Stop watching porn. It is mind control. I haven't watched porn in 4 months and my life has turned around 180 degrees

Stop watching porn. It is mind control. I haven't watched porn in 4 months and my life has turned around 180 degrees.

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I don't want to be the voice of reason here. But "stop watching porn" will not magically fix your life. You're going to have something else take up that time
If anything. You'll learn that you're an ugly, sad sack of shit that nobody cares about. That the porn was the only thing you had that brought you brief joy
You're a miserable loser at your best. At worst a terrible liar. Believing that your even at the level of the people that have healthy relationships
without premarital sex

oops I accidentally exposed you to porn sorry user i'll try harder next time

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>have regular sex
>you dont need porn
>dont have sex
>life is torture without porn

I didn't need this bitter blackpill damn it!

Only because you are a porn addict retard

Sorry chief. That's the truth. And the truth is a harsh cold BRUTE
It does not discriminate and it is the distinguisher. Old reliable

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>tfw drawings of naked rabbits doesn't register as porn to your brain

the truth. if watching porn was the thing holding you back you were a normalfaggot all along.

I haven't fapped or watched porn for roughly 2 months now (too depressed).
Literally nothing has changed, instead of fapping once or twice a day I instead use that time to drone away at some brain dead YouTube videos.
I'm still watching some unproductive garbage just in a different form.

So if u watch mind control porn it means porn is mind control mind control.
That's neat.

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My life would just turn 180 degrees for worse, making me suffer from sexual frustration everyday.

Sexual frustration is what drives men to do shit. Just put your frustration into other things.

Nah, I'm just gonna vent it out on fapping for the rest of my life.

Jerking off doesnt decrease testosterone or harm your mind in any way. Its healthy to get a little release now and again anyway.

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>Sexual frustration is what drives men to do shit. Just put your frustration into other things.
Wow Freud you're so smart!!!

Dont fall for the propaganda. Sexual releases are perfectly natural and pornography is a great outlet to enhance the pleasure while doing so.

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Porn is a drug.
The more you masturbate to porn (and thereby produce dopamine in your brain, the you need to masturbate to porn.
I'm 7 days into no-fap, I feel my mind becoming sharper and my resolve is only increasing.

>muh anecdotal evidence


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That's a very nice pic

Superstimulants WILL make the sunset look bleaker in comparison. Just quit it, user. Gain pleasure from wholesome shit again. It IS possible.

my porn addiction has ruined several sexual experiences.
I have had the chance to have sex with two 8/10 qt asians but both times my dick wouldn't get hard fast enough and ruined shit. I'm sure part of it was due to my nervousness but definitely most was due to yanking myself off twice a day.
The only way I can get hard when I'm with a woman is if she sucks my dick for several minutes.
>tfw I let my dream girl slip through my fingers not once but twice
Now i have viagra but still haven't had much chance to use it.

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