who else pretend to be a male to get quality advice here
Who else pretend to be a male to get quality advice here
I often pretend to be female to help with shitposting.
This is larp and you are a man
am i being a whit night if i say i fell bad that girls can't really use Jow Forums or any other part of Jow Forums properly?
they can
Nigga you can’t really type
Tits or GTFO
resisting the urge to get attention for your gender is acting like a man now?
Tits or ass pic with a pic with time. It’s literally the only way to prove you’re a woman
they can if they just don't say they're a woman. it's rarely relevant to the conversation
Not nearly as many as men that larp as women for (You)s. Which you won’t get from me.
we can we just can't talk about insecurities (height, weight, face) or body issues like men can and we can't provide pictures without being called sweetie.
i'm fine with it honestly too many men pity women instead giving quality advice
but a shame that we can't discuss physique and excersizes targeted towards female goals
for instance, the tremendous failure the femfit threads were.
stacies did us a disadvantage we might never recover from
>quality advice
There is no creature alive I pity more than the woman
>implying your gender is relevant to get advice on how to get in shape
Fuck off larper
I don't. I love to make them comment "tits or GTFO". Seeing bunch of virgins who have never talked to a woman irl is so satisfying
plot twist: half the incel posts on Jow Forums are made by women
>Jow Forums
>quality advice
Pick one.
Try starting strength or GOMAD
Then add tons of high volume shit after that.
You can also blast tren if you need a little extra.
>that hairline
>stacies did us a disadvantage we might never recover from
YOU slave away at the gym and painstakingly maintain your diet, while STACY eats 2 apples a day with a shot of vodka, and STILL gets with CHAD
you’re just being the brainlet you always were (and still are)
I assume there are plenty of girls on /cgl/, /co/, /fa/, /ck/, /a/, /x/ and those drawing boards.
Weight training is NOT for women.
You should be raising children, baking cookies, and watching reality TV while your man goes to the gym to train.
they don’t need to mention it but know that it gets a response
>actually believes she’s trolling the trolls
Not much of a fan of the idea of being fat, user.
>not stating your gender is a strain for a woman
Pitiful, really.
>I don't want to be a spoiled princess
Found the dyke
>hey everybody im a female listen to me
tits with timestamp dummy
>watching reality TV
Instantly and eternally dropped.
>Being a feeder
I didn't know guys preferred spoiled, fat women.
Feederism and spoiling your gf like a queen is the final redpill of lifting.
Fuck off with so much thot posting lately, seriously
Feminine women watch reality TV.
Masculine women do not.
What type of women do you want, a feminine one or one that behaves like a man?
>You can also blast tren if you need a little extra.
>reality TV
>advocating materialism, whore behavior, friendship distraction, unfaithfulness, disloyalty
>all while selling your soul to entertainment companies to exploit you
Admittedly I enjoy Big Brother
>Jow Forums
>quality advice
>Jow Forums
>quality advice
You do realize that every board is just a compilation of shitposts with different topics? Jow Forums is fitness shit posting, Jow Forums is technology shit posting and so on.
>he thinks people imitate tv
Found the boomer from bumfucknowhere, USA.
>there are only two extremes and no such thing as a spectrum
>what are averages/generalities
Reality TV is about gossping/socialisation.
Reality TV is literally for the minds of women.
>women should be fat couch potatos
Fuck you, faggot. Girls, hit the gym. Don't squat tooo often just do higher volume. Your wider hips will thank you.
I lift with my gf. She really enjoys it and didn't know she would.
She's getting too strong, though, and has no outlet for it. She's gonna kill some broad in a bar fight.
Just accept you're gay.
The fact you want women to lift is just you trying to lie to yourself. You are trying to turn women into men so you can get as close as possible to fucking a man. What you really want is a man, so just start sucking dicks.
Ariana Grande looks like she's permanently 11 years old, shit's weird as fuck.
Pierce, is that you?
I really, really like this image.
>who else pretend to be a male to get quality advice here
You don't have to. Disclose your gender(sex), ask your question and wait.
You have to be patient. More often than not questions stated by (implied) males will not result in reasonable answers, too.
You have to understand, for every informed person on any given board you have a hundred stupid idiots. Even if that informed person sees your thread and answers, he might just be in the mood to shit post.
