My Asian boss

She is 4'9, and mean.

This is how she spells.

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How is this legal? You live in Burgerland or something.

>if not, talk to _______
I don't see a problem. Early warning is a luxury I did not have at my last job.

She just wants to fug your big white cock, senpai. Get her stuffed and she will not make you work so much. Jesus how can you be so blind.

How is that illegal in your country? In burgerland this is nothing. They tell you to work these days, if you don't then that's fine but they can fire you.

You can't fire someone for refusing to work on a saturday in civilized countries.

>employers forbidden by law for firing you for refusing to work certain days

Lol why is Europe on the brink of collapse.

is she hot? i love short asian women, post pics.

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Since when is Europe on the brink of collapse? It's the most stable region on the planet. America is spiraling into destruction and China is about to have its economy collapse.

Europe is doing just fine, don't believe your propaganda machine.
It's called employee protection laws and they work pretty well.

>40 hours week, paid overtime, 30 days paid vacation, up to 6 weeks paid sick leave, maternity protection, 3 months notice, healthcare, company pension etc

This is pretty standard here... and we're sporting an unemployment rate of

Wonder how fast all that shit will disappear if Daddy America stops subsidizing Europe's defense and pharmaceuticals and oil...

Keep working your 60 hour week and sucking your boss's arse while you thank him for unpaid overtime on the weekend americuck, lmao.

Europe is a larger economy than America you know. Europe is subsidizing you, not the other way around. Burgers truly are clueless.

>tfw americans actuaIIy believe this

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How the fuck is Europe subsidizing us?

Have you taken a look at your military dude?

Europeans literally don't believe in a military. It's fascinating. It's the same gun control debate except for nations. "Nobody really needs a military only warmongers haha I'm okay with having three bicycles and a broomstick defending me" There are literal europeans browsing right now that believe this.

US isn't subsidizing anything unless by subsidizing you mean the US troops stationed in Europe. EU countries have low military spending because of the lack of necessity. During the Cold War West Germany had a much bigger military for example (paid by themselves, too)

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>I enjoy being fucked up the ass by the panic-mongering arms industry

Classic mutt.

You really believe all that, don't you?
And people still wonder how a simpleton like trump could fool so many people... kek

Because the only way to defend yourself from a country with the GDP equivalent of Italy is to spend 54% of your own GDP on shit that you won't need unless you are bombing some remote arab shithole

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>US isn't subsidizing anything

It really is fascinating watching your IQs drop in real time. It must be a result of the Muslim invasion. It's funny though. People expect Americans to be dumb. But when an American proves you wrong and makes you look retarded, you, the European who thinks everything is better in Europe and education is ten times better (because it's free of course), it's like some bizarro world shit.

Do you even know how fucked up and poor your military is? You ran out of fucking bombs in Libya.

You people are so fucking stupid man. About anything related to military ,defense, anything. Anything requiring weapons. Probably because you haven't fought an actual war in decades. Some of you, centuries.

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your fellow americans are getting bossed around by femlet chinks and you think that's doing better than evropa?

Lmao, keep paying for more useless army toys amerimutt, I'll take my normal working conditions anyday.

>amerimongrels are incapable to exist without waging pointless wars
>they're actually proud of this

Truly a subhuman nation.

lmao amerimutts are getting cucked by yuros too

that's the job and that's the work

you either do it or get the fuck out

see? immigrants are good for the economy, especially when they reach management positions and implement old world labor control techniques (fuck weekends and fuck 40 hour work weeks thats soft white people shit).

also fuq u white pig, you lift box now ok

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we prefer to build economies that are not dependant on war to thrive

you show a graphic without any relevance because it doesn't show how much of that spending was actually needed to defend your country... trust me if we felt threatened in any way we'd have enough money to buy all the toys we need.

I don't see anything about the US subsidizing anything in your posts or infograph. European military forces aswell as their equipment are payed for by their respective states. Having US military forces stationed there is not subsidizing.

Where is the "subsidizing"?

I honestly can't wait for Russia and China to rape you right down the middle. Communism should have taken over your whole rotten continent.

there was a time when we banned this shit too.

Go to bed amerimutt, need that sleep for your 60 hour week.

