Is it inappropriate for friends of the opposite sex to spend time alone together if one or both of them are in a...

Is it inappropriate for friends of the opposite sex to spend time alone together if one or both of them are in a committed relationship?

Attached: chad steals stacy from virgin.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

I laughed so much the first time I saw this!

No, idiot. Good luck trying to stifle your first girlfriend and ensuring it's your last, since I'm positive you're just baiting people who support the argument that it is inappropriate.

if they're alone together they're fucking or something. opposite sex platonic relationships don't happen outside the comfines of societal pressures

as long as the partner is aware of the friendship yes
on the contrary not
because it would probably be emotional cheating

>emotional cheating



I hate how people who have no experience with life at all think that, because their life is so limited that they've never experienced something, that it isn't possible or okay.

Of course it's okay, if it's platonic.

Basically, according to Tolle, no. In "The Power of Now" he indirectly defines the concept of "emotional cheating" as absurd. If you aren't the kind of guy your girlfriend wants to confide in or spend long periods of time with, and she seeks out someone to talk to, it's because you aren't listening to her, you're not HEARING her. A romantic relationship doesn't necessarily need to be one of emotional intimacy, and that's okay, but I'd be wary of one's self and how sensitive one is to their partner if they begin to notice their partner drifting away from them emotionally.

not at all, platonic relationships are a thing, but it only works if you are not attracted to them, how it has always been for me.

That's because you're limiting your ability to have relationships with people. Think about how strange it is that you can only be friends with girls you find unattractive. Not that I don't empathize, but fuck me, I move on as soon as I realize they aren't interested and when I say "I want to still be good friends" I actually mean it. And I still have those girls as friends, and it feels nice.

Just think, that pretty girl is still smiling at me and she tries to forget you even exist because you were such a dick to her after she turned you down.

>Think about how strange it is that you can only be friends with girls you find unattractive
wouldn't it be stranger to be friends with someone you want to fuck?
kind of friendship is that?
and btw a girl can still be hot, and you not find her attractive.
>Just think, that pretty girl is still smiling at me and she tries to forget you even exist because you were such a dick to her after she turned you down.
that comment was utterly unnecessary, and it feels like you are projecting.
but w/e helps you cope with being lead on for years and wasting your time on something that was never going to happen :)

Yes. But it's okay if everyone knows about it and you're spending time with someone the same sex as you and a different sex than who you're already dating. Even better if you all start dating each other then.

>kind of friendship is that?
Idk, one where you want to fuck your friend? Can't you balance your ability to be someone's friend with wanting to fuck them all the time? It's really not that hard.

I'm just calling it like it is. You're the one who said you can't have a platonic relationship with someone you're attracted to, which means that you probably upset a lot of girls who'd like to think they can have male friends who can treat them with respect. It wasn't an unnecessary comment, it was reading into your worldview on this. What am I projecting, anyway?

>Idk, one where you want to fuck your friend? Can't you balance your ability to be someone's friend with wanting to fuck them all the time? It's really not that hard.
that is no friendship lad.
that is a one way street into the friend zone if you are single.
>which means that you probably upset a lot of girls who'd like to think they can have male friends who can treat them with respect.
ah yes, because friend zoning a guy and taking advantage of his feelings is such a great way to show how much you respect a guy.

>ah yes, because friend zoning a guy and taking advantage of his feelings is such a great way to show how much you respect a guy.

Yeah, how dare she be not interested in you sexually. How dare she insist on staying friends because she likes you as a person and not a *thing.* How dare she? I mean, really, how dare?

>friend zone
It's like you haven't listened to anything I said. Who cares if I'm in the friendzone? Don't you want friends, user?

>Yeah, how dare she be not interested in you sexually. How dare she insist on staying friends because she likes you as a person and not a *thing.* How dare she? I mean, really, how dare?
you forget the part where she sucks him out of emotional support and resources.
how convenient of you.
>Who cares if I'm in the friendzone? Don't you want friends, user?
I want a friend I can fuck who happens to be a girl.

Generally yes, especially if only the female is in a committed relationship, but it depends on circumstances.
>being alone vs. meeting in public
>how often it happens
>how long they've known each other
>relation between the two guys, it's more acceptable if they are also friends

>meeting a single guy from work that the boyfriend doesn't know and she first met a few weeks/months ago, every other day = very inappropriate
>meeting an old friend once 1-2 years at a cafe = normal

>sucks him out of emotional support and resources

So you just hate attractive women, basically, because they want to be human too. Haven't you ever had a friend you didn't find attractive who wanted your time and attention and emotional "resources?" I mean, holy shit dude, did you immediately call her a roastie and tipped your fedora at a computer screen later that evening? At this point you're beginning to sound like a sociopath, with this talk of wasting "resources" as if your social life is some kind of war.

>So you just hate attractive women, basically, because they want to be human too.
kek I'm done.
like I said in my original post, I think it's more viable to be being friends with women you are not attracted to or women who you stopped being attracted to for w/e reason. I'm actually experiencing the later with a girl I used to crush on right now.

not him but I thought this was about having "girl"friends while having a girlfriend or wife. Which I am indeed generally opposed to. I wouldn't want my wife hanging out with other men.

>stopped being attracted to for w/e reason

You just protected your feelings by moving on. A perfectly natural response, and identical to what I do with girls who reject me, except I do it right away. Not a whole lotta difference between us, actually.

Well I hope your wife is the traditional, modest type, now or whenever she shows up. Otherwise, RIP to you rip-a-roo

>Not a whole lotta difference between us, actually.
there definitely is a big difference between you and I, for starters I'm a man, you aren't.

Old guy here, only if you like being cucked. Men do not form friendships with women they don't want to fuck.

>for starters I'm a man, you aren't

Lmfao okay bye you dodgy cunt

not true I had a friend at university who came to my room every night and I never touch her because she had a bf
and also because I didn't want to

>dodgy cunt
what am I dodging?
you are projecting baseless shit onto me, how is this a reasonable discussion?