Party experiences

This thread is for people that are normie enough to have been invited to a party at some point, yet feel totally out of place during such events like in pic.
Please share your stories if you have any

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Other urls found in this thread:

> invited to a party at some point
you shouldn't be here

>go to party with friends
>theyre all used to this shit and get high and drunk
>people in the bathroom snorting shit and puking
>everyone dances braindead
>cant leave because no busses at night and too broke for taxi, also dont want to bother parents
>get bored
>drink friends vodka bottle
>pass out in the corner on the floor
>wake up at 4am
>go outside and wait 1h for the bus in winter in light clothes
>go home and pass out in bed
Worst experience ever
Never went to a party again

I hate going out at all and spending time with people since I don't drink nor can drive a car, so I feel like a burden with them. Every time I am invited to a wedding I reject (last time I was on one about 6 years ago). I've been on kind of a party last month during mountain trip organised by my company. Couldn't stand beeing there for longer than 2 hours, left the place and returned to my hotel room. Later on couldn't sleep and kept contemplating how retarded/authistic I am.

well, I see people constantly talking about their ex gf THIS, and ex gf THAT... so this place is a little normie, like it or not, but we can always use them for some good advice y'know?
never had a gf myself but I still have a friend I went to primary school with that still invites me to parties, we grew apart a long time ago but he tries to stay in touch.
I usually decline the invites, but I felt bad about it this one time and went out... story soon I suppose
sounds terrible user, I wouldn't be comfortable being around people snorting coke or whatever it was...
it's really just best to leave in such situations, if people are so high they can't even communicate there really is no point

Couldnt really leave because i would freeze to death and home was too far away to walk, i had 3 hours til the first bus home

It wasn't an exclusive invite thing, anyone could come so I wasn't invited but I was at one.
>be at party
>autisticly walk around alone and scared
>mega chad sees me
>stops me
>is happy to see me
>I think I'm being accepted into normie town
>he calls other chad
>other chad takes break from kissing girl to look at us
>chad points at me
>"look who came"
>other chad breaks out in laughter
>they both laugh
>chad pushes me out of the way and moves on with his night
>the very idea of my trying to fit in is a joke to them
>feel like shit now
The night goes on
>I'm still just awkwardly wandering around this place
>a couple of failed attempts at being social
>chads notice me again
>chad reaches hand out to shake my hand
>naive me thinks he's just being nice
>shake his hand
>he had lit cigarette in his hand
>burns my hand with cigarette
>all chads laugh
>I'm holding back tears at this point
>they all go back to being chads
>I've had enough
>find a quiet place outside where I can sit untill I've been out long enough for mom to believe I had a good time
Never again

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I feel bad for you user, not even the most autistic retards deserve this

that's terrible user, only thing the Chads where missing where their BMX bikes so they could circulate around you looking threatening...

I don't get the reference but people circling around me on bikes would be pretty scary

>pregame with weed and xanax
>go to party
>drink straight hard liquor
>bad idea to mix liquor with xanax
>40 minutes into the party start feeling woozy
>chads and stacies drag me to the toilet and leave me there
>shit myself too
>chad throws clothes and towel at me and laughs
>"you good my dude?"
>tell him what I had
>shower and get dressed
>clean up my mess
>go back to party
>chads and stacies yell and cheer that I came back
>party goes on
>cops came and shut it down because its too loud
>chad almost fights cop
>everyone leaves and chad who's house I'm in lets me sleep over
>he drives me home the next day

Never again.

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user im pretty normie myself amd i just want you to know that if i saw that shoy at any party/show i was at i would swing on chad for you in a heartbeat. That shits juvinile and ucalled for. Sorry you had to deal with that

Saw that shit*
Its early and touch screens suck

well I was watching Always sunny.. and they were poking fun at the bully stereotype, I could have sworn this was a common trope but I might be completely off

Not that bad.
Seems like the bad experience came from you mixing drugs and alcohol rather than from you being a robot.

