I'm thinking about starting it
What are you guys thought on GreySkull
Ideal female body.
It's pretty good, but not much different from SS imo. I ran it for a short while when i first stalled on SS and then moved on to intermediate programming after that. Going down to 2 squat sessions felt great.
i am actually running a split 5 days a week , should I go for Greyskull instead ?
what, overweight with pancake tits? nice standards you have there.
You have obviously never seen pancake tits if you think those are pancake tits.
im obviously looking at those right now and they would look much worse without the bikini top.
They might drop a little bit but they're full, pancake tits are flat.
it's just a meme version of SS, try it if you want, it's ok for beginners
Run it or SS for like 3 months tops then move on to a bro split. Don’t fall for the strength meme breh.
yeh switched from ss to gslp and am making decent progress. i also like how minimal it is.
i personally add chinups and pullups though to hit back and biceps.
t. faggot
Soooooooo whomst?
Which split?
t. 100kg squatter
100kg squatter that also looks like shit***
After several years of lifting, should one quit doing 5x5?
I am doing 5x5 for compounds and 10-12x3-4 for isolations.
are you progressing?
>pic title
t. gay frog
Not really strength wise, but I think its mainly life getting in the way. I haven't gained much strength in a year in terms of numbers, but then again I am much more stable and have better form at that strength level while also having a smaller bodyweight.
But at the end of the day, I would say I have definetly stalled. That is mainly why I went away from the high rep scheme after doing that for a while and went for 5x5. I wanted something more concrete to aim for aka heavier weights. I gained quite a bit of strength doing this for a while, but now I have definetly stalled.