Oldest son is a doctor

>oldest son is a doctor
>daughter is a math PHD
>youngest son is Chris
What happened?

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They took all of the intelligence and charisma for themselves, leaving Chris with nothing. He was the afterbirth, doomed from the start. Some people are just born with autism in their blood.

probability of defective kids rises fast the older the parents get

Had him when they were old. The funny thing is they abandoned they respective families to get together and have chris. Talk about putting your eggs on the wrong bascket

Does Chris' brother know how popular his own is?

Like when you really think about it, it's funny that this doctor who saves lives and helps others is way less known than his autistic sperg-god brother.

Barb happened. She's a terrible mother.

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Bob Chandler was in the KKK. He said he saw crosses burning as a threat.

But Cole Smithey turned out fine.

barbara chandler's genetics

He's 20 years older than Chris which means he got a normal egg instead of an autism egg. That helped a lot.

They must. I thought his teenage daughter enjoyed trolling Chris?

>But Cole Smithey turned out fine.
That depends on What You mean by "fine".

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He's doing just fine.

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he is an optometrist, he doesn't save lifes

>t. someone with perfect vision

he was 55 when chris was born and barb was 41

>I thought his teenage daughter enjoyed trolling Chris?
That's kind of sick.

I hope shes cute

He seems unironically pretty based.

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>mfw he has Cyclonus, Starscream, and Optimus Prime.
>mfw he has fucking Unicron

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All that shit burned tho lmao

imagine thinking that you're entitled to other peoples money

imagine thinking that you're entitled to other peoples genitals

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Both of them had kids from their prior marriages who had grown up and left home, they were too old and too tired to give a shit about parenting anymore so they just bought Chris video games, toys and bargain bin videos to placate him instead.

That and they were too stubborn to get Chris the help he needed, and didn't want to put him in specialized education because "ain't no child of ours goin' to no tard school".

>other peoples money

No such thing, all the money in the world is my rightful property. Mine. Mine. MINE!

that was a troll impersonating her

He was holding things together but obviously not well enough.