All he wanted was to play video games, bros. He just deactivated his facebook full of vidya pics after getting harassed...

All he wanted was to play video games, bros. He just deactivated his facebook full of vidya pics after getting harassed.

His innocent outlook is probably gone forever.

Attached: 1539938826328.jpg (320x427, 33K)

the guy seemed so fucking innocent, its unreal

What was his real name again. also lol @ incels pretty much ruining him

What did memecels think was gonna happen when they basically doxed him?

Who harassed him and why

Really do feel bad for this guy.
People are so shallow and cruel.

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Does anyone have contact info for him?
He's a good boy and I wish I could be his friend.

Normies would ruin every single one of us if they could. Remember the kids that cheered your bully? These kids became normies and they haven't changed. Watch them flip the coin when he commits suicide.

As far as I know it was some random guy on Jow Forums who discovered him but he didn't make an announcement, just posted his pics in a thread. The problem was even just the first name was enough for others to find him.

r/braincels made it known by making a huge sticky so it is partially their fault. IncelTears and the like probably harrassed him as well because they were looking for an interview.

The guy didn't want the attention.

Yeesh, poor guy. I think incels are dweebs as much as the next guy, but IncelTears are total faggots. Did he ever get a gf btw?

incels should be banned from facebook anyways, it will lower the chance of them harassing or pestering women

It was fakecels and cucktears that where messaging him, only death will suffice for those who harmed him.

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>Did he ever get a gf btw?
There's no proof. His status was single.

At first he just changed his profile pic to a South Park character yesterday to get people off the trail, then I think someone linked his facebook outright and now it's either deactivated or private. I hope it's private. Not super familiar with facebook.

>"Sorry, this content isn't available right now" is what it says.

God I think I'm ugly but at least I'm not so ugly I became a meme. That'd suck.

Guy looks a lot better desu

Attached: blackops2cel.jpg (883x433, 35K)

His suffering will not be forgotten

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Unironically if he got a decent haircut and shaved off that hideous fucking beard he'd look okay

But this is his final form.

Attached: 1541311124780.jpg (576x576, 76K)

It took this long? He's been a meme for a while.

Someone give me the TL;DR please

he doesn't look too bad now

We had zero info on this guy and even what we did have were fake leads. He wasn't from the Balkans at all. I have no idea how some guy found him, it was pure luck maybe.

read If that's him at least he looks like he put quite a lot of effort in. I like to think he did this an attempt to shit on these women who made fun of him

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