>go to end of year party with friends
>get really drunk and find confidence
>start doing the dancing with cute girl
>she takes me off into the laundry and we close the door
>sit down and spend 45 mins talking about our lives n shit
>shes going to uni for art major even though she knows she cant make any money and will die penniless
>tell her about my dreams and she tells me hers
>pass out together holding hands
comfiest memory ive got robros

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>18 yo
>Have friend who used to be skinny short lanklet
>Turned into normie with some kind of late puberty
>Literally gym tier chad at this point
>Bearly speak anymore to him but still invites me to his 18th
>Realise he invited half my highschool so I'm not getting special treatment
>Hear some other autist i know is going, might as well use him as social security
>Arrived at 8 and already dark at house
>Already people who are drunk and high
>Nervously look for autist bc i cant speak yo anyone else
>Say hi and voice cracks immediately
>End up chugging three bears on emty stomach bc i was so awkward and bored
>Get dizzy af and decide to smoke weed first time with some quiet guys in my grade
>Halfass try to talk to weedbros, autist joins with weed
>Mfw they dont even know we were from the same school
>Still to awkward to converse
>Eh music is too loud anyway
>Wonder around with autist but were both bored and beta af
>Party goes on for ages, and music gets even louder
>Realise weed isnt kicking in
>Wtf did i smoke
>Suddenly feel intense paranoia and dizziness
>Arms start flailing around by themselves
>Sit on couch, too fucked to move
>Autist has nothing better to do so babysits me
>Pass out

Jesus, you're so far beyond the rest of us why are you wasting your time here?

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I'm an alcoholic with severe confidence issues who lost all friends after highschool finished.
the only way i could speak to women was at parties on lots of booze and I aint been to a part for years. that was also as far as I got with a female and i've just lost hope since.

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Thanku, fren. You're a good man

Shit, crack's a monster
Continue bro

>never again
what you should never again do is mixing benzos with alcohol you retard, the consequences are obvious.

>get invited to party by an old friend I grew up with
>I still don't know why he stays in touch with me but he's a saint for it, even if it's just simple things like coming by for a coffee once a month
>hour before the party I feel nervous as fuck, almost to the point where I want to puke, close to calling it off
>mom sends a message: have fun tonight :)
>over an hour later I calm down and force myself to just say fuck it and go
>get to the place, childhood friend is actually outside (thank god) so we just sit outside and talk old memories before going in
>once inside I'm pretty much left to my own, I recognise a few people from my old class I haven't seen in many many years
>"heey.. remember mee?" I awkvardly introduce myself
>they recognise me and we talk about what we where currently doing in life
>"I've just been busy and working a lot haha..."
>things go well for awhile, but I get left on my own pretty soon and I don't dare to introduce myself to anyone else that I don't know (about 90% of the people there)
>sit for myself in the couch browsing Jow Forums
>sometimes I try to join a circle of people but I can't come up with anything to say
>feel like I have nothing in common with anyone, time passes, my old friend is pretty busy being a host and entertaining everyone else, he still pats me on the back here and there and asks how it goes
>drinking does almost nothing to help me talk more, I also hate alcohol, some of the anxiety goes down but I'm still a boring fuck
>sit outside in the cold for awhile with the smokers, still saying nothing but at least I had some alcohol in me so I don't care, at least there's no loud music
>actually make it to 2am, people are starting to wind down and go to sleep
>go home home having only said a handfull of words and observing people
I'm just glad that people are generally acceptive to me, it wasn't a terrible experience, I'm just really good at staying invincible

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Just a word of advice, if you want to make any social progress at parties then suck up your pretentious judgement (ew alcohol, yikes loud music) and use alcohol to make you interesting, get in with the stoner crowd (they are usually very inviting and extremely easy to laugh with) and you might change your life.

there are bullies on bikes in Shazam and Never Ending Story, it was definitely a trope.

>non-meme autist but made very good friends in hs from being a clown
>graduated last year but hang out with some guys who are in senior year hs now
>get invited to friend's 18th birthday party
>go because fuck it free weed and food plus it's only people I know
>friends pick me up in birthday boy's dad's manual BMW, same model Elliot drove
>arrive early to help sweep leaves and junk off back porch
>house is decked out in a e s t i c 80s decor and furniture, dominant color is purple
>other guests arrive and we catch up on old times while eating pizza on back porch
>only girl present is birthday boy's gf who nobody talks to cause we all know she's a thot
>people ask me what I've been doing since I'm the oldest and only one not in hs
>tell them about how I made some crypto money and have been doing nothing
>blunts enter rotation, grav bong gets set up
>we all get baked and shittalk
>surrounded by normals but they like me so it's comfy
>go play basketball on neighbor's driveway
>return to house and listen to nigger music in living room until everyone leaves
>get driven home by friend
>did some autistic things during the party but nobody was harsh about it and we all laughed
Great experience overall, you just have to go to parties where you know people and enter with a mindset that you'll have fun

