Tell me what double standard you hate the most

Share away robots

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I hate that men on r9k have such high standards, but then proceed to bitch at women for having standards.

Fuck off.

Unoriginally get the fuck off my board

i hate that jews can just walk around with their dicks out but atheists can't

...Most Jews are atheists

I don't hate men, I hate mysogynists.
The problem everyone has with feminists is they think we just want reverse-stepfordism / to treat you how you've treated us.

The one I hate the most is probably
>You got a dildo? You go! Girl power! You don't need no man to orgasm
>You got a sex toy? Fucking creep.

that only women can friendzone men,
I been friendzoning women for years now, on line as well.
amazing how bitter they get when they realize you never wanted a relationship with them.

*that only men can be friendzoned
is what I meant.

>men on r9k have such high standards
proven bullshit

robots that expect empathy while having none.

>tfw no gf
>/r9gay/ hits bump limit hundreds of times in a row

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we lost the war, time to move to wizchan

Fucking rape accusations make my blood boil because apparently "men can't be raped" fuck of feminist fucktards

Neither the majority of libfems nor radfems believe that men can't be raped.

This place is lost, """(((fembot)))""" seems to be widely used and accepted term nowadays.

It's only the alt-right that believes men can't get raped

feminist want people to accept that men can get raped so it can be treated as a universal evil

what if girls were like clams and you couldn't open them unless they were relaxed?

>man and woman get drunk
>have sex
>girl goes to police
>man gets charged with felony
Sure seems like it

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>The problem everyone has with feminists is they think we just want reverse-stepfordism
But I _do_ want that, you fucking norman. It's the women who take issue with it.

That if a woman chimps out on me and tries to hit me I shouldn't do anything cause she's weaker than me. Nigga you best believe I'm gonna knock the shit out of a little weak dude if he starts punching so why would I treat women any differently?

Every woman (and man, of course) should be punched in the face at least once so they get a bit humble.

beaten women are unattractive
beaten men are more attractive up to a point

quote one person in this thread doing that

ill wait

But men on r9k dont have standards. Now begone JIDF.

How men get no say in an abortion even though half of that thing is theirs. Unless it's a danger to the mother to give birth, they should get a say

>"my body my choice"
>cuts off son's foreskin

>my body my choice
>destroys another body

baste and skinpilled

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unfortunately, the war was lost to the sodomite
its and interesting point though, even when given their containment board, they cannot contain themselves to it.

Jow Forums has been dead for years with the influx of normalfag phoneposters

Just having lower bars for everything in general. If a girl has personal issues that are affecting her academic performance she will get boundless sympathy, counselors pleading the teachers to give her extensions etc. while I won't be given the benefit of the doubt if I fail to do one thing despite having even worse circumstances. (yes I'm still in high school please don't bully)

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>most members of this religion are irreligious
are you okay?

You know being a jew isn't just about religion, right? It's a race
Although I doubt what that user said, but still

All you have to do is mention that you have a vagina and you will get attention from guys here. You would have to look like a malformed ogre to spook off a robot.

I've heard the story plenty of times. When the roasties post contact info they weed out the semi-robots ("semi" because no actual robot is out cruising for thot contacts) for the inevitable lurking normalfags, then when the normalfags drop the roasties they think "all robots are trash and their standards are too high". They think they have proof but it's just normalfags fucking us over like usual

Being Jewish is not race, that's like saying Muslim is a race. Anyone can become Jewish.

Boy you sure have a lot of confidence in your ignorance

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you've got some chutzpah claiming jews aren't a race.

she could just be from special ed