I know, isn’t it great?
shave your vagina
The perfect relationship.
top tier healthy man with top tier healthy woman, the perfect match
he can't keep getting away with it!
I often shame men and pretend to be an awful roastie because I know you cucks are so obsessed with vaginas you have no backbone whatsoever.
As a femanon, I agree.
why do not you visit some site where most users are women and try to get attention there?
so just go for runs and/or stop eating like a walrus you retard.
deadlifting wont make you less fat you fucking idiot.
also what makes you think we know anything about female fitness? we arent women
fuck off and shit up reddit. leave 4 chan please youre ruining our boards
why would you feel bad? there are chans for women, just not this one
Would you say men with money are attractive?
Is his boner wedged inside her belly button?
Lol shes twice his size and yet has the same size boobs as him.
>and has no outlet for it
Get her into a volleyball club.
Probably. Mine would be.
I've fucked a girl's fat belly and fat rolls before.
Usually I spread lies that it only matters who are you on the inside to keep losers' hopes up. Saying money is above all is too obvious at this point.
False from my personal experience.
I fucked the most attractive women while living with my mother and had girls buying me clothes, paying for things, etc.
Well I wouldn't consider myself a loser
I'm a high earner and wont mention what I do
I'm in my early 30s and not really good with women at all and living the mgtow lifestyle
What sucks is meeting women for me since I dont know how or where
Good to know the money situation is a plus for women but I'm not dumb and not looking for gold diggers so I make sure they whoever is involved in my life doesnt know anything about my worth
They can guess from my car or where I live
You sound very naive and sheltered
Elaborate more if you can
>Jow Forums
>quality advice
You're asking for relationship advice and typing out paragraphs to teenagers on a cartoon forum
Thats a big yikes from me lad
>implying people don't
Found the Jew
You don't need a w*man. Get a doll. Marrying today is asking to be cucked. So unless you're fine with your wife inevitably cheating on you and raising kids that might as well not be yours, don't do it. She'll cheat regardless because you can't be with her at all times and because she can get away with it. It's not the matter of her satisfaction, or because the other dude was better than you, it's just because she fucking can.
She works? She has male coworkers? There you go. A little wink there and they'll fuck soon enough if she wants to spice up her boring life. You think she'd just sit at home and raise your kids and be content in a happy family? Lmao, the media says otherwise and she'll follow. In fact any contact with other male may and will lead to an affair.
It's all so tiresome, you can't even trust a fellow man nowadays, not to say a permanently immature being that can never think straight. Still eager to get backstabbed? Please, be my guest, intertwine your life with a f*male and then report later.
This isn't the place get quality advice. Boards are more often than not bad at discussing their own subject. This is the place where the jokes and weirdness will keep you interested and paying attention until you've accidentally learned some stuff.
You shouldn't your endocrin system and dietary requiremnts rep ranges you benefit most at are very diffrent
(as a a man) i agree
Who said anything about marriage? I'm not considering marriage or children
I just want a gf who wants to enjoy life with me traveling around the world
im not a woman but there are girls like that out there. they're just rare. same like men that are genuienly good people and just want to have fun with one (1) woman are rare.
Well, that's the end game, no? Nevertheless, your request is already tough as is. Good luck with that pal, you'll need it. I won't trust any western women with that these days though, it's like winning a lottery that's 100% rigged against you.
I wouldn't consider myself a good man but I would say all I want is someone to spend time with and fuck whenever I want
No kids
No marriage
And I'm not paying her bills or buying her fancy shit
Women love feminism this is what they get from me
I've worked my way up in this world and I have to throw it all away for a woman? Yea that's not going to work for me
>le travel no kids
degenerate npc detected
There's nothing to teach, I didn't ask them to buy me anything or manipulate them into doing it, they just did it.
Come on sweetie, what advice do you need?
be handsome
Why is it tough
Good women dont exist?
I have to head to the gym now but feel free to explain
So somehow I'm the problem?
Guess ill die alone like they said
Rich and alone
That's okay. I have nieces and nephews and my brothers
Once I pass away they get my money in the will
Men pretending to be women pretending to be men
Well she should be able to protect herself and the children while the man is off working.