Was admitted to psych ward last night. pic is the rail in the bathroom, hollow bit blocked to prevent an hero...

was admitted to psych ward last night. pic is the rail in the bathroom, hollow bit blocked to prevent an hero. ask me anything lads
>inb4 how are you posting
i have my cell phone, all i got for now

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What is this? Newfag are you frist time inside?

6th time, i'm just bored

Where did it go wrong? Ogrogorg

Oh wow first time psych ward? Must be exciting, wow must be so scary, is it lonely? Are you okay? How are you feeling? Wow psych ward is terrifying hope your not hurt

is it comfy in there?

Do your other personalities know you posted this thread?

Hope youre posting on mobile data, else prepare ur angus

you didn't even read the second post before replying, nice. fuck off.

i'm just an ingrate honestly, my life is very mediocre but i'm too much of a prick to be satisfied with it

it's not that comfy, i don't like talking to other looneys and they force conversation a lot

depressed schizo not memetic personality disorder

>fuck off

lol op confirmed socially inept cunt who cant into basic decency
please kill yourself for real next time you fucking roastie-tier failure

nice revelation faggot, are you surprised? of course i'm a socially inept failure look where we are and the topic of this thread

Are you seriously asking for decency when all you added to the conversation was condescending sarcasm? What kind of response were you expecting from him after that? If there's anyone who's socially inept in this thread it's you.

>i'm just bored
And you think the psych ward is entertaining? Shit's boring lol. Play cookie clicker at home or something

im literally not the guy he was replying to. the other guy seemed genuine enough, even if it did come off as being a little overly friendly, but he in no way warranted such a cunty response. fuck both of you.

you bring a great point user, i'm just looking for a distraction and some company. feeling very anxious too the nurse said she'll call the doctor to see if i can get a script (hoping benzos)

thank you user

you have autism if you believe the response being discussed was genuine

Lol I'm also in a psych ward right now.
Pic rel is locked window.

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been in 4 times, once was kinda just a detox place though

fucking awful unless the benzo dose they give you is high enough to make you utterly not care and sleep 12 hours a day, that only happened to me once though

another time i was in without my glasses for a week and couldn't see shit, it was weird

I hope you get better soon, OP.

I'm already 5 months here, breaking out soon.

How do get to keep your phones. They confiscated mine. Boring doesn't begin to describe it.
How is this legal. I know they can petition to keep you indefinitely, but gd, I didn't think they really did it.

you have a nice view at least user, i just have a shitty parking lot. what country are you in?

i'm trying to at least get some ativan but all they're giving me is baby doses of seroquel, i'm so restless. not having glasses is turboshitty too luckily my parents visited and got my glasses. cops drove me here so didnt have time to get em before

thanks for the kind wishes

why the fuck have they kept you so long? what country you in?


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fake a panic attack or start sounding super angry and agitated on the phone, even if you need to just make a fake call or something

get that ativan, although librium is really where it's at

Will they admit me if i want to check it out. I've always wanted to see what it's like. Do i have to have a mental issue or something

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this, I spent most of my time sleeping because there was nothing else to do

there were a couple magazines and coloring sheets. and a TV that the single mothers hogged. I've never watched that much TV ever since I became an adult.

What happened?

>i'm just an ingrate honestly, my life is very mediocre but i'm too much of a prick to be satisfied with it
fucking normies

My friend was admitted after a very suicidal night (and she kept her phone), it depends on the nature of the situation getting you in I think. Something very short term but immediate threat is a good way to get a week or so in there just stand on the edge of the nearest bridge and you'll be taken right over lol

i live in canada that's probably why, have had past visits sans phone though and yea it fucking SUCKS. so lucky this time

the doc is supposed to see me soon, if he doesnt give me any after that i'll pull a quick one

user don't, it's shit and some people will need that bed so they don't end up spending 14 hours suicidal in emergency. it's not worth it for you or anyone.

my memory's hazy as i took 6 mg xanax the night before but my family pissed me off and we got in a yelling fight and i told them to fuck off and stop caring about me so i could kill myself in peace

it hurts bro

They let you bring your phone? That was the only thing stopping me from getting admitted.