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I did drink, 4 beers and a shot, which is a lot to me but it didn't help, I didn't go outside just becuase I was annoyed at the music, but I guess I came off that way, I was mostly inside.
I was just hoping I could get over myself and make some friends y'know? even if I don't like parties

>go to party with best friend
>start drinking
>girl who is there screams "that's the dick who broke my leg!"
>apparently I once saw her standing on a ladder and I tipped it over and walked off
>don't remember doing this, but I was an asshole and it's quite plausible
>the crowd begins to turn against me
>I retaliate by drinking a lot
>become very sick
>start hurling
>best friend is helping me not die
>drunk and autistic brain decides that the only way you can show gratitude is by kissing someone on the lips
>grab best friend by the ears
>give him that old open-mouth pukey kiss
>keep vomiting my brains out
>howl my oneitus's name repeatedly in despair as I now believe I'm dying
>wake up the next afternoon naked on the couch

Fucking hell, at least you learned your lesson that too much alcohol will only make things worse. What really gets me is how foids can manipulate an entire crowd just by acting outraged.

parties with close friends are definitely a better experience, good for you man.
Most people that are at least a little mature don't care if you do really autistic stuff

>you learned your lesson
Not at all, I continued to binge drink for a couple of years.
I think I ruined some faggot's "start up" where he was trying to open a hipster speakeasy in his basement.
He didn't expect a 19 year old kid who could spray bile like the girl from The Exorcist.

Yeah I've only been to a few parties with people I didn't know and they were all significantly older than me so it wasn't bad either. One was at a party hosted by my friend's aunt in a fancy ass house with a bunch of 30-40 somethings and they were all really chill even when I stuttered like crazy and tensed up while reading a card during a game of cards against humanity.

I was pretty popular for some reason at my school because I was known as a funny guy, so I got invited to a few parties despite being an outsider and only friendly with the chads. I used to known for downing whatever anyone gave to me. At on particular event I drank about 5 double shots of rum in one gulp each and spent the rest of the night talking to girls and getting their numbers. Good times.

You madlad. I'm currently 19 and love drinking, sometimes I go for days because I don't get hangovers. Start at 9 and drink all day till I go to sleep but only for three days of the week. Last time I went completely psycho and put my hand around my sister's neck, my other one pointing my car keys inches from her eye and told her I'd strangle her if she didn't drive me to Zaxby's. We're pretty close and I had a very faint memory of it until she told me the next day. Now I have to hide my liquor.

>old people parties
pretty comfy desu

Boomers are unironically the most fun people to get high with because they always tell you cool stories and are generally more chill than millennials. Had a joint with my friend and his dad once and his dad told me about how when he was young he worked on a shrimp boat in the gulf and was out on the water during three hurricanes, during one of which he watched an oil rig capsize.

huh, never started any shit with my family. Drinking actually made me get along better with my dad because I'd be too hosed to get spooked by his episodes of rage and I'd just tell him to calm his shit- which somehow fucking worked.
I did on occasion try to neck myself in retarded ways like running headlong into a wall- made me go temporarily blind, which was fairly frightening.

Happened a few years ago
>be me
>5'4 17
>at least a 7/10
>get invited to a party
>takes it
>to socially awkward to say no
>go anyway
>Spend whole time in empty room
>some one comes in room
>sees me
>actually leaves with out saying anything
>everyone is starring at me
>about to legit cry
>run out
>go home
>get on GBA
>cry self to sleep

And that anons is why I don't accept party invites.

Parties are fucken great
>go to party
>chug a bunch of spirits
>get fucken destroyed
>lose anxiety become non autistic walk around party socialising with everyone acting like chad

God I love how alcohol makes you confident. Makes you do shit you wanna do but don't normally have the guts to do. But then if you get drunk enough you start doing retarded shit you'd never want to do.

it was probably his room.
That probably freaked him out, he thought you were jerking off in there or something.

>Try to go to one party
>Get overwhelmed my the noise, the people, and lights
>Feel trapped for over an hour
>Sit by the bathroom nauseous and anxious
>Trying not to cry
>Guy I know eventually notices something's wrong and helps me get out
Awful experience, haven't been to a party in since then and I never plan on it

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>get in with the stoner crowd (they are usually very inviting and extremely easy to laugh with)
unironically this, i don't smoke myself but a few months ago i went to a party organised by some uni friends, and one of them was (still is) my best frenand he insisted for me to come; usually pretty fucking akward in social situations, especially parties and stuff, the only reason this time went well was cause my bud introduced me to some stoners that were chilling in the living room watching some stupid cartoon (don't even remember what it was honestly); really laid back guys, had a decent conversation with them (i don't think i sounded that akward cause they seemed so relaxed that they probably didn't even pay attention to some autistic shit i might have done), by far the comfiest time i had in a party..

