/r9straight/ #5

Katya edition

last thread

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I was never into that one. Only the interesting e-whores are ever delet.

Katya is not an e-whore. She isn't any kind of whore.

I don't do any of these and I am still depressed and no gf

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>attractive girl
>knows it or would not post self online
>not a whore
Oh user.

>starting our thread with an orbiting post
Yeah go ahead and shoot yourself

Katya is the goddess that will save the straight men of Jow Forums.

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Then what do you do? Orig

I nofap I never touched drugs, I eat healthy, I post on Jow Forums, I night walk, liver condition so never drink, I don't play vidya, I read literature and watch romance anime between shitposts.

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Do you enjoy doing these things? Personally, what got me out of my slump was cooking. I enjoy everything about it, from learning new recipes to trying out new dishes to finally eating meals I made myself. If you do enjoy Literature and all that then talk about it with someone. I know normiebook is shit but there's hundreds of book groups there, try one out.

>Do you enjoy doing these things? Personally, what got me out of my slump was cooking. I enjoy everything about it, from learning new recipes to trying out new dishes to finally eating meals I made myself. If you do enjoy Literature and all that then talk about it with someone. I know normiebook is shit but there's hundreds of book groups there, try one out.
I only read Japanese media. I've tried cooking, and It's nice. Still no gf though.

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Really gets my noggin joggin desu senpai

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So what exactly goes on in these threads?

What goes on in your life, user?

Stop talking about my wife you filthy pieces of shit. Bunch of degenerate incels like you deserve to die, is it because of you we can't have nice girls come over here. Cunts.

orbiters are 100% worse than fags

What things did you do to get a gf?

If I knew what to do to have a gf, I'd be doing it.

I'm a hikikomori NEET. Every single day is the same.

>xnxx is more popular than twitter
Fuckin really??? I thought xnxx is at least somewhat obscure

Same desu. I've been trying to get outside more so something will change.

Go for walks, went to the store with my brother earlier, etc.

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Sadly she fucks gooks

Nice girls are nice.
Maybe i'm a cyborg or failed normal fag but, at least i'm not brainwashed into being gay.

Fucking kill yourselves. Its because of spineless faggots like you that women have so much power in todays society. End your life you s o i b o y beta cucks

>You can't like any women or admire them in any way!

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She is Eurasian. All is fair outside of shitskins.

I've been a hikikomori since I was about 13 or so. 20 now. And even in those years I was outside I never socialized. The outside world might as well as be a different planet for me, and my fellow humans, a different species. I accept this. I don't really want to socialize or anything, it seems unrealistic anyway. like wanting to be the president or wanting to be a billionaire. It just isn't going to happen.

Not what I said or even implied, good job putting words in my mouth. Liking a women and spending every waking moment idealizing a female and giving her money when she's off fucking some hot dude and couldn't give less of a shit about your existence is pure cuckery. Do this whole board a favor and kill yourself because you're a fucking waste of space. You're probably the type of low IQ retard to support feminism and think females need to be put in positions of power more.

Choke on a dick faggot. Women deserve respect like every other human. Die alone and forgotten by everyone, you fucking trash.

>I've been a hikikomori since I was about 13 or so. 20 now
Same except I'm a bit older. I was home schooled K-12 so I just spent all my time playing Runescape, watching anime, and shitposting on Jow Forums.
>The outside world might as well as be a different planet for me, and my fellow humans, a different species. I accept this. I don't really want to socialize or anything, it seems unrealistic anyway. like wanting to be the president or wanting to be a billionaire. It just isn't going to happen.
It's not going to happen unless we make it happen. I'll force myself to go outside, look people in the eye, smile and hope for the best.

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Women barely qualify as human

>spending every waking moment idealizing a female and giving her money
Who does that? Where did you get this information?
>You're probably the type of low IQ retard to support feminism and think females need to be put in positions of power more.
I'm a feminist in the true sense of the word. I want women in the highest position of power: raising children.

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This general was good for 4 threads but now literal redditors seem to have invaded it

Stop posting my wife pictures, incel.

>It's not going to happen unless we make it happen.
I honestly don't know if I want to make it happen though. Like, what is there to do? I genuinely do not know. Like supposse I make a "friend", what then? I've never had one, I've spent my entire life without any, I just don't know I would enjoy it at this, or really any point. I hope you succeed though, if that's what you want.

My motivation is love. Virtuous friendship sounds wonderful and I hope I find it, but my primary driver is love.

I believe love is the reason the Gods have breathed life into the world.

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honest questions robots, what numerical rating do you give Katya out of 10? Some user on this board said she was a 4/10. Im not sure if I was being trolled though....

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She's a solid 7/10 physically speaking

>love and friendship
Yeah, those do sound nice. But do they exist? I like anime and manga, and I do enjoy those nice stories of friendship and love, but I doubt they exist in real life. I feel like pursuing it would only lead to exhaustion, disappointment and dissatisfaction. Who knows. Good luck though, mate.

