What was Jow Forums like before 2010?

Some people seem to think that this website has decreased in quality over the years, especially after the 2016 election. What was this place like pre 2010? What do u think caused the decline in quality?

Newfag asking.

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Legends of oldfags. Some say it never happened.

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What's your opinion? Was it better or the same as always?

cheesy memes
less of an obsessive hatred of normalfags and more autists just doing their own thing

go to >>>yuki.la

I assume /b/ was the source of all these things or am I wrong?

/b/ had more than just porn on it. There was more OC, there was the occasional raid, and I personally think the rate at which high quality content was posted was higher. The site was also less right wing, for sure. People moved to other sites and the 2016 election happened, also ponies happened, that caused an Exodus of oc producers (bronies produced a lot of oc)


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Op here. If anyone's curious, this is a pic of a glitch on Fallout NV. Happened out of nowhere while was the RepCon test site.

a lot of things ruined Jow Forums over the years. the most recent is probably the 2016 elections, specifically when reddit banned that r/the_donald subreddit so all the newfags flocked to Jow Forums, and tried to "colonize" other boards. theres a reason people complain about a Jow Forums boogeyman. most people on this site are some sort of right wing, but most people that aren't from Jow Forums also don't wanna talk about politics all the fucking time

What caused /b/ to be flooded with pornography. Also what was Jow Forums like? Why do KHHV consider this board their home?

r9k initially had a lot of OC because the robot forced it.
But then it slowly degraded into a beta echo chamber.

It spikes in times of upheaval in politics or social movements. Somebody figured out how to beat the system by just spamming porn until it was self feeding. Watch it will die down after U.S. midterm elections but spike right after the next police clash

Chan was objectively better a decade ago. That's not to say it hasn't always been shit, because it has always been shit. It's just that past the past shit was less normalfag than today's shit.
The worst change was /b/ turning into a porn dump for cucks and kids
>also the huge increase of white knights and moralfags

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Was banning of the incel subreddit the cause of Jow Forums's current state. Maybe virgins were common but I assume the misogyny was just a joke originally.

All I can say is it hasn't changed a bit subject wise since 2010. Post quality has gone down.

In what regard, user?

/b/ has always had lots of porn on it. I would even go so far as to say the rate at which porn is posted hasn't changed much at all. The thing is, everything else is gone, so all you see is the porn. New boards were created, so a lot of people making content moved to there, bronies were given their own board, so they left, moot left Jow Forums, some people left with them, pol got popular, so some people went there. Really, it was a perfect storm of events that caused the decline of /b/. I was mostly a /b/ poster, so I don't really remember much about r9k

I'm a newfag from 2011 myself, so I can't say what pre-2010 Jow Forums was like, but I do feel like things have changed even since the times I first got here. I remember political stuff being way less of a big deal, like people just didn't talk about politics anywhere near as much as they do now, and people were way less "SERIOUS BUSINESS" back then. I feel like 2014 was the point where "current Jow Forums culture" started, with GamerGate making politics more of a big deal, Rare Pepe making sadfrog.jpg way more popular, etc.

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So it was a lot more edgy backed then, not in a bad way but funny/joking way?

no, you fucking faggot. Jow Forums has almost always hated women, and since Jow Forums 2, this has been the incel board. fuck off you roastie whore. Jow Forums has been autist territory for 10 years

Oh, I should also mention Reddit. I'm willing to bet a lot of Jow Forums people moved over to Reddit over the years.

R9k used to be a lot slower. There were a lot more greentext stories and they were longer than /b/'s greentext stories.

R9K worked more like a "General discussion" section of any forum. It was stuff like tard stories, childhood trauma stories, basically those good greentext threads you sometimes see here from time to time? and entire page of that. It didn't used to be full of losers though that did start to rise around 2010 or 2011, when the first robot died. Which is when the term "robots" came about.

Before that we were Arcanines or Gentlemen.

Legit why do you newfags push that this was a way different place? Jow Forums was made because politics were already all over the website (and yes they were right wing). You could say the nazis were more humorous back then, but that doesn't mean they weren't really nazis. And women hating also was not a joke, it was even more serious actually (tits or gtfo)

Its crazy when you think back to how the 2012 Elections were and compare that to the 2016 elections.

People were pretending to be right wing, like, maybe 1% of people claiming to be pro Nazi were actual Nazis. There are actual Nazis now. I would know, I was one of them.

There were less people, that's the core of it. Most people didn't know about Jow Forums, or they knew about it vaguely as some weird place where you might find things you didn't want to see.
It wasn't commercialized at all, it wasn't on the radar of any major corporations or governments, it wasn't a meme of itself.

