My inceldom:

I have lived such an unnatural life, devoid of love, sex, and pleasure. I am beautiful, I am the very peak of what women want. Yet none want me, not even femcels want me. Not even traps want me. I just can't fathom how fucked up this world is. I'm not a violent person yet women go for thuggish types while saying they want a nice guy.
How come ugly normalfags can get gfs but not me? I deserve it more. I am beautiful, I am not a mindless drone. I am absolutely perfect

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reminder that the only good thing about tokyo ghoul manga is its art

Uhh op... You can just talk to people? Unless you are literally have a bad reputation there's no good reason.

You don't "deserve" anything. You're probably an ugly misanthropic weakling who plays video games whose interests don't extend beyond imageboards and soda. A genetic dead-end. Go elliot rodger post in your manifesto

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>I am not a mindless drone.
i wonder why incels never realize that wanting sex this much makes them pretty much the Supreme Drone

>I am beautiful,
Fuck off failed normie.
>How come ugly normalfags can get gfs but not me?
Never seen that shiet happen
1. you are probably over valuing yourself
2. you under valuing them

I am beautiful, you are ugly
I am smart, you are dumb
Men want to be me, men hate you
Women love me, women hate you
You're nothing but a bug in my life
Here's the real truth. Any moment I wanted to I could end your pathetic life
But I won't because I'm not a violent person

I just want love

If women wanted me they'd ask Me out not the other way

I've seen soi drinking bitch boys get average and below average gfs.

>I've seen soi drinking bitch boys get average and below average gfs.
In their 30's, and the foids are using them as betabuxx, while fucking around with Chad when he is at work.

I thought you said no woman loves you?
Make up your mind, you deranged egotistical faggot.

That's true, but most people interact with people on a daily basis without even trying.
Well, everyone deserves a mutual happy life with a partner

I am almost 19 years old and I'm in peak condition psychically and mentally. I don't even want a 10/10 I would very much prefer a gf uglier than me

I'm not deranged

Life has no logic

>I am beautiful, I am the very peak of what women want
[X] doubt

I've accepted no one will ever love me I'm just hoping to die soon Im tired of a life of misery. Doesnt matter how hard I try nobody cares about me

Guys, this is bait.
Responding is just what he wants, don't waste your time.

Who resurrected Elliot Rodger?

After thinking about it, yeah you are probably right.

I suggest you jump off a bridge, I don't care about you little pissants and I don't care about your (you)s.

Here's the truth. Some people are born to suffer

I'm not Elliot. I'm full white and I don't hate other races

>I am the very peak of what women want.

Obviously not though, you fucking retard.

>Women love me
Yet you're complaining that women won't fuck you.
Not entirely sure about that one, Chief.

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What kind of Twitter nonsense are you Spouting
Go back to Twitter you fucking beta

God damn OP you beautiful bastard, keep reeling them in.

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Nice bait man originaioli

What are you Spouting about with you nonsensical rambling?

My inceldom isn't a troll for you (who are beneath me) to laugh at

as someone who gets asked out. guys do have to have some sort of social reputation to put yourself in others minds

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It's not fair
It is unfair

why are you so warped and bitter OP?

Unlike Elliot Rodger
I am not bitter or violent. I'm just pointing out the faults in this world
There is no logic. Ugly retarded ghetto/rednecks can get someone to love them but not me? I'm better than rednecks and ghetto people yet not a single person wants to date me

my dude the reason 90 iq spiccs get gfs is because they are worried what they to her.
Dont filter yourself. Dont be cringe either >ma fadora

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worried what they say to her

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cmon do a news piece

maybe you arent that great?

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So just be myself? Alot of people say that advice doesn't work?

>"b yourself"
is autistic advice because it basically means shit.
But yeah dont filter the shit you say to much because thats where the virgin meme comes from. If you like something then own that shit but dont cringe it. Also wearing earphones makes you look less aproachable

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You're either a troll or literally mentally disabled, if you're the pinnacle of anything, it'd be the latter.

You're perfect for r9k.


I could squash you like a bug you little beta

Try to by a BMW and make Youtube videos in which you complain in a psychopatic-autistic way about tfwnogf.

People will insult me and call me Elliot Rodger just like you did

Do this please OP, also who cares it will be fun

My pain is not to be laughed at by you morons

I will not laugh, trust me the normies won't be laughing either

Fucking LARPers all of you, this shit is so badly writed, I just cringe everytime I read something as badly done as this, this people needs to go to back to devianart or some shit like r/larp if something like that exist asap.

You waste my time by posting this

Yes they will

Don't you waste more by replying to it?

You cannot even begin to understand the complexity of my mind.
Jump off a bridge

>I am absolutely perfect
>I am beautiful, I am the very peak of what women want.
>I deserve it more.
>I am not a mindless drone.

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>reads my twisted world once

It's true all of it
Every word I said is true