Soufs Acting Like Norfs Edition
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I wanna know what app to use to hook up with sissies/traps
go to the sissy general
yeah but they're all yanks
Waiting for a phone call for telephone interview. Sweating and feel sick.
excellent, they have you in their power, you will do anything for their approval
is this a new autumn OP? it looks good.
>squish in the kebab shop
What's the job lad, only ever had 1 telephone interview myself thank god
>That mollusc on Timmy's window
Truly a time capsule
Just squeezed 'im in there
Lee Anthony Hoyland testing out the luxury pans in a Lakeland flagship store with a plastic egg from Early Learning Centre.
Why is Tim buying expensive tables
Lee Anthony Hoyland fitting a customer's new headlight in the car park of a Halfords store
doesn't look like an expensive table. i think Timmy was attempting a joke. the polish he tried didn't work on the scratches
>need to have a shower
>dont want to be cold when i come out of the shower
Very quick phone interview. Don't think it went well.
>tell me about yourself.
That's not appetizer Tim, it's a cheap knock off
I just basically re read my CV at that point
Lee Anthony Hoyland handing himself in personally to Piers Morgan for that Grenfell effigy on Good Morning Britain even though he did not do it just for YouTube exposure and not realising the consequences until it is too late.
I've seen pedophiles sweat less on the stand then this guy in pictures.
My nickname at work is now "you too"
Lee Anthony Hoyland using his experience as a panel beater to create a makeshift sky dish out of a metal dustbin lid after the original dish blew off in a severe storm
its bio oil you FUCKING RETARD
it's bio-oil
hyperhidrosis is serious business though, my hands are always sweaty and my forehead is like a waterfall sometimes
2 people being thrown off the train for traveling without tickets, and no means to pay, no wonder they are so vigilant
You thought about getting botox lad?
need something lad. hands are soaked right now. stupid paki doctor just tells me "it very common problem" yet i've never seen anyone sweat as much as i do
>being gay
Ask to see another doctor lad, you don't need to suffer like that. Seemingly they inject botox into the areas that are very sweaty for these kinds of conditions. Possibly a referral to a dermatologist but I don't know much more about it desu
how else are you meant to get home when you've ended up in wales with no money after a night out on broad street
Fucking thatcherite Tory scum
I've seen all the doctors at the GP. Same at my old GP too. Probably have to go private, fuck the NHS. Would rather pay some qt chav to botox me than wait 6 months for a vietcong to stab me with needles
>fuck the NHS
That makes me feel really sad to read
Was customer service for an investment company.
He wasn't very engaging so it was a bit weird to have some long monologue.
Just had another one with a recruiter for recruitment roles. Went much better.
Don't blame me for a failed social experiment. Zero contribution to a health care service was never going to work, especially when Johnny Foreigner can turn up to a hospital while on holiday and get treatment for a condition that magically appeared while on holiday, definitely not the whole purpose of their trip here.
It makes me sad in a different way. I'm the first person to say fuck the NHS, but this is after a few years working for it a while back and seeing how everything is fucked and completely unsustainable; this is from someone who used to be a diehard socialist who loved the NHS.
It makes me sad because I would very much like something like the NHS to exist, but as it is it can go fucking die.
Alright sweaty paws calm your tits
*throws your a copy of the Sun*
Shut up or I'll slap you with my VERY sweaty hands
*throws you a copy of the guardian*
in a weird position desu. i'm very grateful for treatments ive got through the nhs, but ive also used a few private services because the nhs werent good enough. i also think lifestyle health problems should be excluded from the nhs. if you get lung cancer due to smoking, heart disease from being a fatty, you cant expect other peoples taxes to pick up your bill.
This is probably how I'm gonna spend my day. Can't wait till my bennies come in next month gunna get a PS4 so I can play red dead
>lifestyle health problems should be excluded from the nhs.
>be in the military
>get leg blown off
>NHS refuses treatment
>it's your lifestyle choice :^)
I'm going to punch you in your sweaty baws. I hear waiting time at your local a&e for minor injuries is 8 hours
>unpredictable injury is the same as guzzling down 2 liters of coke a day or abusing drugs for years
absolute brainlet or decent bait
it could be argued that being an addict is a mental health problem
Gay phone poster
it couldn't, no known mental health problem can force you to inject a substance other than maybe one that causes delusions, but go on then lad, what mental health problem stops people being able to see the risk of drug use and forces them to use it?
Clover is superior in everyway.
it stems from poor mental health. whats easier for a mentally unhealthy person? working hard on yourself and maintaining good habits and relationships, going to therapy etc.
or buying a drug that makes you feel great with no effort? the addiction forms later.
don't worry mate, i'll wait with you until your mummy arrives. you can hold my hand while they stitch you up
Is that Rick and Morty? I tip my fedora to you
so horny right now desu
think I might need to dump out a load just to get back to normal this afternoon
Charging a driver for gp visits is the absolute minimum the NHS should do.
