Why lift this heavy?
Why lift this heavy?
i really like him, hope he doesnt die of stroke or something within the next years because of all those roids, his 440 lbs OHP at 275 is one of the most impressives feats of strenght ever, he also has a kind of sad life history background that makes me like him even more
i wonder how strong he wouldveen if he was 100% natty
Disgustingly strong I imagine, would've dominated IPF probably
hes a crazy genetic freak, by the way wouldny he do better doing to football/UFC/Boxing ?
i think he already reached his absolute limit and any kind of strenght gain right now is not worth his life, he is already on his prime
Lol oh you sweet soul
just to suffer
Watched him try to do box jumps with Bradley Martyn I think he is too big for that now. He is too large and unathletic. It could be just lack of athleticism as well as in not playing enough sports as kid or its from powerlifting and having limited movement patterns now.
> i wonder how strong he wouldveen if he was 100% natty
2pl8 ohp x 5
4.5pl8 bench x 1
I could beat him in a fight due to my superior speed. He would have ZERO chance in an MMA league.
he's sexy af
addiction, there is nothing healthy about what he does and he knows it
>160 kg log press
Its like double what i could do but thats nothing by strongman standards. He should just stick to powerlifting
seriously are roids that powerfull ?
He could fade a 3pl8 natty press
>tfw I'm going to be competing against Larry Wheels in the same weight class at the Fit Expo in Odd Haugen's show
>tfw my main goal is not winning, but cockblocking Larry from the Arnold amateur invite
Any advice bros?
cast him for BLACKED
I hate this sentiment that genetic freak roiders would somehow still be amazing as a natural. What sets apart these lifters "genetically" is their ability to handle large amounts of steroids. What they're able to achieve naturally is completely different as to what they achieve on steroids.
murder suicide i guess
Any top level bodybuilder or powerlifter would still be in the same position if we never synthesized hormones. Yes, you need to have the genetics to tolerate high levels of hormones, but you also need the genetics to actually fucking optimally grow on said high level of hormones. You think you can take action average retard in cbt who is currently struggling to make progress, give him the amount of hormones an ifbb pro would take, and, if he tolerates the sides well, he'll look like Phil Heath?
An* not action. Trying to type a paragraph on a phone sucks
Sabotage his protein shake with laxatives.