There are a whole lot of these worthless pitiful subhumans in my nation and they do nothing but sit in their houses all...

There are a whole lot of these worthless pitiful subhumans in my nation and they do nothing but sit in their houses all day and do pointless shit like listen to music or read books/watch pedophile cartoons. What would happen to the world if these sullen, quiet, weak and effeminate people disappeared? Nobody would care about their disappearance; some people might be grateful that the 'quiet shy nice guy' has finally disappeared from making situations awkward when he has to talk to people in his job or at university. I look forward to the day when these people disappear, they contribute nothing to society and expect societies support at the same time; what a bother.

Attached: typicalintrovert.jpg (236x289, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We would very much like to disappear, suicide is just harder than it seems

What is this copy pasta

it really isn't
>get your gun
>shoot yourself in the brains
you're just too much of a pussy bitch to do it

its not a copy pasta
I want you subhumans (introverts) to die

Not every country has lax gun laws

>wanting to kill harmless autist dudes instead of subhuman roasties

OP is a faggot.

I already told you yesterday wanna do something about it you know where to find me
Im going out to train at 5pm you know where I live if you want to duke it out

This women don't contribute for shit at least here in the US

that is just one of the many ways you can kill yourself right now
you can jump off a high building, drink poison, if you're not a neet loser (like most introverts are) you can run your car in your garage and die a painless death, asphyxiate yourself, etc
there are many ways but you're just too much of a coward to do what is good for society
women are less likely to be introverts, at least I can have a decent conversation with women unlike your lot
you never told me actually you frail beta boy
and I never once implied I wanted to even get in the presence of one of you subhumans ever

You sure fuckboy?
Kek speaking of cowardice yet you wont even get in harms way in an attempt to do something good for society from your point of view gtfo baiting underage faggot whenever you want you know where to find me ;)

You have to jump off a very high building for it to work, poisoning has a low success rate compared to other methods, crashing your car is even worse (you can end up in a wheelchair unable to attempt again)... You don't know jack shit about all that my dude

>society creates people who cannot function
>blames them for being created that way
You ought to read Frankenstein

Dont waste your time trying to reason with a dumbass whose life is an actual timebomb, OP if you unironically are like that someones bound to kill you someday, maybe not a 4channer but somebody thats crazy enough and wont stand a troublemaker like you

Alright Op, what would you consider better in society?, well in my view of things we are just animals whom developed advanced socialization with our species, we are made by our genetics and some genetics are far better than others making others more adept at this socialization trait leaving groups that don't have this skill out, namely extroverts. because they simply never could talk well, our bodies control us all with chemicals and really what you think is cool or heroic is something that the human evolution has programmed to prolong this damned race, so really, Ask yourself. Why are you here, Why are you talking to anyone (short answer it's most likely some chemical commanding you to do so) Why do you feel the need to do anything cause in the grand scope of things, in just 200 years nobody will remember most of our names or anything we have done, ask yourself why do you need to work, your answers should be food, shelter and warmth and possible reproduction, and nearly every other living organism wishes for these things, some people can see past the illusion that is life and determine that there is no reason, love is chemicals and your hatred should be placed upon yourself for adding upon this hamster wheel of a cycle.

The problem is that assholes are likely the ones who kill people, not the other way around...

Yeah and theres stupid people that go around looking for fights until they mess with someone they shouldnt, literally happens all the time.
Also if he were to kill someone like he said in a previous thread you never know whos backing that person up but they wont be happy

lol don't make me laugh you pathetic incel
also that post isn't even me and you never posted where you are because you're a pussy
you delude yourself into thinking suicide is a hard thing
it isn't
you can do it right now if you wanted to
you just don't have the balls to do it
>someones bound to kill you someday
keep dreaming retard
I don't make enemies with anyone but shitty people so that won't happen
look at this hopeless useless shit
it is people like you that make me hate introverts
maybe if you enjoyed yourself every once in a while you wouldn't have to think of such pessimistic bullshit since nobody else cares about that kind of stuff
you people already kill yourselves
good enough for me

>keeps making excuses
You already know who I am and where I live, up to you if you want to pussy out at least I know I wont.
Im the last post in your original thread btw

Lol I'm literally telling you that we are not doing it ourselves because it's harder than it seems, you idiot

>you already know who I am and where I live
the first time I saw you was in yesterdays thread and even then I have no idea who you are other than an internet tough guy
>it's harder than it seems
only if you are a pussy bitch
of which most introverts are
they can't take initiative, not even the initiative to end their own suffering
you're pathetic.

Alright then, ill leave you to your own devices so you can make good use of your time making shit tier bait for r9k
And dude even if you knew doubt you would do something about it, get a job or something cause you are someone that actually needs it

Such a way with words, so convincing, I am so mad, wow

>doesn't explain who he is
>alright I'll leave you to your own devices
typical poser trying to act tough on the internet
you're nothing special
considering you aren't refuting the fact that it is really easy to suicide and you just don't want to admit that it's easy to prevent doing I would say yes, you are pretty mad

>this entire thread

Attached: easternmind.png (408x417, 216K)

I literally said it was hard, apparently you can't read (or... Could it be... That you're actually a troll? Who would have thought)

you're hopeless

Attached: 101.jpg (630x408, 38K)

imagine being pathetic enough to dedicate time you could be using to improve yourself to posting this trite nonsense instead

Attached: lainsmug.jpg (1024x728, 48K)

> people on the internet are all from murica

Ever heard of self-preservation?

I'm just posting this in my off time though
also introverts seem to fetishize 'self improvement'; what is your definition of 'self improvement'? most of you people just sit and either watch pedophile cartoons or post on this site, does that really count as self improvement? what have you done to 'self improve on' in the past year?
it's not that hard to get guns in other countries like Canada or Finland so what is your point? even then if it's that hard you can just throw yourself off a really high building or kill yourself with another method as already explained
lol only girls or effeminate guys care about useless shit like that
once you're dead you're dead, who cares about preserving yourself

>more excuses and hatred towards others
Not worth the time to humour, you have only my pity.

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You must be a Saint to have pity for this sad excuse of a human being...

Have you ever asked yourself why they exist? They didn't just appear for no reason, there's an underlying societal problem that exists that creates such people, but I guess your tiny brain can't comprehend that.

no bump, saged

Attached: why.png (1354x467, 71K)

That's like saying you can choose whether or not to feel the pain of a hard kick in the balls. Self-preservation is not a choice.

>giving me pity of all people
pic related
who gives a shit about self preservation though lmao
once you're dead you're dead
what is there not to understand about it? are you a bit slow in the head or are you a girl?

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