>age 22
>sad wizard virgin
>nothing but missed cues, bitterness and some online-only shit
>meet someone via facebook
>we end up meeting months later
>have a 3 year relationship
>now 27
>my counter is at 5
>current gf is young qt that literally wants to have sex all day
>been with her for months and i can still fuck her 5-6 times a day and she still wants more
it gets better robots.
for me it felt like girls started auto-liking me when I grew older, besides my attitude still being beta as fuck.
bottom line is: hang in there
Age 22
>my counter is at 5
Isn't that bad? You were already mistaken four times, I would be destroyed by something like that
I could've stayed with the first girl forever, she still loves me way too much but from my perspective she turned out not to be for me. that doesn't mean I was mistaken or that I wasted my time with her
>I am a late bloomer the post
Fuck off fag.
Life is all about sex. Asshole is humble bragging. Don't tell me you're one of those wait till marriage losers? The reason that fag suddenly started getting attention is because he got experience. Women can smell out experience and vice versa.
you sound jelly. c'mon user don't be so bitter, just wanted to give you some hope because I felt like you once
Rush's success is mostly based on them having the best album covers and being lucky with the timing of their debut album. Nothing else really stands out.
>original post
>age 32
>sad wizard virgin
>nothing but missed cues, bitterness and some online-only shit
>it never got better, robot
Except I'm 27 too you asshole. Sure I lost it when I was 22 as well but fuck only Ugly girls like me. I want Stacy man. Fucking fuck off.
Are you attractive?
This is an original freaking comment
>it gets better
Please fuck off.
Man normies bragging about being normies on here and ending with the "it gets better" is so fucking tiring. Can you dumb fags just go to reddit already?
nope, going to be here forever, I've earned my bragging rights and you should too
why don't you just only talk to girls you find attractive then?
that's a lie, no one could ever live that long being a wizard
But I was Stacies to fucking worship me. Why couldn't I have been Chad? It's shy I'm so BIIIIIITTTTTEEER.
And he even condescendingly ends it with.
>because I felt like you once
Yeah put yourself so high and mighty above us. Is it fun to look down? I bet you fuck fat chicks, loser. "Oh, look at meee, I have sex 5-6 times a day, she can't get enough of me. Heh, I remember when I was like you lot. ;^)"
she's not fat at all, the only one that was fat was my first. I liked it back then but I grew to dislike fatness a lot afterwards, the other girls have been 10/10 from my perspective
and yeah it's fun to look down, why else would I be here with you losers? but I also feel good about myself knowing I might give some zoomer hope for the future / make them not kill themselves today. 2 birds in 1 stone, all for my ego
The problem is him saying "I felt like you once" as if he's ever felt like us and isn't some stupid fucking normalfaggot. He's never felt actual loneliness, hopelessness, he's a stupid fucking kid that want to pretend like he's at all had it rough. God I hope he fucking dies and this board does too. What a fucking joke.
>that's a lie, no one could ever live that long being a wizard
Get a load of this guy...
>why don't you just only talk to girls you find attractive then?
I do faggot. I know when a girl is down to fucking you. It's obvious. And only ugly chicks give me the signs.
Heh. He goes all out. Pics or it didn't happen.
hey I was a complete shut in for 5 years and all i did was play vidya and shitpost on Jow Forums, if you think i haven't felt like you you're just wrong
ugly girls just give signs easier because they're more desperate, you need to UP YOUR GAME
no way fag
>complete shut in for 5 years
>has a facebook
yeah no back to normiebook normalfaggot you never were and never will be one of us
Sorry, I meant "want" Stacies to worship me. Not "was"
>10/10 from my perspective
>my perspective
At least you're honest. At the end of the day what matters is that you're satisfied with the chicks you got and that's most important.
beauty is subjective and I'm an idiot that falls way too much in love and ignores flaws for as long as it lasts. I thought the first girl I was with was 11/10 when I was with her, looking back now i just can't get over her weight
having a fake name / no pictures facebook to actually be able to meet people from your country with similar interests to yours doesn't make you a non-normie. if you can't get over your fear of "holy SHIT if i do "X" i'll be NORMIE!" you deserve your grim fate. personally I've met and got to know all the girls I ended up fucking on facebook. what, you think the only way is to grow confident and start going out or someshit?
Pick one and ONLY one
Look man only thing more pathetic than coming here is coming here when you have already made it. It shows that you literally had the thought "Woah, I'm having so much sex now, I can finally go tell the dudes over at Jow Forums how amazing I am!"
Yeah man, you come here to brag because only around losers you can feel marginally better about yourself. Around normies you're still bottom barrel and you know it. Why don't you tell your friends you lost it at 22 to a fat chick? Kek.
I'm bottom barrel as fuck, though honestly I don't just come here to brag, I like to spend time with my fellow robots
and I don't have friends to tell this to, at least not ones that don't already know her
at least life is marginally better when you're at least getting some
Okay you're all right but you should work on yourself so that you can leave this place forever. You can't go around your whole life being bottom of the batter. There has to be progress and coming here shows you're still clinging to the past.
you're right
but I don't see much hope in that regard.
What the fuck dude? You didn't get to bang 5 chicks by having that sort of attitude, that's for sure. I don't know what you have to do but you're gonna do it and next time I (don't) see you you're going to be normie extreme supreme. Having time to come here shows you're not putting enough emphasis on the rest of your life. Kids, career, wealth or whatever else there is. God speed, Normalfaggot!
>for me it felt like girls started auto-liking me when I grew older
Good for you, not everyboydy is that lucky.
Regarsds, 27 year old wizard apprentice
>uses facebook
you never were a robot
>using a social media site to talk people in the only way you can (via written text) auto-makes you not a robot
>what is using facebook without uploading pictures of yourself
>what is using facebook with a nickname
>lol it's almost like you want to have a hope of meeting someone from your country which you would have a chance with, what a normie loser lmao
you're just sabotaging yourselves with that mentality
What the hell did she like in you?
Who likes a beta? Why?
Answer damnit! I need answer besides the old "you literally need to be Chad wit an 8" dick" shit
girls love betas as long as they are good looking and have money to pay for all their shit
girl sex addicts are fucking crazy
I have no fucking idea, but I didn't change from beta to chad before starting to get some. the only clue I can give you is, all the girls I've been with have had some form of depression too
I have 0 money (neet/no job) and the girls I go out with usually end up buying me shit to get me to go out with them so it can be vice versa