why does it feel like this mid term is being pushed so much harder than the others?
Are the leftists really that up in arms about Trump?
I'm so tired of everything being so hyper politicized just cause people don't agree with the president

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>take down trump ads
>push for people to vote
smart but not proper

voting doesn't even matter shits going to get fucked up regardless

>Are the leftists really that up in arms about Trump?
Of course they are, its been non-stop on this dude since he got elected for good reason imo but I wont judge

This vote shilling has been getting on my fucking nerves though. Yeah, I get that its important, and no I probably wouldnt have made the effort if it wasnt shilled this hard, but good fucking lord its a midterm. The only thing thats gonna happen here is a bit more balance to the largely Republican congress.

Pretty shitty attitude to have but I totally see where youre coming from.

I'm not voting cause I agree with nothing changes, life sucks no matter who runs our country

I figure if it doesnt affect me, I can at least have bitching rights for the next two years.

After all since there isnt gonna be any sort of rebellion any time soon I might as well feel like Im doing something important.

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Coming from an user on the left, not all of "us" hate Trump.
A lot of shit he's done I don't like, but the left is full of screaming tards I hate to be associated with.

do people actually care and bitch? i assume if you dont vote its cause you dont care who wins like me so why would you bitch?

>putting a paper in a box means you've done everything you possibly could to change the world
>implying voting doesn't mean you're actually accepting the result, and thus you're the one with no right to bitch
the absolute mental state of Americans

Sounds like some doublethink shit right there homie

It's actually very simple. If you play by the system, then you accept the system and all its outcomes, that's democracy 101. Everyone agrees on respecting the choice of the majority. So you have no right to bitch. You participated in the system and legitimized it.

Now, when you don't accept the system in the first place, whatever the outcome it produces, you have the right to bitch all the fucking time, because the system is imposed onto you.

This user is an FBI agent trying to look for people who agree with him to put on a watchlist, do not reply to him.

This chart is retarded because it suggests a good person can win or has ever won. The only thing dumber than not voting is voting.

This, voting is tacit consent, it means I accept the outcome since I 'participated' in the process.

>know voting is important
>dont know anything about the candidates
>know making a uninformed vote is bad
>feel bad that i didnt vote

I'm not going to vote because I'm lazy and I don't care. Politics is just another normie tier competition just like sports.

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I was going to but I'm too timid to ask at work for how I'm supposed to get time off to go to the polls.

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Because the left knows it's losing. This is a desperate and pathetic attempt to claw back any ground they have.

It won't work. And when people look back at this they will only have more animosity for the left.

because Prop 9 literally allows you to separate California into 3 separate states. Read the props, they're huge game changers.

I'm screecapping this post and if there is a blue wave I'm gonna post it all over and make fun of you

Even if a Blue Wave happens they are going to be so fucking disappointed when they realize Trump won't magically be impeached because they won the midterms. I really hope they send another retard like Hillary or Pocahontas in 2020 so Trump can humiliate the fuck out of them

Prop 9 already got thrown out if I'm not mistaken.

The left will just get more illegals and dead people to vote for them. Now they take those that haven't voted, but still registered and vote Dem for them.

>why does it feel like this mid term is being pushed so much harder than the others?
lmao are you like 15?

You mean like they did for the trump election? Or the last house-senate election?

Don't kid yourself. They like to tell themselves that and lose.

They were not prepared. Everyone told them that Trump had a 0-1% chance so they didn't bother trying. Their arrogance was their downfall. Now they're false flagging and doing everything to distract from the caravan that will net them even more voters that will be strategically placed in Republican majority areas.

vote third party only
never vote dem or rep

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Are you Autistic?
In the context of the comic 'good person' clearly means 'the person the reader wants to win'

how many times to you gotta lose and cry user give it up.

The way I see it, the goal here is two-fold for democrats.

>They keep things balanced
Like I said earlier its a largely republican government right now, so to gain a foothold for a couple years from now they gotta start putting down roots early.
>They plant the idea in young heads
This voteshilling has been fucking AGGRESSIVE, so a lot of folks who dont vote for whatever reason might feel inclined to do so next election in order to stave off the shaming that might come from not doing so. This goes doubly for younger voters, who are easily impressionable and prone to follow the pack a lot more.

>t. Voted democrat across the board but doesnt actually give a fuck about the election

I'm screencapping this post and if there is not a blue wave i'm going to post it all over and make fun of you.