
So im an overweight hikki and i intend to starve myself till im skinny again. Im 60lbs overweight and i heard if you mix salt with water you negate all the negatives of not eating. if i start tomorrow i can lose a lot before christmas when i have to go see my parents would anyone advise against this? or should i go straight for it and see what happens?

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you need to eat. Eat rice and beans, and drink apple cider vinegar with a lot of water and cranberry juice. The apple cider vinegar burns fat, and the rice and beans is so that you dont get a serious stomach ache from the vinegar. Eat a lot of leafy green vegetables and apples too. You dont need to starve for more than three days. also do some light exercise.

try smoking when you feel hungry too. It kills your appetite.

don't mix salt with water you sperg you'll die of dehydration. if you want to starve yourself just don't eat. i done it before and it worked great but i put on weight again so i plan on starving myself again soon until you can see my cheekbones and ribcage

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this is false bodyfat is food after 3 days of no carb your body doesnt use glycogen as fuel anymore it uses bodyfat.
but the guys at /fast/ told me to drink snake juice which is basically highly diluted salt water just to keep electrolytes up so you avoid headaches. My plan is to not eat for like 3 weeks take a weekend break then not eat for another month.

thats why I said theres no need to starve past 4 days.

OP with that plan you're body will shut down lol. /fast/ is for people that are accustomed to taking breaks from eating. You cant just go into it without knowing how your body will respond to it.

your body needs not just salt, but potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. Dont take my advice though, ive never fasted before in my life. Ive got like 3 gastrointestinal disorders and im very knowledgeable about fasting.


>snake juice which is basically highly diluted salt water
Never heard of it before but i've never browsed /fast/ before. Sounds memey, not eating doesn't give me headaches it just makes me a little lightheaded but if you find headaches to be an issue then you might as well give it a try. Just make sure you don't dehydrate yourself or fuck up your kidneys which can be an issue with starving yourself anyway

ive fasted a few times before and if i dont go over 2-3 weeks i shouldnt feel negatives. Any longer and i might shut down but like the second i feel shitty which isnt just hunger id stop anyway and take a break
Should look up the boy cole robinson ill link his channel he recommends fasting even to skinny people for its healing benefits and "fasting focused lifestyle"

Eat veggies and fruit only. Whole milk is good against hunger as well and doesn't really contain that much fat. Just this will make you lose weight

this would take too long

ive been starving myself on and off for a little while, first 20 hours is a bit hard but it goes away after that. around 30 hours I don't feel hungry or thirsty anymore, not even tired. 40+ hours still not hungry but too thirsty to not drink anything and have already lost a little weight. after 2 or 3 full days I'd eat something though and then repeat. stopping early (around 24 hours or so) seems to be a bad idea, makes me extremely hungry even after I eat.
pros so far
>lost weight
>don't crave sugar, caffeine, or food anymore,
>sleeping has been much easier
>motivated to keep going due to weight loss.
cons so far
>sometimes have an urge to vomit or have bad diarrhea
>not exactly weak or tired but don't have the same energy I had before (most likely caused by lack of sugar)

Just do OMAD.. it's easy and you eat everyday at deficit (since it's one meal you don't feel like you are in deficit) also you can eat anything you want during taht meal.. you can literally only eat big macs for a month and lose weight

why are you using BiologicalPsychologist's pfp

That hunger feeling is not a healthy one, it's no different than craving a drug. To combat it is to know that and to replace it with just drinking water. Look up "intermittent fasting", you eat one meal a day, make sure it's an easy digestible and healthy, make sure it tastes sort of plain, you want to retrain your tastebuds. Also consider drinking green tea too, it's good for weight mangement and healthy. Make sure to to cut out any processed drinks. People consume unhealthy amounts of sugar everyday which damages them mentally and teaches them bad eating habits which again, is a big factor to being overweight.

This is a more clever way than completely starving yourself, as you'll most likely slip up and binge eat and feel terrible again. Remember to always be realistic and never hate on yourself. Exercise too.

Does starving really help you lose weight quick and fast?

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Im not trying to starve myself but all the antidepressants ive been on completley killed my appetite. That or I have a tapeworm or something. Either way I have some avacado or bell peppers and chicken pretty much every day with tea. Im never hungry so I might as well eat as healthy as possible whenever I do.

it's pretty hard to do man. you're already overweight so you obviously lack will power. I've been trying to do a 30 hour fast for the past two months and just completed it successfully

Look up a keto, or fasting diet.

Okay, so a couple things. Salt + water won't negate all the negatives of not eating. It'll keep you well hydrated, if you don't put too much salt in it. The dangers of starvation are a lack of vitamins and macronutrients required for basic body function. You won't get any of those from just salt and water. If you fast for long periods, you need to take vitamin supplements. You will still feel like shit, regardless. I've never fasted before, but that's the basics of body health. You should Google more, about the daily requirements of your body from food.

