You know the drill post your rooms and rate others.
Room Thread
Ok wtf
1 of 2 - sanitized sanitized
5/10, looks dirty but still somewhat comfy
2 of 2
0/10 - looks like a favela shithole
where is your fucking computer
Socal but not the nice areas
WTF is that actually your room? You a squatter?
i hope you're a girl
no pls mods
This is the gayest fucking room I have ever seen.
Your room looks wonderful and comfi i like it user
I wish my life was as comfy as my room looks.
How can a room be gay user...?
Are you mentally retarded or something?
Thanks, I tried to go for a consistent theme.
Yeah it's a work in progress but comfy for a neet like me.
>Haters gonna Hate
>plushies as pillow
>that table
>that curtain
>those gay stickers
You're an adult man for fucks sake user
where can I get the Gabu user?
>roastie or mentally ill homofag
Looks like you're squatting in some third world slum.
My shitty lonely BR which I may not have for long. Can't pay rent neet.
My room's been cleaned a bit since this pic, but it still isn't that clean.
why do none of you have a proper bed?? do people really just put mattresses on the floor
It's my crappy trailer on an enormous piece of Land my family owns. Literally don't have any neighbors.
>haters gonna hate
And you are going to die from an infection
Pictured: current living arrangement.
where do you life?
that looks comfy af
holy shit that looks ridiculously comfy, what city is this
I used to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. The mattress is an upgrade.
Hi. I am now living in Hong Kong.
Best room so far ITT. Could decorate a little. Throw some used needles, empty booze/pill bottles around the floor then it will look complete.
Looks 4th world af. Good to see you have some alch to make it look better.
a w8 engine block?
I got it from China frand!!!
It was pretty cheap!
Basically $18usd
My room in psych ward.
Nice retro consoles. SNES is the golden age.
What are those things on the wall? Don't tell me they shock you in there.
they are simple plugs m8
Ummm even if i was an adult male wot wld be the problem with my room being cute?
Its just a room, and to me it is comfi ... i like it.
Maybee you should try to get some cute stuff in your room user!!!
Still in the process of furnishing the room
I'm a homeless girl (female) in the midwest. Getting really chilly...
Yeah got a bunch mostly in containers on the property when I do leave the house it's in my Passat W8.
That bed looks weirdly short, though I don't know if it's just the perspective.
Aren't there any homeless shelters?
Bro that bed is like 4 ft long
King of manlets
you are only allowed in there when you are sober
It's a king size bed so it probably looks short because it's so wide. Dimensions are like 80x76 inches or something ridiculous
Of course but there's also the bando or the walmart. Thinking about joining a 24 hr gym and working out all night.
> double bed
normie detected
Fuck. almost got quads
Clean yer room, bucko!!!
t. Jordan
>tfw no homeless gf to take into my home and take care of
I would but I live in yurop, Amsterdam
I wish you could stay with me.
It's like nearly 7 foot long, it's also over 6 feet wide
I live in dorm that's unironically worse then jail
> bed for 2
> two computer desks
Don't tell me you have a SO on Jow Forums
Kinoest apartment in the thread. I'd kill people for a room with view.
>tfw old house was on a vantage point and had a great look of the Parthenon and all of Athens but some nigger made an apartment building across the street and completely blocked all the view
Here is my rume 1/2
man my room has one tiny 15" window. it always irritates me to see people with giant windows just covered up permanently. you gotta let the light in bro. it helps yr circadian rhythms and shit
Here is my rume 2/2
oh. oh no. oh no no.
I'm pretty old my dude, eventually life just sorted itself out
they let you on the internet in psych wards?
People get cell phones and facebook into jail somehow so I am not surprised to see that
i hate that shit
In before the green. I cant repaint it until spring.
my little sisters room... she's at school right now
> opening your blinds at night
You must have no shame.
Paint the walls blue and insert capeshit posters, and that's pretty much what my room looks like right now.
Logistically speaking this is never the right choice. If you think about it, the newer models are simply much more efficient, despite being a bit more expensive.
thats a really wholesome bedroom i wonder what she thinks about having a stay-at-home neet older brother like you though
It faces into my back yard which is surrounded by a very tall wall
i don't bother her. she doesnt know i go into her bedroom.
I'm a neet you tard any money I get is handed to me.
i love the tape sticking the drapes mate
real stylish
why do you go into her room user? thats kinda pervy but im crossing my fingers hoping for a non-degenerate response from an anime poster
Ok. I thought it was up front like most living rooms and dens.
nothing bad i just like to smell around
are you a cute art hoe boy
aside from the filthy frank shit on your walls you could potentially be a cute art hoe boy what kind of cute art hoe boy music do you listen to
Not falling for thr "self improvement" meme.
I fear the sun, I feel better this way.
Im upgrading to duct tape my next paycheck.
No creep actually talks like that
What, that sucks. :/ Come stay with me
Here, the floor is covered in laundry so.
Have a good chuckle
I'm half awake and going to bed now
Do you actually believe this yourself or are you just trying to get others hooked on this miserable idea?
Holy shit clean your fan user.
I remember you from the other day kek nice house
Mostly stuff from early boogie woogie to Hard rock. The closest to arthoe music I go is Joji.
Nah, it is very private, although the parking here is still shit which you wouldnt expect for a house this large
My room wholly catered towards studying and procrastination.
What are your monitors senpai? I got 2 dell wing monitors for my setup but sadly they're TN so they don't look right rotated
>Latino shithole; 3/10
>Hotel bedroom; 7/10
>Really comfy, what kind of weird lamp is that?
Whatever floats your boat user. but it looks like a sissy's room.
suicide chamber.
We should make a gallery of NEET bedrooms so we can compare them to those of normal people. You know you can spot red flags that way.
Thanks, it's a palm tree lamp.
what's the board for ?
Center is a Dell U3011, the two sides are 2007FpB. IPS, 16:10, good colours. I like them.
Hey user my place maybe a shit hole but at least I have all the land around it. Have fun in your chicken coop apartment or your rates infested housing community. Poorfag nigger
Okay, not so comfy anymore.
>doesnt recognize european outlets