Most evil shit you've done?
Most evil shit you've done?
Okay OP, I said mine. Now you say yours.
orchestrated the september 11th 2001 attacks on the world trade center
Whenever I'm at a woman's house for a college or theatre project I touch their panties in the hamper.
Shoplifted a shit load of Yu-Gi-Oh booster packs from Target & Kmart
i chased my step dads favorite cat into the garage when he was pulling in and he ran it over and killed it. I'd also scare it to the point where it would jump in a box and start quivering/ peeing itself as i yelled and shook the box. I feel pretty shitty about it even now 20 years later.
You should, you fucking psychopath. DIAF
most cats would attack you or start hissing at you this one would just stare at you all scared and sit there without even trying to fight back. He was a good cat.
not today cia, not today
I came on my cousin a few times when I was 12/13 and she was crying a few of those times
Any time I play Mario Kart, I troll everyone involved. Common trolls include placing bananas on all the ramps (especially if it's Double Dash, and I can get giant bananas) or waiting for 2nd place to catch up, turning around, and then going backwards through the finish line juuuuuust as they're about to pass me.
this ugly girl at work was trying to fuck and I plain out told her no
she quit a few days later
i fucked nagi's gf on his own bed
you came on her? was she asleep?
Attempting to flirt with a woman while under the influence of being ugly
break my mom's heart.
i votid reps
I was sitting in a turret at a checkpoint somewhere in Iraq and went through a whole belt on the 240B ripping up a car with 4 people in it.
Get a married girl pregnant.
I hated this one girl I went to school with so much that I decided to try and ruin her engagement. And it worked. All I had to do was plant doubt in her fiancee's mind and he dumped her. She had a happy life ahead of her and I fucked it all up. I feel terrible but she stole my childhood from me.
No. She was the only cousin I had from my mom's side, and as my mom and aunt were close she came to our house every afternoon. I'd take her to my room to 'play' and since I just learned to masturbate I'd do so while pinning her down with my balls rubbing against her ass. In retrospect I have no fucking clue how everything I did went unnoticed especially when there were massive stinky cumsplotches on the back of her shirt for her mother to see. Was a horny, dumb as hell rapistkid and got away with it.
Didn't talk to my mom for two months.
Convinced my friend to go trans to get to fuck him as a girl and lose my virginity. I convinced him to get HRT, double breast implants, face surgery, and even SRS. The cock is gone. Now it's a vag. She's 80k in debt but passes as well as Riley Dennis does but will giant tits. I pushed him 2 years showing him trap and sissy porn
When the transformation was finished I was her trip sitter and convinced her to do 1000ug acid. She begged for it while rolling on the floor. Did oral, vaginal, anal, facial abuse, and tit fucking. Now I'm a virgin no more. No more being incel. Had sex with a woman without prostitution.
I hope you burn in hell for eternity.
Well that just sounds like a good time user. Did you view the aftermath?
Called in the senior keger because I was jealous that nobody invited me
I was desperate. I tried asking 500 women out online. None responded so I gave up until I had this idea.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Threw one of our cats into the well, she came out then threw her back. She didn't come back after the second one hahah (I was about 7-8)
Tbh idk why did I do it but it felt good
Can we have any proof?
Poor you, you weren't able to stick your appendage in some 3d whore so you took advantage of your vulnerable friend and fucked up his mind. You are scum.
>Be me
>Freshman in college
>Living in shithole freshman tenement complex
>Fucking hate all the assholes on floor
>End of fall semester approaching
>Find notebook left in hallway one night
>Property of some stemcuck
>Contains a whole semester's worth of advanced chemistry notes
>Take back to dorm and forget about
>Notice notes hung up around hall
>"Waahh I lost my chemistry notebook, it contains very important notes that I need for finals, if found please return to Room #123"
>Feeling devilish >:)
>Retrieve stemfag's notebook
>Rip out 50 pages of notes, leaving only the front and back covers and metallic binding
>Throw notes down the tenemant's communal garbage chute
>Leave gutted notebook in front of assface's door
Did I do the right thing guys?
I hope whoever it is you love the most dies a bad death right in front of you.
I used to believe everyone was inherently evil on some level.
realizing we're all just human is kind of worse though
These are most severe evil posts in this thread. All the other posts while being evil, are honestly fairly minor.
I stabbed a turtle to death with a pocket knife when I was 8 or 9. I also burned a horny toad alive around that time. I've also bludgeoned a duck to death with a bat because my father told me to. I've also laser pointered my fish in the eyes until they were blind. Oh, I macheted a bunch of toads. Also I shot a lot of semi endangered frogs with a pellet gun.
I'm pretty sure all of this is normal for any boy who grows up rural.
