When women shit their pants their pussies fill up with shit

when women shit their pants their pussies fill up with shit

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Good thread. Needs a bump.

When women drop fat dookies they also queef out big loads of smegma and mucus as discharge at the same time

That's a famous process called the poop feedback.
The female species has the ability to assimilate the nutrinents composing the poop, bit like humans do with urea in the Tubular Reabsorption, mainly thanks to the use of under ADH, aldosterone and aquaporin.

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is...is this true?

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I advise anyone scrolling by to not watch these:

I wipe my vagina with baby wipes after pissing. AMA


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>Mfw imagining their pussies drooling, begging for cock

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I somehow find the discharge ever grosser than the poop.

Why not just toilet paper? Do you throw the wipes away or flush them?

Would you take part in a MMF threesome if given the chance?

My flatmate does the same. Why? Baby wipes are an order of magnitude more expensive than toilet paper.

It has some nutrients. Doesn't outweigh the waste though, and there's a lot of waste.

Wet wipes get rid of smells.

oh for fucks sakes man what the fuck.

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what would it smell otherwise? idk my private parts smell very neutral, maybe sweaty after a day or two without a shower.

The line has been crossed.


Is that fucking Damien aka jessy slaughter?

>what would it smell otherwise?
Pee, I would assume.
Not OP but I think people who use wet wipes mostly use it to finish after wiping normally.

>american women have the gall to complain about natural penises when this is the type of vile shit their pussies get up to
Absolutely flabbergasted

Wet wipes are non-flushable so that's good you don't need to use them.

>who here flushes anyway

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if you vagina smells that bad, go to your gynecologist, you might have a legit infection

pee is supposed to be wiped anyway, after a couple days it might start to smell bad but cmon