This is /r9cute/

They are a tranny psyop group on discord recruiting underage kids to convert them to the "pink pill" ideology. They function like a cult, in order to join you must either cut the name of one of their members into your forearm or start Hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

This is what we currently know about them
>They use Jow Forums and /soc/ as their main platform to recruit
>The current admins/leaders are named Cass and Kyouko
>A big part of the server might be underage
>They trade hard cp in the nsfw channel
>They promote cutting and suicide
>They dox those that tries to leave the cult or disagree with them

Attached: Welcome_to_r9cute.jpg (2400x7000, 1.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Come and see all the cringe for yourselves.

Attached: r9cute_invite.jpg (507x181, 52K)

thats funny as always. just dont be a fag.

>mentally stable individuals

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i would love to torture a tranny propagator

these people are evidence of objective evil

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What coding language do you run on

Took the words right out of my protected dick user.

I'm worried about the real child porn, if it is real that begs a lot of questions.
God yikes

>They are a tranny psyop group on discord recruiting underage kids to convert them to the "pink pill" ideology. They function like a cult, in order to join you must either cut the name of one of their members into your forearm or start Hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
>This is what we currently know about them
>>They use Jow Forums and /soc/ as their main platform to recruit
>>The current admins/leaders are named Cass and Kyouko
>>A big part of the server might be underage
>>They trade hard cp in the nsfw channel
>>They promote cutting and suicide
>>They dox those that tries to leave the cult or disagree with them
do i care though
aaaaaa poo poo bum bum

Attached: 1529527588906.png (754x1158, 384K)

Who cares? If you're the type of kid to cut yourself because some gaylord on the internet told you to, you probably weren't going to be a decent contributor to society anyway.

And all the trannies that are instigating this are extremely likely to have roped in a few years time so it's not like they won't get their just deserts.

So first Reiko. then Trea, now R9cute

Whats with trannies and being predators of depressed people?

If anyone wants to do something about these degenerates and others like them, join this server if you're serious about taking these sick fucks down.


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HRT boomer alter to satan.

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HRT+internet. Not even once...

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All traps are evil. Reiko did Shuaiby

Attached: reikoconfession.png (896x82, 11K)

*stamps this thread*

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It keeps getting weirder.

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*cass inspired me to buy razor blades*

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mfw incels will go this far for some tranny

Attached: face2.jpg (720x1280, 472K)

she did and i did cut myself. wowie, my bf is proud of me!

Does this mean you can't actually rape a tranny?

Attached: dfhrt5485468648.jpg (1585x633, 250K)

Do they supply hrt to girls wanting to be boys

Indeed they do my confused friend.

Attached: fhddhfh.jpg (1251x634, 268K)

All you have to do is ask, and you shall receive!

Attached: fhf54745.jpg (1214x715, 533K)

>It's a psyop advertisement for a psyop group
This is common knowledge. This board is targeted by other boards because it has plenty of vulnerable and uninformed people.

Hell, we had constant race bait threads for MONTHS before the janitors stepped in and realised they have to treat this place as a care home

>banned for being twelve

Sign me up then

And when that fails, you can join our server to hit these pedos where it hurts.


Attached: pedos5.jpg (936x543, 187K)

>sick pedo bastards also all have anime profile pics

What a surprise. Fuck weebs and their stupid cartoons. Still can't believe how in 75 years Japan went from one of the most brutal people on the planet to a nation of childless grasseating pussies.

Attached: weeb cringe.jpg (378x534, 42K)

do you ever get bored of taking things out of context

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This is Jow Forums

A cult of braindead slobs with vivid imaginations who complain on the internet all day and refuse to get a job

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I already knew that faggots are pedophiles and very unstable people, but still thanks for the information OP

>A cult of braindead slobs with vivid imaginations who complain on the internet all day and refuse to get a job

Sounds very familiar.

Attached: neetbux_traps.jpg (474x799, 179K)

Like looking into a fucking mirror.

Attached: h6b3x5g1a4o0.jpg (506x533, 132K)
HRT litterally shrinks your brain

generals were a mistake and lead to the rapid decline of this board

kinda like germany eh

i wonder what they have in common...

oh yeah they both lost the biggest war in history

does anyone have cass's @ ?

HOLY SHIT, that's actually hilarious, thanks user you made my day

Do it for the kids. Don't just do the kids.

Attached: pedos6.jpg (1171x497, 227K)

holy fuck this faggot deserves the rope
justice for shuaiby

He will be missed. RIP shuaiby...


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Stop joining discords on Jow Forums you losers.

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You guys remember aeros harem? He was up to the same stuff as well.

Attached: Aerofaggotrycompilation1.2.jpg (1340x8892, 1.83M)

Like most traps, the guy is a total pedo as well.

Attached: Aero's_Harem.png (2484x2072, 1.59M)

Sometimes I wish Jow Forums could handle this

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Go make videos retard

This is his new twitter

Attached: 11111111111.png (323x546, 105K)

Those guys in the pic are more respectable than any tranny. Both robots and normalfags agree on that note. But even if that were not the case, I don't know why you're trying to divert attention away from what a faggot you are. If you're sucking one cock and the guy next to you was sucking 12 cocks, you're still a fag.

I thought Jow Forums killed this idiot? Bunch of useless clowns.

I know discordfags have been flooding the board with "cuteboy/(male)/trap/trans" shit for the past months. It's the reason why I haven't been to Jow Forums in a while. This shit hole is infested and the jannies do nothing to clean them up.

Weaponized autism will do the trick

The delusions only begin here.

Attached: sfgj89456jdjw2cj.jpg (750x577, 148K)

How the fuck are these faggots still around? What happened to Jow Forums destroying shit like this.

Where do they end? Only God knows.

Attached: DeqgghOX0AAmaTx.jpg (783x504, 48K)

The oldfags are all gone who used to destroy these degenerates.

>lolicons aren't pedoph-

didn't Jow Forums doxx aero?

Motherfucker, I done told you in the other thread to report them to the FBI and get them vanned. Quit bitching about it, you won't get any results.

lol, yeah.
Remember everyone, make at least one new temporary email account everyday on a site such as this.

Use that to make an account on with a VPN.

Nicholas Hazelbaker

Then, order one 10 pack of each type of free flat rate boxes USPS offers. Don't bother with the envelopes. They don't take up as much space.

Repeat as often as possible. PROFIT.

Burn all of them. Then piss on the ashes.

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