Is there honestly any reason for my cat(male) to get fixed?

Is there honestly any reason for my cat(male) to get fixed?

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I guess you could say the "fix" is in, kek

No. I feel the same way about dogs. It's Texas Law to get dogs neutered and microchipped. I did neither. People get upset at me for it because he could get cancer or some shit if he keeps his balls but what does that matter? If dogs get cancer when they have an organ that they were born with, that means they were naturally supposed to get cancer. Otherwise it'd make no sense for them to have balls.

I could get cancer for having balls too. I could probably cut out all possibility of having testicular cancer if I cut off my testiculars. But I won't because it's a risk I think I can take.

It's funny to me, we're allowed to eat animals, cut their sex organs off against their will, but if you fuck em, all the sudden it's cruel.

Well our genitals aren't compatible with an animals most of the time. Sure you could fuck a horse or maybe even a dolphin but even with a micropeniz if you fuck a dog it'll hurt him/her. Also muh consent.
That doesn't make sense and stupid pilled.

>implying a cow consents to being sent through a slaughterhouse and chopped up into steaks and burgers
>implying your pets consent to having their balls cut off and have a tracking device implanted in them
Why is an animal's consent disregarded until things become sexual?

Cats need to be fixed because they roam much more than dogs, and are often out of sight of the owner, the last thing you want is to spread feral cats because they spread rapidly and devestatingly from only a few domesticated ones, and if its a male it will make him significantly less aggressive.

What's wrong with feral cats? There a bobcats in the neighborhood where I grew up, they don't bother anyone.

Imagine if, when you were born, your mom cut your balls off and her defense was "he might start having sex and being slightly more aggressive when he's older"?

if hes is an indoor cat yes otherwise hell piss on everything thru his ass

Bad analogy, adding feral cats to an ecosystem is like throwing a wheelbarrow of bricks into a turbine, they dont belong there and kill everything they can to make room, even in one where large cats are already present they will tip the balance. So I guess it doesnt matter if you dont mind hundreds to thousands of birds being killed.

>implying humans don't do the same shit

What the fuck are you even trying to say, that if someone else does something bad that means it wont matter if you do it too?

I'm saying that cutting off animals' genitals is wrong.

Of course its bad, but its an exchange, the level of discomfort put on one feline, which is almost negligible in this case, since pets arent known to sit around sulking cause they got no gonads, is nothing compared to the agony of countless other lives.

It's something to consider if you don't want your cat raping anything.

Oh boy don't even get me started on cat rape. Where I live there's feral cats fucking everywhere, and all they do, day and night, is fucking rape each other. You'd think they were fucking vikings on a pillage spree they do so much goddamn rape.

Unfixed cats love to rape, it's all they do, because there's no defence against it, it's not like female cats have some kind of fucking corkscrew vagina. No, male cats are just gonna come flying over your back fence raping goddamn everything that ever lived if it so much as resembles a buxom feline.

"But user, how do you know cats love to rape? Surely not all cats are rapists! #notallcats." Well they fucking are, and you know how I know? I can hear them.

All over my neighbourhood, every fucking night.

All I can ever fucking hear is cat rape, because nobody fixes their goddamn cats, and cats are sex crazed fuck bandits who need to cum at least twice a day or I swear to god they'll fucking detonate from raw sexual energy.

Every night I hear the fucking screaming of dozens of cats being violently raped, and because I'm not a fucking furry it ruins my ability to jerk off to hentai in fucking peace.

So yes, I think there is a very good reason to fix your fucking cat, unless you want him climbing in windows and shit, raping every female cat who ever fucking lived.

But hey, it's your cat, it's your choice.

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It's for the greater good. What greater good does fucking an animal provide?

Thanks for the laff irl man I needed that.

I aim to please.

But seriously, there's so much cat rape.

Maybe you live in a bad neighborhood. Those inner city cats are always trouble.

You bust a nut. If killing a cow for a burger is for the "greater good", fucking it is as well.

Less aggressive, less peeing everywhere to mark his territory

Tell them about how you felt it too when you were younger. They may understand.

Whatever. Ethier way you are just trying to cope with whatever demons you have inside your head because of a few past actions you've never told anyone about.
Ok I'm sorry what are you trying to say?

You know this board is fucked beyond hope when people here are unironically defending cats. They should all be put down immediately.

What,did a cat rape your mom or something? It'd be different if I was talking about a pit bull or something as niggerish but I'm not. Cants aren't as bad as you think I assure you.

I never could bring myself to cut my kitter's balls off.
He never pissed anywhere but his box, and he was aggressive to strangers though, but never to me.

Male cats that aren't castrated tend to be more aggressive, and will compulsively "mark" their territory by pissing everywhere.
Plus, spaying and neutering cats is how we reduce the population, as stray cats are a serious issue. Endangering many insect and bird populations ain't fun.
Your male cat might not fuck around in the house, but if he ever goes outside, it's likely he might find a female and spread his seed, causing more population issues.

Do your part, user.

i wouldnt

i hate fixing animals.

so the last cat i had before we moved, his name was Koko, nigga I let that cat roam free. Probably raped tons of cat sluts at this point. More power to him.

My dog actually got testicular cancer, he had to get fixed at 13, he's 15 now and still going strong. And dogs, unlike cats, can't really live in the wild, so I wouldn't completely recommend neutering/fixing dogs, but cats are little shits and would destroy our ecosystem if we didn't chop their balls off.

You're the reason why birds are going extinct.

>Muh environment
Man you'll be dead before anything catastrophic happens why do you care?

>cat pissing inside ur house

>muh environment xd

cool argument user

Literal human trash

i really dont care if a couple cats exterminate birds in the city. i know there arent nearly enough cats anywhere else

In talking about the last bit you fuck. Yeah some pretty birds no longer exist so what. It's nature running it's course.
No (u)

>Whatever. Ethier way you are just trying to cope with whatever demons you have inside your head because of a few past actions you've never told anyone about.
No I'm just trying to use logic and you obviously can't deal with it.

You can torture and kill an animal because you want to eat its meat. This is fine.

You can cut off an animal's balls because you don't want it having sex. This is fine.

You can't fuck an animal because why?

Explain why. It your bacon ultimate cheeseburger from Jack In the Box for the "greater good"? Did humanity really need ham?

Btw, this is an anonymous board. If I was running around fucking animals, why wouldn't I just admit to it.

1.If you really find it insulting that someone doesn't agree that being an irl furry is ok then you are too far gone. I can tell you have no intentions of hearing out what I have to say,even though I am willing to give you a fair shake on all this.
2. humanity can do whatever it wants. Now I am not saying this as a literal,but it is humanities divine right to inherit the earth and everything in it. It is a gift from nature for winning life.
3. Because what you did was so vile,so depraved and generally obscene that your mind subconsciously hid away that memory. You say you didn't but if you really didn't you wouldn't be so adamant about all this.

You seem to be ignoring user's logic, does the possibility that fucking animals is ok morally disturb you? You seem to have this contradicting view that "Humanity can do whatever it wants" while "X is vile and depraved", which implies you'd rather not have anyone do so. I just want to know you validate your cognitive dissonance.