Because my doctor is mentally ill, not me.

checked, and if that stopped you you had no need to go bro

is his name strangelove? even irl kraut doctors are wack, life imitates art again

what do you mean?

Psych doctors come off as the most bizarre human beings. It's ridiculous that they're given the authority to stand in judgement of other people's mental health.

It's a movie.

Attached: 1964-Dr-Strangelove-09.jpg (1155x650, 100K)

>Prevent an hero
Nice grammar dickhead. hope you stay there and die

>there are babyboys THIS new on THIS board RIGHT NOW

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>being this new
organic origami

srsly nigguh?

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Its fall, you have homework to do.

fuck off newfag

oregano originally

are shrinks the biggest npc's of them all, observing the suffering of others while dictating what they "should" be instead?

newfags actually fell for this bait

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i cannot describe the level of anger your post has brought me to.
i hope all your loved ones die the most horrible and degenerate death imaginable and unimaginable.
and i hope you get to witness it and be forced to live through your sorry excuse of life with that burned in your memory, you waste of cum

bait is too good, cannot be real

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Are there any qts there?

no, that was the one thing i hoped for. psych ward is practically lthe only place i can carry on conversations with chicks and it's just fat dykes, anorexics and old ladys here

Who has been the nuttiest person that you've seen so far?

this old jewish schizo lady, pretty gone. not bad to talk to though her voice us soothing. told me about her prophetic visions, i told her i believe her and it looked like that gave her some telief. she gave me a juicebox.

Not sure if you knew, but when you oder Pizza online and pay via PayPal, the delivery guy will do his best to deliver your Pizza into the psych ward.
-t. Pizza guy that often delivers into the closed psyciatry

Hey, you gotta say you believe them JUST in case it turns out this ones true. You never know.

exactly, way i see it it's as true a vision as anyone else's, it could have been from god, who knows? no point in being another coldhearted fuck calling a tortured old soul crazy for the thousandth time.

bless you mate, i'll keep that in mind. i make pizzas too, i work at a grocery store though

I don't make them most of the time, I usually only prepare the ingredients, package and deliver them.
Since we have three hospitals nearby (one focused on mental issues, one with multiple mental facilities and a regular one) I deliver to the closed facilities on a semi regular basis.
Hospital food sucks, and I gues that is about what you guys get in there.

Also as a delivery driver, you see a lot more weird people outside the mental facilities than inside...
(sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native speaker)

ah i see, well i can confirm about seeing weird people outside. seen tons of madmen on off-ward passes in the past. the inpatients with smoking habits can tend to be the ones with worse issues oftentimes
t. heavy smoker

You don't see them outside, you see them when you deliver to them.
From the weird dude that is always pretty much naked (usualy still wears underwear) and smells like he is farming weed and hotboxing, over that grandpa that claims every Pizza is of strategic importance, the girls that cut themselfes, the messy engineering students, that guy that orders the exact same thing at the exact same time on a daily basis to the HUGE amount of old women odering mainly alcohol.
Plus all the things you don't see by just delivering pizza there.

Sometimes I think they have the wrong people in there...

how the fuck are you meant to fit your neck in there in the first place?
the most you could do is break a limb

To this day I don't understand why people want to force any an heroers to live

schizophrenics often self-medicate with nicotine, unknowingly.
>cue heavy smoking anons being paranoid
seriously though.

I tried to self admit myself a few months ago. The psychiatrist I dealt with wanted to put me in an NHS ward that looked dirty, and not at all comfy like the private clinics my insurance would cover. Ultimately, I ended up getting a job which is going well, however my boss keeps asking me if I'm alright all the time.

>tfw your carefully crafted Friendly New Guy persona is begining to strain under the weight of existential dread
>Sooner or later they'll see through the facade

I plan to volunteer to work right though the Christmas period just so I don't have to face spending this time of year on my own.