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drink oil to satiate yourself and you will lose weight. you might vomit a bit until your stomach gets used to it. if you can afford it consume JUST meat, water, and oil to stay in ketosis.
>Eat rice and beans
no faggot. avoid carbs if you're overweight.

I too have also thought of starving myself, though, i'm not overweight, rather, i'm underweight.
I feel like once the weakness sets in i'll be set on the path of my death and manage an hero.

you can't fucking starve if you are fat


Just go to the Jow Forums fast threads.

Also, fasing without a semi active lifestyle will make you gain weight really fast after stopping fasting.

youtube snake diet.

A teaspoon of pink salt/celtic salt and a teaspoon
of potasium chloride, in 1 liter of water. do not exceed 2 teaspoons of potassium in a day.

you can't starve if you are fat, fatass!

exactly! im ordering snake juice supplies now!

Believe it or not metabolism slowdowns are not a meme, dont undereat cause it will fuck you up and make you tired and eventually even fatter. Just drop most carbs and eat good fats, not too much protein tho and do some fucking exercise.

I'm going to starve pretty soon, I need to be attractive for someone I'm crushing on and I don't deserve food. At the moment I'm only eating one small meal a day, but even then weight still goes up somehow. Replaced the scales and still same issue. So need to go totally cold turkey and see what happens. I get headaches when I starve though

Fasting down is the easy part, but how the fuck do you eliminate the feel that tells you to eat constantly? I've been down to an underweight BMI, and even after that I STILL always felt hungry and never had any form of feeling full, except in the physical sense of course. I'd rather off myself than be in some food verboten fasting limbo for the rest of my life. Is there nothing that gives that feeling of peace with everything that eating too much food gives, only without fucking your body up?

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Please someone tell me how to curb the headaches?


Ass an addition to that:
If you overeat protein while doing nocarb/lowcarb, your body will eat your muscles too.


>i heard if you mix salt with water you negate all the negatives of not eating
Okay well obviously that's wrong. For starters, you need both sodium and potassium to keep your neurons firing, and salt is only sodium. You can get "No Salt" salt substitute which is potassium based, so you'd at least get it that way, though I think it tastes pretty garbo. There are lots of other vitamins and nutrients you need in order to stave off illnesses like scurvy or pellagra, though, so at the very least you'll need a multi-vitamin.

>how the fuck do you eliminate the feel that tells you to eat constantly?
Smoke a pack per day, something something insuline release something be careful cuz it can truly fuck you up for real something diabetes.

When Im at my wagecuck job and cant afford to take long breaks or dont want to spend on food I just chainsmoke and drink water.

You can do it i did, fasted from about 200lbs to about 150lbs. You might want some vitamins though.


t. 6' 120 lbs

so i should get a multi vitamin ?

The problem is that you associate the feeling of being full (or too full, clearly) with comfort or security. That's a psychological problem and I don't think there's a physiological solution to it; if we had an answer to it we'd probably have solved like 90% of addiction cases.


You're gonna have to get your nutrients somewhere unless you want to get deathly ill.
You have to keep your immune system up, so yeah.

yeah im fasting too, op

im fat too and im on the first day of my fast today. i did like 2 full days of fasting a week ago. i originally thought i was going to do 40, but i nearly died when i woke up on the third day, so i ate

i use vaping as a hunger suppressant, it really helps for that, and its a great antidepressant

Might as well ask because Jow Forums are dicks. Does anyone know of easy to make, cheap and highly "efficient" as in contains as much vitamins and nutrients as possible recipes? For example I heard bone marrow broth contains a shitload of vitamins, the kind that many have deficiencies of.

Im a poorfag wagekek.


this, I've tried this for a month with multivitamins and lost 25 pounds in a month

Thread is full of retarded advice.

The best way to lose weight is to get a job and control your calorie intake. If you don't expend extra energy, you're not going to lose anything.

Went from ~240lbs to ~160lbs in about a year and a half with a job that keeps me busy and limits what times I can eat. Keep your metabolism up with small bouts of exercise and drink coffee. Eat one out of three meals that have little calorie value like vegetable soup etc.

Controlled weight loss will allow you to get used to your new body and retain muscle. You'll automatically become weaker because it takes a lot less muscle to move a light body and it's muscles that take the most energy out of all your organs. Starvation mode will just turn you into a skelly with loose skin flaps.

t. Ronald McDonald

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This probably isn't helpful since you probably don't smoke weed, but I ran out three days ago and literally haven't eaten since. Zero appetite at all. Using it as an opportunity to cut some pounds.

Run for an hour everyday

you're a dumb fat fuck and you will end up stuffing your face by the second day, you're making this post, saying that you will starve yourself so you can feel like a tragic hero. hang yourself now.

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I wish i was skelly