Do you not know what subsidized means or something? Do you need me to explain it to you because English isn't your first language?

lmao, confirmed absolutely anally devastated

>I honestly can't wait for Russia and China to rape you right down the middIe. Communism should have taken over your whole rotten continent.

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yes please do, would be super helpful for the discussion apparently


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Assuming this is not fake and gay, I notice how she specifies "no excuses" twice and throws an "everybody has to work" on top of that

I surmise your warehouse is full of niggers, OP. I have worked in a warehouse full of niggers and stoned white trash and in another warehouse full of Vietnamese, Filipino, and other southeast asian workers and the difference is night and day

Feel bad for your boss desu

Geez where's all that hate coming from? Was it that chink dwarf that had you working unpaid on the weekend or was it that mexican alien working 80 hours a week to pay for his mothers medical bills who totally stole your job?

>America has to keep bases in Europe to prevent them from dragging the rest of the world into another war
>every European leader's first call is to the White House when Putin takes a long look at former Soviet Clay
>yuro leaders REEEE when Trump threatens to cut NATO funding and demands they contribute the amount they said they would
>"n-no America isn't subsidizing our defense we don't even need any defense"

>America pays more for pharmaceuticals because innovation and research doesn't pay for itself
>European countries freeload off what Americans pay so they can access the same drugs for cheaper by threatening to flood the market with generics if pharmaceutical companies don't sell them their drugs for cheap
>new drugs/medical treatments would grind to a halt if America took the yurofag approach
>"n-no America isn't subsidizing our medicine"

>America is one of the largest oil-producing countries in the world
>Europe produces little oil
>American oil goes to international market, where American companies/consumers buy it back at inflated prices since we are now buying from the same place oil-starved Europe is shopping
>"n-no America doesn't subsidize our energy"

Yuropean """stability""" only exists because America pays for it. If we stopped doing the above things your continent would descend into chaos and drag the whole world into its conflicts, as you have done time and again in the past. America takes one for the rest of the world by subsidizing your existence because it is cheaper and less damaging in the long run than a devastating war.

Depends what's written in your contract. That's why they exist. Obviously you can't refuse to work on Saturday if you're a waiter or a nurse or whatever. But if you've always had a normal 9 to 5 office job and suddenly they require you to come in on weekends all the time like fucking Office Space that's not gonna fly.
And of course Sundays and public holidays you get paid more no matter what.

If that's true americans are stupid and deserve getting jewed. Thanks for working 60 hours a week to finance my holidays mutt

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Cry me a river, bitch boy. Nobody wants cold war relic American military bases with nigger GIs raping the local women. Libya was an unnecessary war that shouldn't have been fought.

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why are you so mad billy bob? did you run out of moonshine again?

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Apparently nobody told the mutts that the cold war is over.

>Libya was an unnecessary war that shouldn't have been fought
But you yuroniggers love the president who was behind that

No she is not hot.

However it's on the interest of the USA to keep those based for geopolitical and logistical reasons(vicinity to middle east, Russia, refuelling stops, equipment depots etc etc)

It's funny how Trumpmutts think they only serve to protect Europe, the US can fuck off any time they want but in reality things will stay like they are because the US presence in Europe is useful to the USA.

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man you'll need a lot of citations for that lol
I live next to an US army base and guess what... it's empty. Where I live the only place still live is the NSA listening post which we allow you to use.

I have also consulted for a european pharma company which is doing pretty good with their sales in europe because the healtcare companies cover most of it. (Have seen the actual numbers while working on sales and marketing data).

Again we're doing just fine without you... I know that you wont believe me because you're told otherwise and because it feeds into your massive ego but it's the truth.

We're doing fine without you.

While you hated him so much you only voted for him twice?

It's all fat women and one nigger.

I wanna blow my fucking brains out.

She must have trouble reaching the keyboard

This is exactly it. im a fucking racist now because of this lifestyle.


>She is 4'9, and mean.
Yeah but is she cute?

No she is butt ugly and has a few even shorter chink kids i will have to die in battle with when they take the US the fuck over, all shitskins I mean.

>i will have to die in battle with when they take the US the fuck over, all shitskins I mean.
yeehaw, stick it to em commie shitskins cletus

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Lol fucking yankees

Work harder muttu piggu

>But you yuroniggers love the president who was behind that

the fuck, everyone hates this guy

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