Why do women go after men who are the lowest of the low in society...

Why do women go after men who are the lowest of the low in society? And when they get pregnant by them why do they keep the kids and become single moms instead of getting an abortion?

Can someone explain the psychology behind this?

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brainwashing by the liberal media

Whats up with her eyes? Tyrones dating a witch

Because those men don't weight 400lbs and browse Jow Forums all day.

This is what the left wanted, liberated women that won't feel rising a cock carousel and cheating is wrong, that they shouldn't feel ashamed of being sexually active and chad couldn't be happier that he gets more sex toys to play around with.
"We" are the ones that are old fashioned for not fucking around with anything that barely has a pulse.
This is what society accepts as the norm now, to reverse it back and correct society we need a LOT of people on our side. Which sadly will never happen.
We were simply born in the wrong century.

Because they see those men as aggressive, and as women, they're biologically inclined to make aggressive men calm by providing them sex, to make sure the tribe wouldn't fight itself

>Muh liberals

Yeah, but this shit happens in shitty, small hic towns with MUH CHRISTIAN VALUES.

>innocent christian girls love bbc meme

It depends girl to girl, but its generally the "420 friendly, buy me weed, lol I'm such a hipster" types that fuck nigs

>actually believing normal people care about societal status when it comes to sex
She thinks he's attractive and he thinks she's attractive, so they fuck. There's no weird caste system shit going through their heads.

If they were brainwashed by liberal media why wouldn't they get an abortion?

>Why do women go after men who are the lowest of the low in society?

>you have to be 6' minimum, jacked, six figure income, attractive face to get a gf

what now /r9kpol/?

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Greek women have the most sex in the world and they exclusively fuck greek men.
If your women resort to niggers then you might have to rethink your strategy.


Princess Diana was killed for doing this cuz she wanted the BSC (big saudi cock)
maybe the royals aren't so bad after all.

99% of human history has taken place during the paleolithic era when life was nasty, brutish, and short. the men who were dominant, aggressive, confident, and violent were the ones who led the tribe, killed the stegosaurus, were the first to get food, and the women who mated with them were more likely to have their offspring survive into adulthood.

If they were getting with the lowest of the low in society you guys wouldn't be struggling with women

Those women most of the time are the lowest of the low too (not too smart, trash personality). Or they simply just attracted to "alpha" males.

The sheer accuracy

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>Or they simply just attracted to "alpha" males.
So they're simply just heterosexual women?

Not every woman finds that kind of acting attractive. I can't stand them. They are always loud, agressive and try to show how they are more superior to everyone.

It's just an ugly couple ?


I wonder if the imbalance between WWBM and WMBW couples has to do with black men often being portrayed as desirable in media (mostly hip hop which has a huge influence in the lower classes) while black women are mostly ignored. At least as far as I know.

>Why do women go after men who are the lowest of the low in society? And when they get pregnant by them why do they keep the kids and become single moms instead of getting an abortion?

Its based

Attached: Before & after BBC.jpg (1867x596, 548K)

Best answer .


Some of them actually do

The answer, as usual, is rooted in evolution. Low IQ ape-like men were the ones who had the best chance of surviving in primitive times because they were all violent as fuck and simply took what they wanted. We haven't really changed much since then in terms of how we choose partners, but it's just that our environment has changed so drastically that we see now see this as abnormal.

OP is so transparent, it's clear he's just salty that he's not getting laid.

Basically this
>girl dates attractive guy
>girl dates unattractive guy

They dont go for the "lowest of the low". The lowest ken of society dont browse Jow Forums, they have hobbies other than anime/vidya. You're just pissing your pants becuase other people are beating you at life

you retard; the guy in that pic is ripped, stylish, has tattoos and probably is a lot of fun to be around. girls who get put on pedestals by scrubs like you crave someone who they can look up to and learn from. stay single and don't get your act together, more for the rest of us

