I've been constipated for four days, anyone know how I can induce defecation using only household items?

I've been constipated for four days, anyone know how I can induce defecation using only household items?

I tried squirting hand soap up my butt to lubricate my rectum but I didn't see any results.

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Get some psyllium

Using only household items

Find something you can give yourself an enema with or something.

When that happened to me I just drank a fat cup of coffee and loaded up on fiber supplements

>house hold items


Shoot water from a garden hose up your ass.

eat bran, drink a bunch of coffee or eat a lot of grease.
go for long walks and try a hot bath.

tip for the future if you're full of poo don't bend too much or lift to much you'll compact your poop and sometimes you'll need to buy something for it. sorry OP

Coffee. Maybe warm enema, I suppose.

reach into your asshole and dig it out

Buy some fucking laxative, it isn't that expensive.

and give yourself a coffee enema

Buy a few 2-3 packs of gum and consume them all at once and drink 2-3 liters of water.

Most sugar-free gum contains phenylalanine which has laxative like properties when consumed in high doses.

Benefiber, mix with water, softens stool.

squirt some glycerin or glycerin lube into anus

Buy a black and mild (1-2$) or swishers and smoke until your stomach hurts

Use a squirt gun (or anything with a liquid dispensing mechanism that's similar) and shoot the water up your rectum. It's really effective from personal experience

stop drinking soda
drink water
eat a banana and a yogurt a day
stop eating so much sweets

but a warm, soapy water enema is your best bet. If nothing else use the showerhead to shoot water into your ass, if you can get soap in there as well it's guaranteed

Drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water with 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of salt. You'll be on the toilet for the next two hours at least, but you'll go. Your body will try to pass the saltwater, and let go of everything south. They used to use salt clenses before laxitives were popular. Sea salt or any other non iodine salt is prefered.

just drink coffee idiot its a natural laxative you dont need to shove things up your ass to shit, you arent a kitchen sink.

I can unplug your asshole with my throbbing cock

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xylitol, the sweetener used in sugar-free gum is a potent laxative in large enough quantities.

With consistent exposure, some people even build an intolerance (I have).

Try chewing two packs of sugar-free gum as one big wad and see how you feel in an hour.

Use a dragon dildo.

I'm actually gonna help you out, user. Magnesium citrate

Sticky, short grain Thai rice. In desperation, apparently coffee enemas are good.

Garden hose right up the ass. Don't forget to turn it on.