If they aren't real, then I just have to come back to enjoying fiction.

i agree i think the user was just busting my balls

9/10 my wife is perfect and her personality is lovable

It's possible her personality could bring her down to a 4/10. I kinda doubt it though.

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eh I was strictly speaking physical

/fa/ keeps telling me to cut my hair. What style should I cut it into? It's pretty straight and reaches to about my nipples all around.

Here come the faggots trying to (literally) stir shit

you guys are absolutely


Miru is superior in regards to looks, objectively speaking. Personality is up for debate.

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Not even close, that ukranian bitch has nothing attractive in her. Katya is 200% better

I didn't say it wasn't a close decision. Regardless, I believe Miru has the edge. That's not saying much, though, as I can't pretend like I wouldn't do anything for either.

>beta orbiting
you aren't straight. you're an incel/cuckold or whatever. straight guys don't all beta orbiter random women online. instead of spending money and time on a random bitch who you're never going to do anything with heterosexual men spend time with women they'll a relationship with

Do you woo her by buying her steam games?

Do you have her steam? I would like to have it

Get your dick out of your boyfriends ass and stop stirring shit, faggot

>jerking off into tissue
>being a paypig to random women
>spending all your time stalking a chick that won't ever touch you
you are not straight. just because you're not having sex with guys doesn't mean you aren't a sexual pervert that's abnormal. straight men aren't just "attracted" while jerking off constantly they actually go have relationships

this is a warning for you retard. go be straight and find actual women not jerking off and beta orbiting. your hand can't get pregnant

The starter pack should include Jow Forums, that's why you are depressed.

these things dont cause depression they are caused by depression

Jow Forums has been a part of my life since my formative years. Everything good and beautiful in the world I have learned of through Jow Forums.

Jow Forums is the only place I can talk to people.

> Morrowind journal
> know where to go
> Morrowind
> xp
Looks like someone never played Morrowind.

The journal in Morrowind was perfectly descriptive of where to go and what to do. I mean real life xp, not Morrowind.

>Jow Forums is the only place I can talk to people.
If you believe these niggers are people then read the shit faggots like this dude
write in this site.

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Do you think the average normalfag has anything better to say?

And thats why you are mentally ill. 99% of shit you read on this site is bullshit. Just because something isnt mainstream doesnt mean its correct.

>99% of shit you read on this site is bullshit.
Give me 5 examples, libtard.

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You're literally brainwashed by this site. The word "normalfag" is like a hypnotic device that the mentally ill freaks on this site dangle in front of you and you lose any sense of rationality or clear thinking as a result of it.

Read this exploringyourmind.com/identification-with-the-aggressor/

It was written by a senile dyslexic with topographical cretinism.
> inb4 quest mark baby
Other games of that age, like Gothic, described destination perfectly. It was Morrowind that had vague descriptions.

I never had a problem following the journal, maybe it just takes a higher IQ than average.

Not that guy but I independently came up with a similar concept of normal people, broken people (robots), and "chads" before I even knew what Jow Forums was. All this place did was corroborate my already accepted hypothesis.

>was about to leave this cesspoll of a board
>sees r9kstraight
>faith strengthen
I feel anew

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>all women are evil
Clearly they're not. Just because someone doesnt want to give you free stuff(pussy) doesnt mean they're evil.
>all normalfags hate you
Mosr of them just dont care about you. Funny enough bullies and people who actually hate you are always people whl use this site.
>traps are not gay
Putting socks on a man doesnt make him a woman

Three for you there, fuck the other two

Lol dude everyone "came up" with that "hypothesis". Its literally normal people, nerds and jocks. Its the oldest category of people known to man.

What you're doing now is saying "well you know flat earthers believe the grass is green, and i also came up with the hypothesis that grass is green, so we must now automatically agree on everything even issues that are completely unrelated"

You just btfo'd yourself. Thank you.

how goes it r9str8t lads?

>blown the fuck outed
>no argument
No wonder you were so easily brainwashed by this site, you're clearly very low iq.

Read that article i linked you

self inserting my self in the 2D as I lord over the low level creatures

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It shows up in google results a lot. If you're the type of normie who just googles your porn, you'll end up there fairly regularly.

Jesus, I haven't seen her face in years. God, her visage makes me feel something that other faces just don't.

>me feel something
disgust or envy?

>Black dick
Sorry sir this is /r9straight/ you want /r9gay/

Talk to girls you fucking autist

>narcissistic roastie e-whore/10

Do you really think girls would give an autistic sperg like you any time of day? Just give up and start dating boys, butthurt straight losers.

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you absolute idiots, just revive waifu generals

>Do you really think girls would give an autistic sperg like you any time of day? Just give up and start dating boys, butthurt straight losers.

d-does any guy want to talk? i'm female but please don't be weird, i just want a conversation

Idgaf WhatTheKweh#2960

As a big homo I hope these threads stay free of homoposting. You guys need happiness too.

Women have the coochie you faggot, have fun getting HIV

To be honest I was always okay when drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco, it was actually when I had a great group of friends and socialised every night almost. Videogames used to be a pretty social thing to me too.

nice projection

I don't trust your post at all...

My suspicions have been proven correct..

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