Where can I find a virgin bf irl while I am still attending school...

Where can I find a virgin bf irl while I am still attending school? It seems like every young guy nowadays have already lost their v-cards, even those you least expect

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bb I'm right here.

you can find him by giving me your contact info

stop pretending to be a woman
stop enabling him

there is a board just for people like you

Prove that you're not a degenerate first.

You're in the right place, really once you post your location or contact at least 50 guys will swarm you. You'll have to sift through to find the few who aren't entirely crazy here but you should find one. G'luck

this is probably bait but it's true for me.

ive tried dating websites and it's all normies and sometimes ill find a more nerdy looking boy who then has actually got laid plenty of times. where do i find incels in my area (if ur close to missouri hit me up pls)

I am a degenerate though.
I just want to save all my degeneracy for my future gf/wife.

san diego?


If you don't mind an older guy (28) and are in Oregon, hit me up. I'm not a degenerate. Have my bachelors degree, have a car, live on my own, have my finances in order, etc. I am a manlet though, and dicklet.

Why would you want an incel?

Same here except I'm 6'0 and have a monster dong.

Me. Right here. I'm probably like 7 or 8 years older than you though and the chance we live in the same state is near zero.

yah, kinda of a red flag, there.

find yourself a non incel virgin bf instead.

no but we're relatively close to each other. like an hour away

completely based and vpilled

dropped. I'll see you in hell faggot

Literally tits or gtfo
I swear this board is nothing but incels and edge lords

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I want to know how to find this kind of girls.
Outside of being tall and having a god tier face, what can I do to improve my chances to meet a pure gf? Im close to my mid 20s, so I know its gonna me hard/impossible.

A virgin and an incel are two different things

Virgin - Has not had sex, is not resentful of the world for it, does not necessarily think he is owed sex, doesn't wrap up his lack of a sex life up into his identity.

Incel - Has not had sex, resents the world for it, often thinks he is owed sex, worst of all makes his inability to get sex a core part of his identity and this poisons his mind and soul, will eventually evolve into MGTOW cope and/or suicide/mass shooting.

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What's a nonincel virgin, a 12 year old? Wait do 12 year olds have sex now

Church or lowering your standards

sounds a little too far from me for a regular relationship, but good luck

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Go to church. Assuming you aren't Christian, a real virign bf there won't probably be interested so you might need to convert. But they won't want someone who converted just to find a virgin.

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I will accept anything that is female and close to my age/younger.
Church is full of redeemed sluts and girls already married in their teens, its bullshit that you can find a good girl there.

>an hour is too far
jesus dude what lmao, I thought only Europeans had this mentality where someone who lives 40 miles away might as well be on another planet. I've commuted 45 minutes each way daily every day for months just to spend time with my grandma in her last days.

Define degenerate

Of course it's not original

where in Missouri?

church. preferably orthodox

nobody ever suspect that i'm not a virgin until i lay with them

Not him, but I'm just outside of Kansas City.

replied to the wrong person eeeeee

I'm in Kansas City if you're still here. I probably missed my shot though

Welp if the girl isn't here wanna be friends? I live there too

Maybe? What does being friends mean to you. Also I don't want to travel a lot.

>just outside kansas city
i'm not scouting for poon, but if you live close to me that'd be a funny coincidence

I'm not sure really, I didn't think this through, I don't even really go outside often

>I don't even really go outside often
Me neither. Hence why I don't have any friends.

posting bait
not even a time stamp

Well, do you play vidya or something? I don't have any friends either

Any girl just wanna get married and be done with it? I always thought I'd be married by now and my mom is starting to bother me about it. We can do a few month trial period or something I just can't deal with all the bullshit anymore.

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>people falling for this easy larp/orbit scheme

Yeah, I play on pc. Not a lot of good games out right now unfortunately.

Same! Do you play paradox games? Like CK2 or Eu4?

Not really. I tend to hover around fps and rpgs.

Hell yeah, good taste user

Sadly, no replies...

Sorry, almost fell asleep discord or steam?

Well you bumping the thread made him come up with an excuse

I'm not sure if multiple people are replying to me, but there wasn't much left to reply to.
You can leave your discord if you want.

I'm is either another user or

The second definition is bullshit. Incel just means involuntarily celibate, and you can be involuntarily celibate without resenting anyone.


An incel isn't someone who hates women, an incel is a kissless virgin, so you literally just said a non-virgin virgin.

i don't necessarily want an incel but it's something like, why give affection and love to someone who's already had plenty or can easily obtain it? nothing wrong with that tho

im pretty far from Kansas City, im right by cape girardeau

>that one ugly nerd group that always hangs out in the student lounge have all lost their virginity before you
I never even masturbated until I was 17, all those years of just doing nothing but playing RuneScape really ducked me over

May not be true for all virgins in college, but I don't use social media, have little dating experience, and no friends at college. So if you see a guy that doesn't use his phone much and doesn't talk to anyone there's a fair chance he's a virgin.

How to find virgin females in Australia? Do they even exist? I feel like every female I know is a mega slut and lost her virginity before she turned 18.