Jow Forums started to leak out into the rest of internet culture, or maybe people just realized that had been happening the whole time, and more people started coming here looking for stuff to bring back to where they came fromr.
r9k stayed pretty underground until 2015, then I think tourists that came here started saying "these people aren't serious, are they?" then the whole board became one big meme, and people came here just to meme.
Then the election and the year/two leading up to it. pretty much killed Jow Forums and r9k, we got russian agents and CIA agents and shit running around, SJWs from tumblr spreading disinformation and brainwashing shit (yes they do this and it works on you faggots you're being played), advertisers pushing their bullshit, corporations trying to influence and control peoples' opinions.
Everything's so fucking serious now, it used to be all one big joke.

some of these problems just happened because so many more people started using the internet in the early/mid 2010s, smartphones got really cheap and so then the internet in general started getting so much more popular.
there's nothing we can do about it and nowhere we can go to escape it. everything's ruined, there's nothing true or real or genuine or sincere left anywhere on the internet.

First of all, I'm a dude. Second, I don't really care about the misogyny or racism. I just want to know the past compared to present.

I know, all I remember from the 2012 election are those "Doom Paul" meme pics, while the 2016 election was a nuclear shitshow.

Jow Forums peaked with Shoveldog

You sound like a free election in an african country. I distinctly remember it all being anti Obama. When the there started to be huge fights about it is when Jow Forums was made, so ironically it was kind of to contain the lefties.

I'm not saying it was one or the other. I see post from oldfags saying this place was less political and more humorous.

The OC filter would be cooler for images instead of text. Probably too much data to store, tho.

I'd say the big decline dates were probably:

>2007 - Project Chanology, raids against Scientology, 'anonymous' is all over the news. Big popularity boost mostly to /b/ for people to find the next big raid and the next big "win" (Anyone remember all the raids?)
>2010 - At this point the internet is more widespread and mainstream. Popularity of Reddit and Digg and 9gag at the time causes people to trickled down to Jow Forums after seeing a bunch of OC on there.
>2016 - Election causes a big boost of popularity in Jow Forums sadly they don't stick to their containment board.

2016 on Jow Forums was SO shit. Its gotten slightly better now the election is over but holy shit I was fucking sick of clicking every board and seeing the same Democrat vs Republican argument OVER and OVER going in circles.

>Popularity of Reddit and Digg and 9gag at the time causes people to trickled down to Jow Forums after seeing a bunch of OC on there.

I spent a lot of time on /v/ in the early 2010's, and I remember how that board used to freak out about Reddit using rage face memes and stuff, to the point where /v/ made "ironic Reddit meme" pics like this one.

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Ah, yes, moot created Jow Forums as a containment board for lefties. Moot, who is left wing. I'm pretty sure it was made because there was enough political threads on /b/ to justify having a board for it, much like /soc/ was made to move rate me threads off /b/.

at some point I think it's just bots and agents playing off each other, to everybody else's disadvantage.
I used to come to Jow Forums a lot but I just couldn't stomach all that and since 2014 or something I started coming here less and less.
why does everything have to get worse? They couldn't just let us have Jow Forums, they had to take this away too? why?

All I remember from the 2008 elections is Ron Paul /b/ and Sarah Palin getting doxxed. I remember nothing from 2012 except people expecting Obama to win.

I wasn't on Jow Forums in 2008, and I live in the UK, so I didn't see much about that one at all. I do remember the 2012 election being much more "quiet" compared to the 2016 election, in terms of how much people on Jow Forums went on about it.

I think this is what I was looking for. A timeline of events.

Moot being left wing should be irrelevant, he wouldn't have forced his politics.

Yeah, a lot of the rage comics and stuff got popular on reddit during reddit's hole "LE REDDIT" phase. So Jow Forums kinda turned on those comics.

Though people still came from reddit hoping to be the creator of the next big epic meme since the source of a bunch of memes at the time was Jow Forums.

These days I don't see much stuff stolen from Jow Forums on Reddit except for /tg/ greentext stories.

He didn't. I'm saying Jow Forums wasn't created as a containment board for left leaning people, it was created because there was enough demand for it. Also very early Jow Forums was pretty fun. It was pretty much ironic political shitposting.

>These days I don't see much stuff stolen from Jow Forums on Reddit except for /tg/ greentext stories.

I think that there's less stuff to steal from here. Most stuff I see on Jow Forums these days is just Wojak and Pepe edits, while I remember this site having more stuff in the past.

