Does anyone else feel that they have no skills or talents? I've never been good at anything...

Does anyone else feel that they have no skills or talents? I've never been good at anything. I don't even like doing anything. I'm just an apathetic loser with no hobbies or friends. Why couldn't I have been smart? I suck.

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Glass bottle master race. It's the only way to truly enjoy a Coke tm.

I think my favourite way to drink coke is in a glass, it's just so cold and refreshing.

Fountain is gpd tier

Can > glass >>> plastic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fountain n

I just now realized this is loss.

Fug, you're right. I didn't even notice the filename.

>Any year
>drinking soda.

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Glass bottle tastes good

Bottle loses flavor fast
soda can feels the most concentrated
Least concentrated is fountain

>tfw not good enough at drawing to be a full-time artist
>tfw not good enough at my field to keep up with the other students
>tfw have a good frame but bad joints and various other issues, so can't go into sports
>tfw brain issue preventing me from handling serious jobs
biology just did not want me to succeed.

cant decide i think i like them all equally.

>t. Fag who is not good at anything

Nothing like a frosty cold mexican coke in a glass bottle

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What do you mean? It spells out loss? How?

Do not drink soda. Only water and coffee/tea without sugar.

I like fountain maybe cause it reminds me of going to the movies

glass for sips
fountain for gulps with food

glass > plastic > can > fountain

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glass > can > bottle > fountain

They don't even make Coke in glass bottles anymore you retards.

The only things I'm even remotely good at are things that will never help me advance in life. They have helped me to make frens, though.

dubs of true
only way

No. I don't feel that way.
The problem with you all is that you're part of the sad ending of r/K cycles.
r = rats.
This means lots of offspring that never develop past the primal state. So you're all slaves meant for basic survival and nothing else.
You don't have minds or souls. You're just stressed out rats.
K = Kings
Those that take the time to mature and figure things out.

You're all part of "baby booms".
Your parents had you by accident.
So you have no purpose.

The fuck are you talking about? Literally go to any gas station. Hell, sometimes even normal stores have them in the fridges by the registers.

Can>glass>hard plastic>soft plastic>>>>>dog piss>>fountain

>this is loss
Holy shit

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little post and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Jow Forums pass, so you just wrote the post. Oh, and we all know. The "epic" rat npc post? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Jow Forums posting about stupid shit. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "I AM THE ONLY ONE WITH A SOUL, RAT" You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

Fucktard 3rd worlders detected.

its almost because you have to fucking work hard to get good at things or something you arent just born magically amazing at things this isnt harry potter you zoomer moron

330ml can chilled to about 8 degrees

That's my favourite, it has to be Benelux manufactured though because the other regions have different tastes where glass bottle tastes better for some reason

I drink about 3 cans a day so consider me an expert

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Name a first world country that doesn't have come in glass bottles

I live in the states, so by definition you're wrong since the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd worlds are defined by what side they were on in the cold war.

I will confirm for you glass bottle cokes exist in new zealand you fat retard americunt

What state do you fucks live in???

I haven't seen a coke sold in a glass bottle since the 80s.

If you're having a really hard time finding it go for small Mexican stores or online

AZ, so basically Mexico-lite. Stores just straight up sell Mexican Coke in glass bottles here, but they also sell the American hfcs shit in glass bottles too. It's not the iconic bottle you remember from the 80s, though. Just a normal glass bottle. They almost look like the plastic bottles, so maybe you see them and just don't notice they're glass.

glass is the true patrician choice

Do you seriously don't know what loss is?

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Been on the internet every day since 2000, and on Jow Forums since August 2005. Never heard of it until just now.

Now that I have looked it up, I'm not surprised I had never heard of it. Web comics are one of those things I would best describe as "How normies use the internet." I was fapping to daily Shawn Johnson threads on /b/ when this was becoming a meme.

>on Jow Forums since August 2005
>never heard of loss

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Glass is the best material. Contains pressure the best and doesn't interact with the drink inside.

Yup. Been here longer than most. And I know other oldfags who probably also wouldn't catch that reference. Like I said, web comics are one of those "how normies use the internet" things. I'm not saying that to sound cool or elitist, either.

Are you stupid or something? I see glass bottle cokes everywhere, a lot of times they're just imported from mexico but I wouldn't be surprised if coke started using glass bottles in the US again.

I don't know how you have never heard of loss. I've been here since October 2005, so almost as long as you and it's a really common meme. Have you heard of desu?

Curious why you rate plastic over can.

I live in georgia down the street from the coke factory

they do

>Web comics are one of those things I would best describe as "How normies use the internet."

Webcomics are literally the nerdiest thing to ever nerd

I have literally no talents either, OP. I bet you feel kind of alone, since this whole thread is full of mouthbreathers talking about loss and coke, but just realize there are people who're just as big of losers as you, try and learn something through the internet, is my best advice, dedicate 30 minutes to it everyday, until you get semi compitent then try and make friends with people who are into that same thing, it could be language learning, programming, art, the internet has plenty of resources to help you learn a new skill.

Are you posting from the early 2000s or something? They've been memed back onto our shelves for a while now. Only Mexican imports, but still, it's there.

Plastic master race. It's the sole way to really enjoy a soda tm.

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Yes they do, and most of the time the use CANE sugar, not syrup, so they are extra good.

Obv. People on every board use desu all day, every day. Never seen anyone reference or post the loss meme in the 10 years it's been around. But I really only post on Jow Forums and sometimes Jow Forums these days.

I never got into the glass bottle meme. I always drank from a can as a kid, and is still the best way to me.

I feel that way too and whenever I tried to tell my mom about it she yelled at me and called me ungrateful.

Why are Mexicans obsessed with Coke?

Glass > cans >>>>>>> plastic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fontain
Seriously commit suicide if you like fountain coke

The best Coke is from McDonald's, and you're actually retarded if you think otherwise.

>Plastic over can.

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most people have that

I don't because coke has a PH level of fucking EIGHT.