It will at least get rid of the cunts who go with a cold or the ones on benefits that want more health related benefits so keep making appointments until they get it. Charging a fiver with at least put them off a little and raise funds
>buy 55 quid ticket
>never habe my ticket checked
people should just not buy tickets unless the ticketman asked them
Colleague on the same train as me, odd coincidence
I'm very mentally healthy. haven't got sad for like 3 weeks
are you doing no nut november? stay strong lad
I'd rather not get my hands wet, thanks
It is, I felt my NEET brain needed something that requires a high IQ to watch.
Just do it lad, it's only distracting you at this point
That's good man. I'm.glad for you.
I'm feeling better than I did but there are a few issues I need ironed out before I feel proper good again. I'm hoping these do as they are not very complicated problems and it's not like I'm asking to win the lottery or anything. There are obtainable
should cost way more than a fiver. calculate the costs involved. wages, electricity, heating, water, rent
too late
>-sweats your path-
>-grabs your hand-
pssh nothin personnel kid
but nothing forces them, they choose to take an unhealthy and addictive substance in order for addiction to form you have to take it the first time
you guys hyped for the new lil peep ablum on friday?
It's not too pay for to everything. It's simply a charge to deter time wasters and reduce charges. Even if the fiver each only covered the costs of the admin involved with processing the recepit of said fiver's, it's worth it if it deters time wasters
Does it really? From what I heard it's just "dude nihilism lmao"
>sweat rapist
And creats a few jobs
true, even a 20p fee would keep the riff raff out
IM FUKED. had a glass of vodka last nite then went to bed. Walked into work today and they brought a breath analyzer. I turned around and left. My boss is blowing up my phone. What do I do? It's been 10 hours since I drank that. Help
no the rick and morty high iq is a meme, it's just family guy for millennials pretty fun but boils down to
>low I'm smart and popular things are stupid I don't care XD
what job does random breathalyzers? also ring in sick and don't drink tonight
STINKY cat poo in the litter tray
>Alessa Savage cosplaying as Jinx from LoL
cor lads
It's just something to put on lad.
I can't. I already walked into the building. I'm hiding in the toilet. It's a shitty factory job some Boomer stuck his hand into a machine while drunk and now they're doing random tests to everyone HELP
How big a glass of vodka? Just tell them you took a dizzy spell and you're feeling really unwell, you'll phone again in the morning to let them know how you're doing. If he says anything about the breathalyser thing, just say you'd been feeling unwell the whole way into work and the thought of blowing into that just turned your stomach so you had to leave. Just play up feeling dizzy/weak/nauseous etc, could probably get away with saying you had a gastric flu or food poisoning. Don't drink any booze on a school night again.
>Alessa Savage
dont tempt me la
>hey sorry I left so quickly but I was about to throw up, I've had to go home
that's your best chance, you can't fake the test so your best hope is they don't fire you, if it's got to the point where you're at risk of loosing your job because of drinking and having to lie to people maybe you should quit or limit it to fridays & saturdays only
You'll have to find the building blueprints to plan an escape route
Avoid lethal force for a bonus score
Stick your fingers down your throat and do a funny walk out the building so it looks like you've sharted
wish someone would rip all of vrcosplayx's 2d versions
It seems like a good thing to get high too, I like cartoons
I'm not sure how big the glass was. It was fairly small. Like if I measured the height with my thumb I'd say it was 3/4 of it. There is a chance I might have already metabolized it but I can't risk it. Any result above 0.00 = I'm fukked.
I want to GTFO but I left all my shit in the locker room and that's where they set up the table to do the tests.
I think I'm gonna wait a couple hours in this stall and then go back.
Popular things are stupid like who cares about sports I'm more of an intellectual
exactly this is the type of autistic shit you see in rick and morty the jokes are just
>I'm so much smarter than everyone even though I have no job, no friends
>everyone else is dumb for liking things I don't
Please calm down that's obviously a troll post. I'm watching Rick and Morty cause it's funny.
for me, it's VRCosplayX
I know if I thought it was genuine I wouldn't have replied
But I have Asperger's and I unironically have a higher iq than the normies
at what age and where did you get your IQ verified? also does having a high iq matter if you'll never be more successful in normies in any way?
*plays christmas music in november*
bloody ell dazza, fookin mental case so ya ar
my mum has the christmas movies on 24/7. proper mental
>Soufs Acting Like Norfs Edition
This but unironically. Why do all the southern poshos all seem to want to move up here to go to uni. Then they all are very rich but dress like chavs in old fila and shite. Is it just some inside joke of them mocking us northerners?
i'm souf and i dont want to be norf but i do envy your house prices. moving up north is something i'm considering doing when i earn enough money to be looking at houses.
I used to work with a man who had aspergers or whatever and all he ever talked about was pokemon. usually to himself. he got in trouble for touching a girls leg in a sexual manner but apparently it was an accident and they dropped it
I kind of like it the amount of times I've seen some poshos dressed as chavs almost get the shit kicked out of them for trying to buy drugs of strangers is unreal
shes such a fekkin sket, i luv it
Ah I live in Newcastle which is where they all seem to want to come to, I guess it's the northern lifestyle but it's the closest to actually having civilisation and that
17 by the aspie doctors who did a test. The beauty of it is that I don't care about that, neither should you.