Going to party with friends i havent seen in a year, whats normal to do at partys? Im bring rum and maybe weed.

party hard

>go to party with friends
>eat pizza
>have a nice time
Tf goin on with yall?

>Get invited to a birthday party of somebody I know
>To afraid to say no even though I'm relatively introverted
>Go to the party a few days later
>Loud cancer rap music plays the entire time
>Everybody is screaming to each other
>People doing drugs everywhere
>Only know a handful of people, the rest are your typical garbage party people
>Trying to stick to people I know who aren't that cancerous
>To shy to leave straight away
>Leave as soon as a friend of mine leaves
While it only lastet for like 2 hours, I still felt like shit. Have never been to an other party since.

>be me
>15 yo thin beta
>go to a winter camp, with all the guys I did fencing with
>got few friends, almost all betas
>we meet those 3 girls somehow
>one of them, blonde and cute, become my crush
>we bond a bit
>mind the camp lasts 9 days
>one of the last days
>our trainers have organized a "disco"
>music and dance floor but no alcohol cause everyone is underage
>feel I have to go since its an occasion to finally kiss her (was kissless V obv)
>being and edgy autistic kid who judged everyone who didn't listen to metal I put on my Iron Maiden shirt (the number of the beast one)
>at the party
> too pussy to explicitly ask my crush to dance with me
>even tho she is clearly expecting me to do it (she was 13 btw)
>still we dancing on the floor
>I couldn't dance, I just hopped up and down like a cricket
>instructors and seniors pressure me to go for it, they knew I was into her somehow
>they put on a really romantic and slow song, one supposed to be danced with a partner, holding each other tight, its called lento i believe
>fin the guts to ask her to dance with me
>in the end she is clearly leaned really close to me
>she wants me to kiss her
>autism.exe, I dont

Wew lads.
Last day of camp, moments before she had to return back home (far away from where I live) she took me outside and straight up asked me if I liked her.
I said yes and she kissed me.
I still had my tongue and such covered with Nutella and also she like used her teeth and bit me, it kinda hurt but hey, that was my first kiss, I won't ever forget it

Forgot ">5 years ago", in case some mod thought a 15 yo browses Jow Forums

I'm in an orchestra and every semester we have a rehearsal weekend with a dress-up party on the second evening. It's always fun to see all the costumes people come up with. This time the theme was "duos/trios", and these three guys came together as rock/paper/scissors. There were also two brothers dressed as the Blues Brothers. I like dancing a lot too, even if I'm not very good at it. I'll usually need a beer or two first, though. Luckily it's always really cheap since we're a student organisation.

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I'm not ugly or too inept at socializing but I've never been to a single "house party" before in my life.

As far as I know, this makes me a walking contradiction and freak of nature.

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Don't listen to . Using alcohol can help, but forcing yourself to drink isn't a good idea. Also, most people have shit taste in music and some will ruin their ears in a few years because they turn it up too loud.
Just remember to relax and breathe, and don't browse Jow Forums in public.

>break up with gf after she cucks me and fucks my friend
>I was a beta who read PUA books and somehow faked It til I made it
>obviously a LTR didnt work out cause she knew I was beta
>im not bad looking though just autistic af
>get invited to party , house warm party by hot girl
>she was roommates with my cheating ex
>found out they hated eachother
>talk to Roomate, decide to go
>well what do you know it was a set up
>whole time I see my ex gf there, her hot roomate
>I try to flirt with her hot roomate
>cant hold back embaresment of people asking who is that old man dancing with my gf
>no one knew about the incident, of us even breaking up
>I want to fight the chad but im too small and weak
>just get drunk af
>everyone leaves party , im trying to get back my gf
>grip keys tightly about to punch chad
>her hot roomate tells me to grow a backbone
>literally just everyone looks at me like shit
>I cry and drove home wasted
>miracusly didn't die even drove wrong side on road
>cried myself to bed listen to move along

Dude next time dont be afraid to walk up to people and chat
Its the social norm at parties