Not that guy but I feel that it wasnt just Jow Forums it was the internet in general, you could get away with making edgy jokes or posting certain kinds of pictures that didnt guarantee replies from pissed off people

Not just on Jow Forums but in general really. It was a much more quiet thing. Back then you could be like "So who are you voting for in this election?"
"I'm voting this person"
"Okay, cool."

These days if you're not voting for the person they support they snap your head off. In fact some people will just straight up end their friendship with you. Times have changed a lot.

A benefit of the current political climate is that everyone is more politically active nowadays and seem to participate more. The votes for this season are already double the votes for 2014's. More people are voting than ever, more people are passionate and aware of politics and more people care.

However the massive drawback is there's more division than ever. You can have the exact same interests as someone but if they learn you're on "the other side" you're fucked, I'm sure you've seen it they just completely change their attitude towards you.

Fair point I just hate the rewriting of history for the sake of the left that goes on

I never understand anonymous's purpose. What are their goals and principles?

Normies poison everything.

I think this pretty much describes why /b/ is just porn now. All the other threads ended up becoming so popular they deserved a board. They became /mlp/, /soc/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums and so on.

lt was for the lulz

Well, the reason you support one candidate over another speaks volumes about your character. Especially if you're american. I would find it quite jarring to find out someone I thought i knew pretty well was against healthcare, education and business regulations.

At the time it was just that it was funny. It was funny to watch Scientology who were known to stalk critics and harass them and get all up in their shit, completely sperg out as their next big target was just a bunch of bored teenagers who they couldn't track. A lot of Scientology's scary mystique died around then as they fell for basic internet trolling techniques. It was funny watching them trying to track down the "leader of anonymous" and they'd put these huge slander articles up with "disgusting facts" about these anonymous members and all of them were just fake people with punny names.

Then people started taking it seriously.

I'm politically neutral, but I have seen how both sides lash out at each other these days. To be honest, I do think that the Internet was more fun before political fighting became a big thing.

Yeah but shitting all over them isn't gonna get them to change their political views outta nowhere. There's good shit to everyone, I just don't see the point of breaking long friendships over it.

I think we've all had that moment where we're in a really good thread and we're enjoying it and it suddenly gets derailed by a political post, usually obvious bait and you just sigh in disappointment as you just refresh and see that the thread's over, everyones bickering about politics now.

regardless of what other anons say, it has certainly declined considerably in recent years as the election brought in a lot of edgy beta teens who aren't autistic but have totally no concept of self awareness. cringy, maga drumpf kids basically who came here as it was on the news, portrayed as an edgy, alternative rebellion toward the mainstream which simultaneously supported trump(though it was only really Jow Forums and all other boards were caught in the crossfire as edgy le drumpf maga teens though "uh yeah I'm depressed so I should post on r9k too!").

so yeah I rarely post and now it's in 2 select regular threads.

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I agree. I try to approach political discussion with as much tact as possible and certainly wouldn't end a long time friendship, or let political differences tear a rift between me and a family member or anything. I just understand why particularly passionate people might do that though.

I watched a documentary about this on Netflix. Wasn't there a guy who did get tracked down and was legally prohibited from using a computer?

Jow Forums before it was deleted was so much better.

There was never any trap or sodomite threads.
Most people were either young teenagers or 20 somethings. Nobody was an incel or Chad. Just failed normies who could still get laid. The idea of Jow Forums was to be a gentleman's version of /b/.

The problem is that people started to post a lot of misogyny stuff & proto-red pill stuff. This triggered a lot of people, and it started to attract the incels and losers. They took over, and as the wages of sin is death. They started to cut off their dicks.

Fuck, I remember when Jow Forums was deleted and we all went to Jow Forums and shat it up with misogyny.

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That happens a lot to me, mainly because I still have a bad habit of still spending too much time on /v/.

>Original content at least 60% of the time.
>Questionable porn.
>Outright CP.
>YLYL threads actually made you lose multiple times.
>Mods would ban people publically for funny shit.
>Mods banned for less absurd reasons.

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There were no traps on Jow Forums

Also, before I forget. A major FUCK YOU to any oldfags still left who used to scream "rules 1 & 2 only apply during raids" or mocked people for "muh sekrik club".

You faggots are directly responsible for the spiritual death of this website. Go burn in hell faggot from 2010 who I told not spam Jow Forums to normies.

Bahahahaha! That's a good one.

Yep. Jow Forums was straight and heteronormative until the incels & Trumptards came and ruined it.