One of my 'friends' decided to start a rumour that I jerked off to a baby being chopped in half, this was during Year 9. I was fucking furious; so I decided to play the long game. I continued to be friends with him, even giving out bits of information (all the shit he couldn't use against me but just enough to think I trust him). I wait 2 whole years collecting information about him. Just for context he was a total perv constantly taking dirty pics of girls and sending them to me and another guy. I slowly become his second best friend but alas I have not forgotten his backstabbery.
The day has come, I have literally 6 pages worth of evidence against him. I send it to every single girl including a couple of others eg. brothers and dads.
First day back to school hes fucking repulsed by LITERALLY every single person at the school. He gets bashed every single day for a week straight before he stops going outside. He can no longer visit the park because the people who hang out there now beat the shit out of him, same with the mall and same with the school. He is now confined to hiding under a bridge not to far from the school. I give another kid some information about how he intended to rape his sister. This kids fucking furious and I give him the fuckers whereabouts.
This was obviously the final straw, the traitor gets a serious concussion and broken nose. He failed all his fucking classes from serious depression. He cannot go to the teachers because I threatened that if he does I'll hand all this information to the police and fuck his record into infinity. He now gets beaten every day, is stuck in an ultra depressed loop of shit and has failed life.
It took 2 years of preparation and acting to finally reach that day. Absolutely worth it, still see him every day wallowing in shit.
>I'm pretty sure all of this is normal for any boy who grows up rural.
Uhhh sorry Ed Gein, but my cousins and I all grew up on farms and I can personally attest that sadistically killing random animals is not a fucking normal part of rural living.
>I've also laser pointered my fish in the eyes until they were blind
i didn't know you could do that
post pictures for proof i dont believe someone can be this ingenious on this site.
I hope you get run over by a car you evil fucker.
Greentext the story please user darling
> be sadistic 10 year old
> father molests sister all the time
> father loves little brother more then any of us
> be at home alone with little brother
> choke him till hes on the verge of death
Still regret it till this day and have devoted my life to making sure that kid turns out somewhat ok he was only 2 at the time
I got over it by 16. My empathy just took a long time to develop. I can't watch youtube videos of people getting hurt anymore. When I was 15 though, gore threads on /b/ did nothing to me. It probably doesn't help that my mom gave me Saving Private Ryan and Platoon on vhs for my 8th birthday.
she probably liked it you know you white people are into incest and all
Evangelion flashback.
Shit people detected.
most evil thing i ever did was say mean things to people on the internet or hurt my mom's feelings once.
i'm a good soul
you should have killed your dad instead originally
Probably a chink so you good
Damn, how did (s)he like the facial abuse? My trap puked when I did it to them lol
Became a massive fag that gets off submitting, effectively ending my branch of lineage
>she stole my childhood from me.
Can you elaborate please I wanna see if she deserved it or not?
I squeezed puppies so hard I almost killed them.
Not trying to be edgy here, I was 3 or 5 years old
>be 15
>on omegle
>talking to random people
>end up seeing some fat ginger kid
>think its a boy
>ginger kid takes of large headphone
>turns out its a fat ginger girl
>laugh my ass of and quit
I still feel bad about it 5 years later
Fuckin why?!
I unknowingly tried to drown a puppy when I was seven years old. For some reason I wanted to see a puppy swim so I placed it in a large drum of water. The poor thing yelped for help but I just watched. It was only when it went under water that I realized something was wrong and got someone to rescue the puppy. I still don't know what I was thinking.
>be 12 years old
>See fat dad with his son at buffet
>Whisper to my friend that the kid is doomed to be fat as well
>Dad actually heard me
>Tears start falling from the dad's face
>Dad then holds his son's hand and the two end up walking out of the restaurant
My actions didn't ruin anyone's life, but I still feel guilty about ruining that man's day.
You probably motivated him to make healthier choices in life. He's got a serious medical condition and he's passing it down to his child knowingly. That's abuse.
Neglect and mistreat everyone in my life. After living it for the past 12 years, I see why sloth is a deadly sin.
you made a fat man cry op.
when i was like 3 or 4 i overheard a joke from my big sister's friend saying she was gonna throw the kitten we had down the stairs
look what i ended up doing
i still wonder today if that kitten turned out ok, probably did with like a broken bone, i dont know.
gets me worried when i think about it.
Cheat on my girlfriend who is an amazing kind empathetic girl who truly loved me. Never got caught either.
it's okay since it's fake and gay like 99,99% of shit here anyways
gave rotten chocolate to charity
nope doesn't count homo lmao
You did the right thing. Fat fucks deserve to be treated like shit.
