Any bots believe in reincarnation?

Any bots believe in reincarnation?

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Other urls found in this thread:é_recurrence_theorem

I believe in the idea of an eternal return.

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Wish I could in any capacity.

isnt that just reincarnation but applied to literally everything?

Yes, the whole universe, which is why we experience dejavu

This is something to believe in.

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thanks smug wojak poster


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If you think about it, when we die our bodies go into the ground and rot turning is into nutrition for the grass so we are reincarnated as grass and soil and the earth...but that idea is hippish and gay was

Any bots believe in quantum immortality?é_recurrence_theorem

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I'm wondering what the asshole incarnation of my previous life did to deserve this shit in the present

Just be as good as you can in this life user, you'll get something better next playthrough. Or you can just go kill some normalfags, not like you'll remember in the next life anyway.

Sounds better than endless heaven or hell. At least I get a second shot at this life.

I have fragmentary memories of a previous life in what I guess was the early nineteenth century. I'm not sure what country but pretty sure it was in Europe because it was very green and pastoral. Wealthy and entitled as well as arrogant and cruel at least by todays standards. Lived in a grand house set quite a ways away from any town and serviced by the most miserable mud road. It was very cold all the time in that house. I sometimes wonder if I'm paying a karmic debt for things done in that life, though I don't remember anything really bad such as beating a peasant or anything. Just the icy indifference to people lower than I and their suffering.

I have never had an interest in this era in particular. If I were to choose an era to have lived it would be something exciting or heroic such as WW2 or medieval knights or somesuch. Instead I get Jane Austen without any romance, just the stink of horseshit and woodsmoke.

deja vu is when one side of your brain processes the situation/info faster than the other side of your brain

You could be on your 50th shot right now buddy

life is always born. Only a retards don't believe that.
You see when you die.. Life is still born. So one "you" is just born. Could be animal too. Could be on another planet. D'uh.
Worst part is: you could born again as a nigger

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You are ready to hear it. I dont know which video exactly but your next quest is "tom campbell". Check him out. It might be the most important thin youll ever do. Hes on youtube and after about 300 hours of analysis I can confirm. This man is not nuts. Good luck. If you have questions towards me. Start a bread. I might see it. Good night.

Im serious.

Life is a simulation inuding free will. Thats the short answer. Its good news. Death is not death.

Possible. Next would be (whatever number) + 1

So we respawn until we meet some victory requirement.

that's the best way I explain my current timeline personally...

Here are the best books that deals with the scientific evidence in favor of reincarnation:

For those who want to research the issue further, that is ^^

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I suspect that it isn't like the movie Groundhog Day, where Bill Murray had to try to improve a little each life in order to finally win the girl. Rather, each life is an experience unto itself and has no connection to the next or following. All of the experiences are not being gathered to be used in the mortal plane of existence but to be used somehow in a higher plane. Perhaps it is only for entertainment purposes. Think about video games and how miserable or horrible it would be if you actually lived the life of your avatar. But you the player go away happy even though your twenty fifth level dwarf hunter was eaten alive by giant spiders.

is death entering the void, reincarnation, or entering the void then reincarnation?

It's the only sensible thing to believe in. For all you retards out there, I'm not saying you will be the same type of person, but that you will have sentience again. You could be a completely different person, or possibly a different species.

don't know if it matters, since you won't perceive the void you'll basically just wake up immediately after death

People who report near death experiences often claim they undergo a life review wherein then not only relive every moment of their life, feeling all the emotions again but also feel the emotions and thoughts of everyone they ever interacted with. Kind of scary thought. They also sometimes report having a connection to all other people who have ever lived or ever will live. For a fleeting moment they know everything and it's totally overwhelming. Another thing reported is that they choose their next life, even the most horrendous existence. If true it would mean that we chose to be sad and lonely people.

I for one have always known since childhood that I would be alone. Perhaps it's just become a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts.

I thought a lot about this and read some existentialist philosophies etc. and while I'm still not sure, I fully believe that the universe is just a giant flow of energies moving withing itself endlessly and life is just one of it's taken forms where energy is convoluted into the configuration that builds the 'You'. You are basically not a guy watching the universe, but you are the universe watching a guy from inside his head if that makes sense.

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That's probably the DMT flash causing these feelings because 'feelings' are the closest thing we can plausibly experience and explain in a human construct of being. Science says that even when your body is clinically dead, the brain still shows some activity for another 5 to 15 minutes. DMT is produced in your brain when you dream, but very heavily when you are born or about to die.

