ITT poorfag lifehacks
Put old dumbbells in a paint can with concrete to upgrade it instead of buying a new one
ITT poorfag lifehacks
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Sneak into apartment complex gyms. no one ever says anything
nigger what the fuck just get gallon milk jugs and fill them with sand. or backpacks full of books. this is ridiculous.
Why do you guys do this shit? This will cost more than the adjustable dumbells set at walmart.
I hung ankle weights on my dumbbells to get a more even curl.
>backpacks full of books.
I used to train like this when i was a child
BUFF Dudes DIY did similar
>can't afford weights but can afford concrete
>apartment complex gyms
Concrete is pretty cheap m8
as in an apartment complex that has a gym
No.1 poor lifehack: stop being poor.
Being a fucking beggarkin hinders everything in your life, not just training, so your primary goal should be improving your financial situation.
Also I wouldn't humiliate myself with fucking concrete dumbbells. If you can't afford a gym or proper equipment, just do bodyweight training until you can.
Who didn't?
amen to that brah
>doing skull crushers
>brittle concrete snaps off at the highest position
>crushes skull
seems dumb, are you really so poor that you need those extra few dollars?
Make sandbags
Sand + bags + duct tape
I may unironically do this when making a home gym. One 45 lb plate costs fucking $100. That's over 1 grand just for the plates. Instead you could buy a squat rack for $300, bench for $75, barbell for $50 and make your own plates with these
I wonder how well they would work.
>in a world where concrete is cheaper than buying garage sale dumbbells
You've got me stressed out OP
Just do fucking calisthenics. Costs exactly zero dollars and doesn't require mixing concrete.
Thank you, I needed to hear this
Goodnight user
Nigga just put fucking baseball bat weights on your dumbbells, are you fucking retarded?
Go outside and pick up actual rocks if you have to. This flimsy DIY shit is going to hurt somebody.
>One 45 lb plate costs fucking $100
Where do you live that this is happening
i wonder if this would work with hotel gyms?
i live in a shithole country in south america, a pair of 45lb plates cost like $100, while i can buy concrete for like $6 and made 50 kg of concrete weight plates
This is true. My father is pure beggarkin and he earns 200k a year. Still housepoor, never has any money, shit breaks all the time, deferred maintenance eating all his time and money.
Brand fucking new they’re $2 a lb.
Used .50-$1 a lb
Where do you live that you haven't been to an apartment complex with a gym? Even many of the shitholes in America have them.
>buying new
>building your own deathtrap
The obvious answer is craigslist you fucking mong
Unless you got all those materials for free, I'm pretty sure just buying a dumbbell would be cheaper.
It wouldn't. They have keycard access and I assume most complexes do as well.
The dumbbells in my gym only go up to 50# tho
Eh, I live in rural Texas and there isn't any weights on craigslist within a hundred miles most of the time. Though, it would probably be worth it to drive to Dallas for some used weights versus buying new.
I have a lifehack. Get a job and quit being a fucking failure.
using tables as a squat rack, use steel drums as bench rack
they would crack very quickly, leaving you with danger of being hit with a piece of concrete for a minimal increase in weight considering how much work you have to put in it
You can get a 50 lb bag of quikrete for about $4. Good luck finding dumbbells for 8 cents per lb.
Maybe high end Ivanko plates. You can buy a 300 lb Dick's sporting goods set for like $230.
Get a job at your gym. Even if you do 1 shift a week, you still get free membership
>t. 2 free gyms plus my uni gym
On a rather regular basis, Walmart puts the standard pancake weight plates on sale.
Now, the difference in size between a 10lb and 12.5lb plate is about 1/2" diameter, and when they go on sale you get them for less than 1 usd/lb. I've seen it as low as 0.70 usd/lb for pickup at store.
Now you just need handles. As long as you're not a idiot, get some 3/4" steel pipe. Cut it to length if you want & bought a 6-10' length to make multiples. Get sets of 1-1/16" two piece shaft collars. You will need to order these. Pipe clamps kind of work but don't hold well enough. Tighten those on the pipe with a hex key, and lift away.
A 18" length of pipe will easily support 6-7 12.5lb plates per side, so you get ~ 155-180lbs.
You will not outgrow that for db work
Can’t find a rock
Get a spud inc strap system for $200
If you don't have anything to hang it from get a door mounted pull up bar
Then just attach any old thing for weight and do your exercises
You can attach anything you can wrap a cable around
Just don't be poor, girls love that shit
doing complex body weight exercises is better than trying to lift natural objects without snapping your shit up.
>>doing skull crushers
>>crushes skull
isn't that the whole point?
Shit son.
Get a heavier rated pulley, some appropriate sized rope or paracord, and some carabiners.
Made a dual pulley high/low system for my rack for under 70 USD
Plates will never be more than a $1/lb at big box stores unless they're scamming you.
It's the BAR you have to look out for, a 45lb olympic bar will run you $100+ but the alternative is deathtrap quality compound bars. Just buy bars at a garage sale even if they're lower-weight so you don't end up with weights hitting the floor at terminal velocity.