I'm an incel who literally left in 2012 hoping I wouldn't end up like the typical 4channer dude

Back in the old days, the mods would actually ban you for really bad shitposting. Now, they give no shits.

I know people who weren't even interested in politics that claimed supported or hated Trump. I bet those same people can't name a single things he has done since taking office.

It was an inevitability that Jow Forums was going to get popular. Jow Forums was even on fox news. It wasn't going to remain a secret club for cool kids forever.

i mostly spent that time on /tv/. all i remember was a lot of glau posting and abatap

If people weren't autistic and didn't advertise this website, and if mootfaggot never created /new/ and Jow Forums. This website wouldn't be the AIDS of the internet it is currently.

There wouldn't be incels, normies, or Boomer Trumptards.

maybe incels are a societal issue not related to Jow Forums

>Fuck, I remember when Jow Forums was deleted and we all went to Jow Forums and shat it up with misogyny.

Wasn't Jow Forums's deletion also the reason why /v/ got flooded with "tfw no gf" threads?

Yeah you always saw bans for shitty posts.

Was it anonymous's trolling and the Trump v Hillary stuff that caused the supposed downfall?

No, you fucking faggot. That's where you wrong.
Before incels, there was the love-shys. We would troll them to death.

Nobody liked your ilk ever.

Honestly no board had a bigger downfall than /x/. Legit went from one of the best boards with amazing content to just RP threads and shitposting. I'd spend hours on there reading creepypastas, watching horror movies on synchtube, investigating ARGs, looking at weird ass websites, trying to solve unexplained mysteries, reading spooky doujins and so on.

It was the creation of /new/ and Jow Forums that killed this website. Introducing politics to this website was the gateway of normies onto here. Much worse than Chanology. Ron Paul and Trump was the downfall.

White nationalists flocked here because the mods couldn't contain them. Stormfront would organize raids, and then Shit Reddit Says and Something-Awful tried to counter-act it but they failed miserably but brought a few more SJW-tier normies into the websites.

You have to remember that this website was peaking in the mid-2000s. If you remember anything about the internet back then, it was edgy liberal shit. Not SJW liberalism, but basically white man's liberalism. Nobody liked conservatives due to Bush's Iraq War and we hated the Christian right for their censorship battles over video games and pornography.

loveshys became disproportionately male over the last few years and I don't know what you're talking about with the trolling, neckbeards were the beating heart of this place.

There were organized raids against love-shys if you were ever an /i/nsurgent. Even the virgin cunts here saw them as the whiny faggots that they are.

Normalfag as in normal people. A decade ago normal people didn't really bother with Jow Forums because normal people weren't really living online like they do now. Back then it was a population that was more of the nerdy social misfit who found a good place to be edgy for the sake of lulz.
Also females were damn near unheard of outside of the occasional attention whore. I'm sure there were more than a few but they didn't "I'm a girl btw" because "tits or gtfo" still meant something

What caused the popularity of creepypastas. How did this cringy Jeff the killer/OC stuff come about?

If you say so, this was never a normie site and certainly not female friendly.

Tumblr raids also brought some SJWs here too.

>implying I ever implied that

It was full of nerds, but it didn't mean they were incel faggots. Yeah people weren't getting their dick wet every night, but they could actually pull it off without hookers or rape.

Reddit taking the creepypastas. The Grifter was the beginning of the end IMO because it kind of went internet mainstream and people thought it was legit, coming to /x/ to seek it out to see what it is, when all it was, was a satire of that kind of stuff.

Ironic in a way that it became the thing it parodied.

Yeah now you're just bullshitting. They were not successful with women on Jow Forums lmao.

god you fucking incel niggers need go back to watching your cuckold porn

Do you actually believe virgins were a plague that came to the internet not the other way around?

Jow Forums wants to be women cause we like em so much. Get lost incelnigger.
>create containment board for stormniggers
>omg guise look how right wing this site is XD

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Itt women try to appropriate the internet from nerds because they like it now

imagine being so autistic that you think there's nothing in between a chad normie and an incel

Is rumor about women being attracted to killers and criminals true? Because I would assume the fan base of those creepypastas is mostly made up of teen girls and some edgy dudes.

Where did that come from? The internet has traditionally been a loser haven, the vast majority of people considered it to be nerdy virgins before it became cool with social media.

Speaking of this. Aren't there more categories than just alpha and beta male? Isn't there delta, omega, etc?

Literally this. My friend who introduced me to Jow Forums around 2010 uses reddit now, because they actually discuss things instead of shitposting.

Is this the sign a thread is about to die?


Can't remember properly, so I conclude it wasn't that great if there was nothing memorable.