Be a femanon

>be a femanon
>like filling out forms
>often participate in some ideal partner threads, post your stats threads, other random charts
>They always get upset with me when I don't want to contact them

Why? Contactfagging is against r9k rules. If you want a gf then go to /soc/ and follow the rules. I just wanted to have fun.

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It's because society is so sexist and it makes life difficult for women.

That wasn't the point of my post at all, user.

Sure they're thirsty failed normie retards, but people don't post here to "have fun". If you don't have crippling depression find somewhere else to anonymously blogpost

Well, the point of those threads is often to find people to talk to/potential partners. It would be like signing up for a dating site and then not talking to anyone.

Welcome to Jow Forums where faggots try to get in everyone's pants who claim they're a female.
It's honestly really fucking sad


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Because they're thirsty virgins. Don't ask obvious questions.

But it's not like a dating site at all, it's more like jumping in a shark tank. I feel like if you're try to date a "fembot" you're just asking to get hurt by them. Dating? It's an orbiter collector thread. Beta guy falls in love with a bpd girl juggling her time between 5 guys, she tells him sweet things she says with absolutely no emotion, he gets hurt eventually then ends up in "letter threads" saying how much he still loves her, she has a bf now. Am I right or wrong? That's why contactfagging should always result in bans.

Now, me? I just like filling out forms, probably getting datamined, don't mind at all. Dating on r9k is asking for a world of hurt and I know that.
I don't think r9k is /necessarily/ for depressed people but if it's set in stone for you that it is I can't really argue. I'm definitely not a complete normie so r9k doesn't really disgust me.

Seriously, if you're going to ask for 'muh' female sympathy, prove it.

i totally agree though the amount of faggots on this board try to hook up on here is seriously retarded.

Don't give me sympathy, but if you hate contactfags like I do we should call them out for being pathetic. I don't want fembots to take advantage of these guys either.

damn, that's a lot of projections you got going there femanon.
some user-kun reject you from here?

sorry femanon you won't really understand this but here is how it goes

>guys especially introverts have a really difficult time finding girls
>guys are expected to initiate 99% of the contact
>guys are expected to compete for your attention because they're the "aggressors"
>guys get lonely and desperate

it's literally them just putting themselves out there, if they get butthurt it's because they've been rejected so much it hurts or they're autistic and don't know how to handle it(or both.) again you probably won't understand because you're on the otherside of the spectrum, it's kind of like being really fucking super rich and not understanding poor people problems(why not just BUY more money?).

girls can get just as thirsty and agro as guys especially when they're shot down.

No, I've hurt dozens of guys when I was younger than I am now, I know the deal. Every fembot feeds off validation and don't care about online guys, they're just playing with you. They like what you say to them, not you.

These are facts.
also facts
fembots dont exist
and IF they do the're just as aspie as the rest of us.
that said nothing is worse than a contactfag

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you sound pretty hurt and bitter to me.
but w/e, hope you aren't hurting guys anymore.

People are still hopeful, they desperately want companionship they're willing to jump on whatever they can find.

not that user but...
>No, I've hurt dozens of guys
>not projecting

user, who broke your heart? I know it's happened to you, not even asking for personal details to dox you, just want you to talk about getting your heart broken maybe it was even your mommy or daddy that broke your heart and you didn't even get a chance to have a relationship with another person before you were tainted?

I mean I'm not hurt or bitter at all. I'm just being logical, now you're the one projecting. Everything I said, you can observe it on your own. Letter threads are full of burned out guys who got used.

Naw, I'm in a happy real life relationship now. I feel bad for robots though now that I grew up more.

seems to me like you got used too, and are bitter your not even worth being "used" anymore.

>Naw, I'm in a happy real life relationship now. I feel bad for robots though now that I grew up more.
user that isn't what I asked, reread and then try again

Well, no. Most of the guys on r9k are nice and cared for me when I was less mentally stable.

>willing to dox her(him)self for some neckbeard attention
basically if you ever post your "stats" on Jow Forums your IQ must be below 95

contactfagging should be banned on this fucking board but janitors rarely ever browse this board

shame you couldn't return the favor then.

That's not contactfagging and not how contactfagging works you complete and utter LARPING moron.

this is why we cant have nice things.
how may times do we need to say it. Girls dont exist on the internet. And if they did they would ruin it.
case and point here.
9 times out of ten women are larping for attention

I'm so sorry you're oppressed life must be so hard as a woman

>Beta guy falls in love with a bpd girl juggling her time between 5 guys, she tells him sweet things she says with absolutely no emotion, he gets hurt eventually then ends up in "letter threads" saying how much he still loves her, she has a bf now.
What's beta about falling in love?

You don't understand. Saying you're a girl here is dangling a piece of steak in front of a dog. Men go crazy when they're starved of female attention. No matter how much you try to explain to them that they'll get hurt they'll keep trying.

Here's a piece of actual advice: go to lolcow. It's Jow Forums for girls. You'd fit in better there.

>What's beta about giving away things to women


Yes, tell me.

Otherwise, the "Alpha" "Chad" who takes steroids and tailors his lifestyle and personality and appearance to be attractive to women is a beta too, right ?

This is the lonely mentally ill loser virgin board and we will break Jow Forums rules on the off chance we will get an egf that could possibly relate to our interests and flaws. Fuck off stupid bitch tourist