I killed a thread for this

Daily reminder that Jow Forums is a coke board and Romania is smelly nerd.
>Todays Shit-list
All of north America!
Why? fuck you that's why!
>Todays cool list
everybody else
>Gay of the year
>Todays thread goal
Nothing it's a shit thread!
Fuck off go away
>Quad get

>Song of the day

Attached: coke.png (706x1096, 905K)

your'e shit

What is this shit?

Attached: bd7382b6f1c0ebb266f8aa410df3d1b1--tyrannosaurus-michael-s.jpg (350x477, 31K)

Yes who's this?

you're post
What is this post?

coke is bad


Pro-tip: you can't


>your opinion

Attached: you.png (443x502, 298K)

this is a fact

What proof do you have?

Attached: 1524470529964.jpg (250x209, 8K)

I'm very upset with you. Delete this now and fuck off.
.....I got a red-pill hair cut today.

Attached: Bert1970s.jpg (305x375, 72K)

ok bye

I was only joking.
Waka waka

Attached: I was only joking.png (555x407, 11K)

Dude, I totally miss you
I really fucking miss you
I'm all alone
All the time, all the time

Dude, I totally miss you
The things we did together
Where have you gone?

Totally miss the honesty
And special times, and honestly
I totally miss the fucked up thing you do
Dude, I totally miss you
I totally miss you
Dude, I totally miss you
All the time...

Ahhhhhhhhhh, aaaaaah
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, aaaaaah!
Aah ya-he heh heehh ohhh!

Attached: i-cry-everytime_fb_757228.jpg (300x300, 9K)


Attached: Untitled.png (947x720, 59K)

Attached: cool.jpg (469x505, 48K)

>shit post



Attached: 1524368154898.gif (460x259, 1.93M)

how was your day?

scientifically proven taste ranking from first to last
cherry coke

Attached: 17504550_p0.jpg (1000x707, 168K)

it was alright, yours?

I went and saw rampage.
By whose standards?

was it good?

mine although I have shit taste in about everything.

vanilla coke

do they also have chocolate coke? how many flavours are there?

>was it good?
It was alright. Too long tho
>I have shit taste in about everything.
Debate over


fuck you

Attached: the_cola_wars_by_caycowa.png (800x608, 731K)

Attached: Adventure Time - Finn Eating Drinking Sleeping.gif (392x386, 1.83M)

good night drink pupper

Night nerd and no


Ohayo, mutt-chan.

Hello my friend

Attached: 6b80cb877480db60bcf056921b53891d--hot-anime-anime-guys.jpg (557x562, 37K)

rock shandy > coke

rock shandy?

Attached: 1522635886125.gif (268x274, 1.03M)

It's orange and lemon flavour

huh sounds good

Yeah it's good. Usually get that over coke or pepsi.

Then we are now enemies!

Attached: gabriel___last_man_standing_by_superneoon-d71rq4u.jpg (1024x750, 134K)

But I prefer coke over Pepsi though

You pass....for now

Attached: Congratz.gif (364x363, 1.87M)

all cokefags are smelly nerds
t. i drink coke and i'm gay

remember to always choose pepsi over coke
only old farts drink coke

Attached: bepiss.png (1280x720, 1.42M)


Attached: screencapture-boards-4chan-org-bant-thread-4880683-2018-04-22-02_42_48.png (1366x1865, 474K)

prove it nerd

You disprove it.
t.5oyboy pepsi-cuck!

Attached: Me and Romania .png (842x595, 467K)


Attached: bepis liz.png (540x540, 193K)

brb gonna buy PEPSI 2L for 1.5$

Ok, you sicken me with your pepesi

Attached: aa7c1f2bafd05f0c714805fb7046a0d5.gif (245x200, 1.38M)

damn feels so good to drink PEPSI and it's so cold perfect for this hot weather

>drinking coke
>over the age of 12

imagine being this much of a fat faggot
drink water you fucking manchild

>brb gonna buy PEPSI 2L for 1.5$
brb gonna buy COKE 2L

drink PEPSI
*Pukes everywhere*

>drink water you fucking manchild
I drink 5L a day but when I need something with flavor I get coke.

Attached: dude chill.png (555x407, 13K)

hurrr durrr
the absolute state of waterfags

Attached: 1524353219752.png (666x666, 20K)

Jow Forumsers drink pepsi
Jow Forumsards drink coke

Attached: bant pepsi.jpg (1280x902, 180K)

Jow Forumsricians drink RC cola

If you be fit take a sip of coke today.

Attached: coca-cola-christmass-coke-39047044-500-281.png (500x281, 785K)

no, for fit it's monster

Attached: 1524238490448.jpg (1280x942, 145K)

But monster is owned by coke.

Attached: yeah.png (555x407, 14K)

so what

Attached: 1524253726272.png (474x548, 181K)

Actually its niceya not aya

You like coke products which by in turn you like coke!
Not in this thread!
Thanks tho

Attached: coke_vs_pepsi_by_animaniac43-d48vlow.png (854x520, 32K)

no, i like monster not coke
as a soft drink i prefer pepsi

>no, i like monster not coke
>as a soft drink i prefer pepsi

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Maybe you and I aren't so different after all.

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sleep well