There they go again with the DMT meme

>hurrrr they proved it is released when you die SCIENTIFICALLY

no they didn't shut the fuck up

you realize at that point its not even anything that can be considered "you" anymore unless youre implying souls have a serial number. If you strip something down of all its identifying components its not longer what it was, its something else

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Here is why DMT is not the cause of NDEs:

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If I was born as a nigger and knew about reincarnation, I would kill myself.

I have to. If this is all that there is, why would anyone keep living?

>"tom campbell"
I just ordered his big toe a couple weeks ago - fucking massive book. :3

Why? Can't you enjoy life as a black person?

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Also, do you guys think CONCIOUSNESS and THE SOUL are the same thing?

Some think that your human identity (conciousness) is shed as you ascend to higher spiritual planes or as you rejoin the source. I suppose that part of you that is truly eternal is the soul. Your human persona is just a very small part of it's expeirience, which may indeed contain within it all of human expeirience past present and future. If true then we are really all extentions of this one entity. It exists in realms that we can't really comprehend in this limited 3D world with a limited brain. People who get a glimpse of this say that for a moment they know everything about everyone who has or ever will live on this planet. I think this is what some call the akashic record, but who knows. If you put intellect asside and search your heart you will know the truth of this. It is very hard however to really accept this truth and put it into practice.

Ive had some fucking spooky dreams, both extremely negative and positive, that go beyond any explination and particularly the emotions are on such a different level its unbelievable. I get sleep paralysis constantly, its hard to wake up and I can feel some part of me returning to my body at what feels like light speed when I force myself to wake up. Ive had moments while awake where my entire body goes buzzing with energy, literally vibrating. Ive had dreams where I go to locations with the middle of my chest vibrating extremely rapidly and kind of like an engine? This shit convinces me that there is something else, especially when I had a dream where I heard a choir or something and felt joy/love beyond description. I think the akashic record doesn't record the future if I recall correctly, due to free will the future can be changed.

You are describing the classic and well known physical sensations of an out of body experience, otherwise called astral travel. It extends from the mundane world in which you can travel like a ghost to the worlds we associate with the afterlife. You are connected to your body during these journeys by a kind of umbilical cord, called the silver cord. Some think that everyone goes here every time they dream. I have seen a realm that was beautiful and joyful beyond description. I have also very briefly visited a hell dimension where I not only witnessed but took part in unspeakable acts. This was under the influence of drugs so maybe it was just a bad trip.

Ive had a lot of these then, Ive gone to locations, even while concious, where I wasnt supposed to be and got energetically "yelled at". Even thinking about the location I feel like im going back. It was a very territorial "GTFO" though. My main problem currently is that I can get in these modes where if I think of anywhere I go there and its extremely uncontrollable. Know any tips for this?

Problem is if the universe (x) is set in a way that results in (y). How can there be parallel universes given that right before any and every event that occurs the universe would be in a particular state (x) yet can result in (y) AND (z)?

As for the future not being written yet. That is only true for our dimension. In a higher dimension they can and do 'look' down into ours and can see past, present and future all at once. They are outside of time and space as we know it. Not only that but they can perceive our thoughts too. It is a glimpse into the machinery of the higher realms where impossible things are normal and normal things like feeling hate and love are impossible. To feel hunger or pain or love or hate you have to be an animal in an animal body. that's the whole point of this game.

Its incredibly interesting how on the very very micro scale our lives are being manipulated through positive intention, and the help of others, specifically higher selves. And even in the higher dimensions Im pretty sure they see *all* realities but they know which are more probable too?

Look into quintom physics. It kind of turns classical mechanics on its head and introduces a weird element of consciousness influencing events.

should be quantum

I can't help you there. My 'trips' have been very few. I only have book learning in this subject, no street smarts as such.

Stop making it complicated you fuckers. All that exists is in our universe. Everything can be explained in our universe. And we are going in the ground when we die. FOREVER.

Who knows. I think we are under the mistaken idea that what happens in this life, good or bad, is the point of this life. When what really matters is to have the experience, whatever it is. The implications of this concept are down right offensive to most people and are rejected out of hand by almost anyone who hears it.

Maybe. Some of us have 'seen' the other side. Seeing is believing they say. Maybe we are deluded and it's all just a DMT fueled fever dream. Or maybe you are wrong. Feel free to dismiss any of this, I'm not offended at all.

I intuitively believe in the rebirth cycle, though it can't be proved until we know more about consciousness and life in general. I also believe it can be transcended. So the real question isn't do you believe in reincarnation but how do we deal with it?

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Good and bad is the point of this life. Every moment of pleasure or personal triumph must be equally repaid by another's moment of failure and suffering. Robots are a heatsink for negativity because we have to be.

I believe we'll never reach another habitable planet because they're the worlds of purgatory and we're reborn in identical bodies there.