You're out with the girl you like (hoping to get a relationship out of it) and this guy starts to chat her up

You're out with the girl you like (hoping to get a relationship out of it) and this guy starts to chat her up.

What do?

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Ask him where he goes to the gym and what exercises I should shoot for

Have faith that the girl you like wants to be with you for who you are and not with the person with the most conventional sex appeal.

Ask him if he knows any good fishing spots around here

I would lose interest in her if she reciprocated his advances and convince her I'm more interested than I am for a time while leading her on and not having sex with her, then ghost her after he bangs her so she feels guilty about ruining her relationship with me, and for losing the other guy at the same time. It'd be like a double decker of a kick to the feels that she'll always regret. She probably won't know if failing to get what she wanted was worse than getting what she wanted.

Ask him what steroids he uses too

>"Hey user I'm gonna go with Chad if that's alright with you? :)"
>"...Yeah ok.. n-no problem"

You know it's true.

Shoot him in the stomach

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Yeah actually. 100%. I have no problem with that. I'm still going to be very polite and somewhat sympathetic for a time. Then ghost her when she wants anything from me. I've done it to a bunch of girls before. They lose their shit and fly into a rage forever. I don't have any obligations to them. If they're mistaken in thinking I'm going to roll over and be okay with it the consequences turn into being the one that got away. Mr. Perfect. They got nobody to blame but themselves.

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it'd be like a pinprick to him

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"le everyone stronger/bigger/faster/leaner than me is on tren/var/epo/clen" maymay n33ds to end

the original based

Time to prep the bull, honestly
I'd only want the best for my gf.

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>implying you aren't the bull


Word filter much? I don't have any skin in the game. At best it's strategy and the smart move is being a crab in a bucket. The winner that gets out of the bucket hasn't got a pot to piss in.

>You're out with the girl you like
no im not

she's using you as an emotional tampon while in between Chads.

You're assuming that I interact with other people.

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Not everyone, but OPs guy clearly is. Don't be delusional.

Probably silently sip my drink and awkwardly third wheel for a while, then 'quickly go for a piss' but leave and never look back. If she asks what happens the next day I'll just say I had to run, family emergency.

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Kill myself because I already lost her. I can't compete with that.

What sucks is that she has every right to get with him if she's single.

Why does that suck? She got to fuck chad. She gets to do that all she wants. That's what she wants to do. She got what she wants. People that need a pump and dump got what she wants. Happily ever after.

Because it sucks for you