Post the worst food from your country

Post the worst food from your country
I'll start with processed pre sliced Am°rican cheese.

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All British food is god tier

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Define british food


You eat too many beans


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But also, we have the comfiest food in the world

Funny how none of you are British


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This, pasties are great

Fish and chips is really good.

That's the only thing that I can think of when it comes to British food though (besides tea and biscuits)

That's not a mainstream english meal, you just picked out a random thing that some victorian faggot made

Roquefort a shit. Eating mold is not for me.

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I didn't think frogs could get much stupider. Rejecting cheese is a dastardly sin. Faggot.

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my brother doesnt like blue cheese but i think its fine

You posted it. It's literally soft plastic.

KYS, roquefort is god-tier

Low quality boxed pierogi tastes like absolute shit if you’ve tasted normal pierogi.
Other than that I dont really know, other than maybe tuna with some cream.

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agreed, Roquefort is good, but desu Camembert > all