I wonder how many attractive girls you morons are batting away by 'sticking to your principles'

the truth is, you probably don't have a lot of options and are jealous. female behavior that you see is actually the same as male behavior in many ways; as you get more options, you become more picky. if a 8/10 girl who had her shit together fell out of the sky for you right now you'd be salivating at the thought of proposing. if you were fucking 9s and 10s on a weekly basis, would you do the same? you might say you would but I can guarantee that it's very unlikely you would. it's a LOT harder to stick to those principles when you've been at rock bottom and then worked your way up to the top or even near the top.

the bottom is a hopeless shithole though, and I've been there. how you get out is not by bitching about women and the 'state of women in society' and 'why are women so X' it's learning to exploit their nature, get to the top so that when that 8/10 comes knocking, you make the right plays and lock it down. if you keep complaining you'll end up another fat failure of a man at age 50, weak, unwanted, and worthless to society.

You sound like an asshole, honestly.
Talking about "exploit their nature", belittling people who stick to principles, etc.
I'll take being an unwanted reject over becoming a self important asshat like you.

That's because you fucking white men are pussies. You allow your women to fuck niggers. You allowed this racial betrayal to happen. Most white guys don't even feel jealousy ot shame if their sister was gangbanged by niggers or if she prostituted herself. This is why western society is going to the very shit.

You dont even realize how devestating this is on the long run.

you can try to hurt popular people and me and iam a popular person with sex to try to be better then me ugly pay cause your a loser but buying a nice hat aint going to help you be better then me and your still a lame ugly short crap loser that try to be better then the popular people like me like a ugly crap short ugly retard loser try to be better then lauren condrad popular people same like her like me your just a ugly crap ugly short ugly retard loser that try to be better then me ugly pay o buying a nice hat wont help you or be better then me ugly pay so you can keep trying to bring down my happiness or your outnumbered crap short ugly losers can steal my life ugly pay like copy me ugly pay and the crap ugly people losers outnumber everybody and try to be better then the popular people like me ugly pay cause is jealous cause is a crap short ugly reard ugly loser that is angry that iam better then them and iam better then them and keep saying thats not whats it about if you got no sex and you keep saying nothing and but the losers try to be better then me ugly pay so that is what is about and so fuck yall niggas and keep putting out your crap stuff out to be better then us ugly pay with your supursieces ugly pau and other lame things ugly pay and you smel like crap and act gay and pwoergfucl but is a pathatic crap short ugly retard loser that outnumber everybody and try to be better then everybody ugly pay like trick people ugly pay to make you look better ugly pay but is and look disugsing and smell like poop so fuck this short crap short ugly retard loser earth and that is the end game and do a couple of things and read this and go back to them so they can be better then you ugly pay until your in a hole that you can never get out ugly pay and enjoy there crap smell while there horny to you ugly pay and the things ugly pay

also your ugly

and your crap and short and ugly and loser and you outnumber everybody and try to be better then everybody ugly pay

This. Women simply do what men tell them to. They need someone to follow and guide them since they're too weak to stand on their own. If white women are shit, it's because white men allowed them to be.

Stop lying. You all want Chad. You always say otherwise, but your actions never match.

cause they have no selfrespect

and your ugly ass who want to be with you you smell like crap and is short and ugly and loser and everything ugly pay and everything like hold on to me ugly pay and end game and hold on to me ugly pay and live in the swers and outnumber everybody and try to be better then everybody ugly pay like force you to like you ugly pay and get people introuble ugly pay and look pathatic and look like a little poop pig that rolled in a pile of poop and everything ugly pay and everything and even less ugly women feel disguested around the crap shrt ugly losers that outnumber everybody and try to be better then everybody like hurt people with sex ugly pay and nothing ugly pay and piss everybody off ugly pay like me ugly pay and fuck this crap short ugly loser earth and jeez what you going to do while your in this crap short ugly loser earth and the crap short ugly losers outnumber everybody and try to be better then everybody ugly pay like every second

I sure as fuck wouldn't want a Chad. These kind of people always bullied me, and i find them repulsive. I would just want a kind guy instead.

Again, you always say stuff like that, but your actions speak louder than your words. You can say all you want that you want a kind guy, but you'll actually fuck Chad instead. A woman's word is worthless since you're all dishonest and deceptive whores.

Okay, what's your story? Why do you hate women so much?