This will never be you

>this will never be you

how does it make you feel anons?

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I'd rather die than have black eyes, black hair and a jew nose. Poor older kid for inheriting his dad's trash-eyes.

pretty bad all I wanted in life was a family

>how does it make you feel anons?

empty and sad

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I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation why is the wife barefoot and her feet in the pic not to mention painted toenails

It feels very bad.
I wanted a family.
I think I would have been a good husband and father.

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Because she's not an American. People from actual countries are civilized enough not to wear shoes and boots indoors.

brown eyes themselves are not that bad as long as theyre not dark to the point where your eyes look black but blond hair with any other eye color than blue or green look just wrong

Too bad you're a fucking disgrace.

absolutely terrible, like I'm a failure in every single way and not just most things

>I think I would have been a good husband and father.
luckily I share enough traits with both of my parents to know that wouldn't have been true

I don't feel anything. I died a long time ago, I'm at peace, pic above was something society and life in general put in my wishlist, not me.
I realized that love is born from shallowness and ruthless competition, therefore i came to the conclusion that even if i had the chance i would not let another minime in this world just to suffer.
Break the chain of lies and death, do not procreate.

Why the fuck would I want kids? I don't want more anons running around.

>this will never be you

ok good. i dont want to be a fucking normie anyway

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looks terrifying desu

makes me feel that im lucky because im not being leeched by some NPC woman and annoying kids.

i dont really give a shit that i am not that guy. me being independent is more important than that shit.

Accurate depiction of kids gleefully choking the life force out of their parents. Father is saddled with 18+ years of financial burdens and he's mad about it under that forced smile (see clenched fist). Mother's red toenail polish is her desperate, last ditch attempt to retain a semblance of youth. I feel like hell probably cheat on her but she won't make a big deal about it and they'll stay together for the kids.

>leeched by some NPC woman
ironically most women make more than you do, you useless neet

It makes me really happy cause I don't want to have 2 kids and still smile like that. Something's wrong with that

you are such a sad whiteknight. why dont you go and complain about the pay gap while you're at it. i can't tell if your post is a troll or you're actually stupid and don't know anything about wages.

Feeels good, mane

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