He won't. Once a fatty, always a fatty.
t. subhuman fat fuck
>> Next door neighbour arrogant, ignores complaints, nigger music at 2 am
>> Me and other neighbours pick lock
>> Put GHB in his mouth while sleep
>> Taking turns on dat ass
>> Mfw guy still fast asleep
>> Copy key with Play-Doh
>> Leave
>>Be me
>> Bump into buttboy next day
>> Greets me
>> Mfw he's clueless
>> Mfw guy walks funny
>> Mfw got away with
sick larp my man
Post here?
Skin an already dead chipmunk just to be disgusted
Had a one night stand
Was a bad pet owner in my youth (and person, and still am now)
>fake and gay
I was vaguely acquainted with the jerkoff in question. He was one of those vile mongoloids who would leave his door open every damn day so the whole hall could hear his brostep garbage on full blast, even at 6am on a Sunday morning or 9pm on a Tuesday night, and would cop an attitude if you politely asked him to close his door because you were trying to study. I felt that there was a twisted sort of karmic justice to the manner in which I screwed his bitch ass.
It was a roastie who cares
God tier. This user knows revenge.
>tfw when you'll never be a charming domineering demon of a white man, who profits from the suffering of others, and them blame an innocent person for what you just did. Then deceive the general public through an hierarchy of deception propagated by your network of fellow predators, and be seen as a hero and a savior by the humans.
This is so horrifyingly evil that I hope it's fake. I feel sick... You invaded the mind of someone intensely vulnerable to get them to mutilate themselves physically at great financial cost, and essentially broke and re-shaped their mind to fit your degenerate, vile fantasy, all so you could ejaculate. The only justice is that karma is a real thing, and you will in this life, or another, be made to go through what you did to those whose free will you violated.
You're probably trolling, but if not, I just don't think there are words that are potent enough to describe the severity of your trespassing... All of this so you could have sex without having to pay for it... Wow... wow...
How old was she? Wtf how is this not original?
Your punishment far outdoes the crime. You had your revenge long ago. Now you are the aggressor. Now you are the bully. You've become worse than that which you despised, you utter hypocrite scum fuck.
sounds like the father felt the shame crush him all at once, realizing he was essentially doing his son a massive disservice and probably ended up changing their habits, so it may have been a huge positive in the end.
she was 7 or 8 or 9 honetsly can't remember
That's reassuring. I hope so user
Raped a drunk girl twice. I also hospitalised someone with my friends because he was a protestant I don't know which is worse.
The fat pig probably just waddled off to McDonalds to get a ton of greasy comfort food. Fat freaks deserve no sympathy.
You just described Putin.
You realise no successful people have retarded fantasies in the same way you do
Sounds hilarious. Post more
When I was at the beach I convinced my little bro and friend to hunt down and kill crabs by throwing rocks at them.
We larped as Einsatzgruppen at the same time, even though we were quite young.
Out parents found out and were outraged at what we did, I still feel guilty to this day.
I honestly think its pretty hot how he got the dude to get huge breasts as well. Win for the guy imo
I dropped a cinderblock on some kids head when we were out drinking and he had passed out. He died from internal bleeding, nobody saw me do it and I got away with it.
This story sounds like bullshit but props to you if it's not. The reason I say so is because MtF girls are all anxious as hell and very unwilling to go into debt for reassignment surgery. Most who do have already 'transitioned' for years. Your story, if true, is a 1 in 10000 occurrence. I did a similar thing to a friend (accidentally at the beginning though). Will post if anyone's interested
This is fucking beast mode.
youre fucked up user. wtf
you still didnt get to fug a woman tho since sex reassignment surgery just inverts the benis, not fully get rid of it
That's not evil if you didn't mean it
You were just retarded
Found the redditards
She probably commited the heinous crime of rejecting him, lmao
There comes the asshurt internet tranny defence force with the truckload of copes hoping to convince himself more than you
And there is the soulless zoomer who thinks everything is an epic meme
The world is truly fucked
>There comes the asshurt internet tranny defence force with the truckload of copes hoping to convince himself more than you
I was literally offering to share my story on how I abused a guy into becoming a tranny. Are you a nigger or just retarded?
Larp but honestly this doesnt really make this any less worse. The fact that there are "people" who have these fantasies means something has seriously gone wrong in humanity. "People" like you should be dragged into the streets and beaten to death with iron rods. And that would be a mercy killing for you because there are plenty of people who'd do worse
yeah because you're a larping tranny. "Oh wow look at me i come from an unbiased perspective im totally not a tranny at all". Keep coping, maybe you'll manage to convince yourself at some point
Shagged my bestfriend/housemate/badmates girlfriend.
teII me more about it, my feIIow 4chaner
told someone i loved them
my name is ahmed ali, i live in kuwait with my 70 children and 7 wives. i own 100 goats, 60 camels, and more. al queda payed me 1,000,000,000 US dollars for the job, thus i left the acts of terrorism. i started living properly and settled, and came back to my wife after year of fighting american infidels.