Help me, Jow Forums

Help me, Jow Forums.

I have managed to fall in love with a porn star named Hannah Hays.

It started when I heard her talk in her pre-fuck interviews in pornos and she sounded genuinely kind, sincere and a bit autistic. She talks exactly like my ex who was a stripper with Aspergers (and she is a very sweet, genuine person.)

Then I read her twitter and saw how much Hannah misses her family back in Geogia, and is only doing porn to pay for her family's health care and house. She is basically a martyr.

And her youtube videos are heartbreakingly sweet. Watch her talk about how she tried to bring her pet emotional support lizard on set with her:

She is truly an angel, but she is stuck in a world of sin. She actively responds to fans and has been known to look at Jow Forums herself. Is there any way to convince her to quit porn?

If you read this Hannah, know that we love you

Attached: hannah hays xxx.jpg (1065x1600, 176K)

Other urls found in this thread:

posted link to wrong video, here is the one about her lizard. Please watch, it will change your life

I feel so bad for her. disgusting people exploited her.

Alex Harper is a pornfu

She is so pure, I do feel she doesn't even realize anything wrong is going on. She might prove to be incorruptible and get out of this unscathed someday.

Isn't she like 6 feet tall though?

She has fucked niggers before. This makes her officially subhuman

is she? wowowowow

>go to video
>scroll down to read some comments
>all of them shriek about the jewish agenda

Attached: Bernard-Westworld.jpg (1024x621, 25K)

She made her choice, told us to shut up about and not bother her with our comments.

Jow Forums reached her
But ironically if you post this on Jow Forums you will be attacked by shills and the thread will be deleted by mods. Try if you don't believe.
She is not autistic anyway, she has a learning disability (low IQ, but not retarded).

This is a PR scheme lmao

>the thread will be deleted by mods.
Really? I've seen several Hannah Hays threads reach the bump limit and get archived just fine on 4blebs. Maybe it just depends on which mods see it.

she's a coal burner. a thot and nothing more. she fucked giant black cock on camera for money and tried to convince Jow Forums that she wuz an innocent girl and she din do nuffin and she wuz manipolated by the evil porn industry into doing it. she wants to get her reputation back as innocent even though she agreed every step of the way to sign it away and get paid to be a whore.

falling for a white girl, LMAO enjoy tyrone's cum

Attached: [HorribleSubs] ayy lmao.png (950x1088, 871K)

>I heard her talk in her pre-fuck interviews in pornos and she sounded genuinely kind
I kekd

>tried to convince Jow Forums that she wuz an innocent girl and she din do nuffin and she wuz manipolated by the evil porn industry into doing it.
I thought she told Jow Forums she was *not* manipulated and enjoys it (even though she clearly doesn't).

I think she is just brainwashed into thinking porn makes her glamorous. I knew a girl who got into stripping for the same reason and about a year later woke up and realized it was actually the opposite. There is hope.

Rofl stupid bitch decides to do porn. Doesn't tell the producer the conditions she has; namely bringing her pet on set. Becomes upset. White Knight poltard come to the rescue.

Dis bitch retarded, like you.

I have a soft spot in my cranium for retarded bitches getting taken advantage of. Especially when they take drugs, suck black cock and have no goals.
>t. you

>take drugs
She smokes weed only, and does so legally for anxiety
>suck black cock
Admitted she hates it and did it for money, stopped doing IR
>have no goals
She wants to be an interior designer and is going to school for that

Her life is more together than 95% of this board.

>She smokes weed only, and does so legally for anxiety
if someone claims this they are looking for a medical excuse to get high. marijuana causes anxiety it doesn't treat it.

Shes fucked, dont waste your time shes bipolar

No its a creepy old virgin thinking he can manipulate a retarded girl by being a nice guy. She has said she likes porn and big dicks, and doesnt need saving. OP isnt the first white knight to ride up, and he wont be the last one she laughs at and rejects.

You cant save everyone, OP. It sucks, but some methods of taking care of self and family are less than favorable. Thats double for the more degenerate subgenres of porn, like those in this thread are REEEing about, as it allegedly pays a fair amount more.
Pretty much a case of wageslavery, but more polarizing in public opinion.

Its easy to condemn someone like this when you have mom give you a house and a perpetual supply of tendies. Us working robots do slave away so we can eventually have much more NEETbux than you could dream of, while being able to wipe our own asses.

Im not going to white knight your fallen waifu, but I do honestly do wish her well. In the end, its up to her to git out of that hole before the abyss consumes her.

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you got my hopes up, user. shame on you