at the first opportunity for a better man that gives her attention
>calls you shallow when breaking up with you

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sounds like you're not telling the whole story. if you were called shallow, it's for a reason.

>No one wants to date an autist who forces himself to tolerate you and then goes home to fap to porn Stacies.

If your standard is

>I won't date anyone unless they want me, and only me, always and forever and find no other woman attractive enough for sexual fantasy

...then you will always be alone, and deserve to be alone. Not even Stacy can achieve that.

Women can't even be romanticists correctly. The twisted and grimacing version of it you're demonstrating in this thread is really kind of repulsive. You think you're showing "yearning" but you're just a screeching bluehair.

I only gave an example of the women's famous victim complex. Do whatever the fuck you want and it's always someone else's fault. Even if you both are guilty, it's always only his fault.
The thing is, women are just incapable of taking responsibility. They are like the Russian government compressed in one person: "a horrible thing has happened, the guilty have already been found". "It didn't happen because we are corrupt and incompetent, but because this particular person stole/sabotaged".
In the end, the only wisdom I've managed to learn so far is to just ignore women, not play the dating game and treat them formally if there's a need to interact with them. A strictly business-like paradigm of interacting with femoids.
Because, let's be honest, I don't want my life, emotional health and psyche to be destroyed by some smelly sociopathic hole.

behold a classic case female projection

All men are shallow
and all girls swallow

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seems like you got it. stay away from us, any sane person would prefer to be alone than to be used to inflate the ego of some shallow desperate autist

i come to r9k to talk about my feefees, baka

>any sane person would prefer to be alone than to be used to inflate the ego of some shallow desperate autist
Then why exactly are you coming HERE of all places?

desu they care about the insides of your pockets too

>The reason you hate us so much is because we say NO, to protect ourselves.
Since you are saying "yes" if it comes from the thug guy who not only does the same even worse, but will have no qualm with beating your face blue to boot, you are either rather masochistic(which is my bet honestly) or you are just very very bad at that selfprotecting thing.

You are arguing amongst yourselves, you mentally ill, pathetic excuses for men.
You'd think after the 10th time, you'd learn to recognize LARPs. It's even the same OP image.

Fucking embarrassing.

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All women can't see their own faults. Introspection is beyond your natural evolutionary abilities for obvious reasons.

>what is variance
learn statistics you dumb roastie. its a small number of men and most women. the rest of us are lonely

Everything incels say is plain to see, that's why you can't bring up any memey evidence like the incels can.

Can you provide any proofs? If you are going to dispute well proven statistics then you need to provide solid proofs of your own.

>tfw not even attracted to good-looking men
At this point I can't even masturbate to attractive 2D male characters. Yesterday I almost tripped because a guy with a Down syndrome smiled in my general direction.

u first. another user already posted the link to the okc study. how about you read the thread first or post proofs of your own before demanding them from others, loser

>says this while putting 10 pounds of makeup on and taking pictures of her half naked body for money in social media

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Men and women have similar sexual partner numbers. This is a fact. A brainlet incel made the claim that this is not true and provided no proofs.

Kys roastie. Trim your roastflaps.

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>he still posts that fake graph whose author admitted it was completely made up on his incel blog


Provide proofs. Receipts. Evidence.

Also, trim your disgusting roastflaps.

Fake post, the institute for family studies never said it was fake you're making that up

>0% sexless married women since 2014
If you believe this graph then I have a bridge to sell you.

how could I not care about my dick when I fuck you WHORE

I do believe it. Why would a at least marriageable girl go without sex for any reason but choice

Take it to . I'm sure most of us are indoor types.

There's nothing on the inside, so why should we care about what's on the outside? Females are all the same. You're plastic people, not unique or special in any way. If you're not attractive there is no reason to deal with you.

Do you have chlamydia on the inside?

fuck you and everything that you represents

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yes dumbass, the averge male and female will have a similar AVERAGE number of of sexual partners because males and females are similar and number and every time a new sexual union is formed the AVERAGE body count goes up for both. example for brainlets who cant think in the abstract: 10 men, 10 women. all 10 women fuck the same guy. average partner count for men (1(10) + 9(0))/10 = 1 . average partner count for women 10(1)/10 = 1. 9 lonely men, one very happy guy, 10 satisfied roasties. average body counts are the same. do you get it yet or do i need to break out the crayons and let you chew it over?

It's kinda hard to care about people when they distance themselves

Why would you have sexless men but not sexless women? It makes no sense. It's like you incels are completely devoid of any logical thinking.

Hi, was sent here from the 1997 thread

heh, these new posters don't remember the good old days when people born in 2000 were too young to post. Yep, those were the days


I didn't mean to hurt ya.

well I did

Please come back on...

I just care if a girl (female w/vagina) is faithful. Looks are superficial, I bet you are beautiful on the inside!

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You said you'd come back. Can we talk?

And this whole time I thought onions was a meme.

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