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Set a goal fucko, stop being so lazy, get out if your own head

let it run
it'll leave when it sees you don't care anymore

You simply bully that voice. “No, fuck you faggot” “no why don’t you kill your self you fucking pooplick”, imagine yourself physically beating a weaker you into submissiveness too

I feel you bro its always there whenever I try to do shit.

i have a ton of goals and work hard but the voice just says i dont work enough and ill never achieve my goals
do i continue life as normal? do i stop doing things? thats when it's at its worst, when im trying to relax.
ill try this

>thats when it's at its worst, when im trying to relax.
ironic isn't it... mind so inundated you can't even sit alone

its a sticky situation. have to make a definitive choice. time is passing either way

acquire a pessimistic external dialogue to replace it, perhaps by blogposting

>i have a ton of goals and work hard but the voice just says i dont work enough and ill never achieve my goals
Prove that voice wrong.

Does anybody go around in real life when interacting with objects or looking at stuff you do an inner comment on it like characters do in Silent Hill and Resident Evil? I don't know why but i do it

>miss out on stuff because pessimistic inner monologue always stopping me from doing shit
>ignore him and do things nonetheless
>all fail horribly or end up embarrassing myself

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it will never be satisfied
this is me

>it will never be satisfied
you don't satisfy the voice
you satisfy your own peace of mind, whatever the hell it may be

what are you talking about weirdo

Think about why you have it in the first place. It's there to protect you from doing things that would get you in trouble perhaps.

Practice enjoying things a little bit at a time. Things will start to change.

Do not allow yourself to deny yourself simple joys. Fuckin' dance, laugh, sing as long as you enjoy it and don't let yourself take your happiness away.

If squats are fun, fuckkin squat my dude, if you want to be a furry, fukkin' yiff away.

Confront the worst parts of you and accept them, transform them, or move on.

I believe in you. If I can do it, you can do it.

Some user once posted every time you feel anxious or have some negative thoughts just think to yourself "I am feeling anxious" or "I am having negative thoughts". I've been doing this and find it works wonders because it stops you from feeding into the anxiety/depression.

Zen meditation until you can turn off the voices at will

it'll take some time to build up to it, at first you'll probably only be able to keep it off for a couple minutes. I can do most of a day now


if you are working hard on your goals you should be seeing progress, i think you need to be more honest with yourself and really make sure you are doing everything necessary to achieve those goals

I suffered with the same shit for years(and still somewhat do) but then i accidently found huge help in realizing that the whiny pessimistic faggot in my head might argue better than anyone but it´s still wrong. So instead of trying to out argue or ignore it i ended up just mogging it to death by regaining my proper consience/inner self/id etc back. I do/did this by having a serious chat with my self every night in the form similar to praying. I just ask myself basic questions such as: what do i regret today, what i want from tomorrow, what i´m grateful for etc. I don´t take the answer from the faggy monologue but instead from the consience or something. It´s the same voice that warns you before you´re doing something very stupid and which you´ve propably ignored way too many times.
In my case that inner self was chad all this time but i for some reason decided to ignore it´s existance for way too long. Instead i gave my "rational" babbling monkey mind a free pass to fucking over my life, only because it was more argumentative and louder. Once you start to get this it´s life changing and i guess that`s why many spiritual/religous aspects of human culture preach against the ego and for "the higher" power. Your inner monologue might be a faggot but you don´t have to be.
As an extra tip i suggest you start tasking yourself with infinitesimal tasks which your mind is prone to argue against but which you know you should do. For example I had hard time getting started with stretching since my mind always came up with excuses not to do so. Then i dedicated myself to at least stretch my hamstrings every single time after sauna. This task was so minimal that even the whiny inner voice had hard time arguing against it. Then when i had fooled it once and gotten started i usually ended up stretching every single muscle in my body several times a week, without having almost any thoughts of skipping it.

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What's an inner monologue?

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Mantras. Reprogram yourself with repeating messages of your choice.

hyper normans beyond saving do not listen to them

for me it was incessant need of never being found out, personality wise, habits anything. I was supposed to be a point blank absolute static of a human for security purposes

"Hey, she looks pretty cute." - is what you think, and then you think

"she's probably taken a ton of Chad's dicks, though just like all women. Attractive women are the worst, anyway, and she would just try and embarrass me if I hit on her, women are such fucking whores."

Read this

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And this

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just shoot him, duh

degenerates like you belong on the cross

thanks for this going to try it
t. not op

Go back to r9k faggot