I wanna off myself dudes, but I'm too pussy to do it in a painful way. How easy is it to buy a gun? I have the # of a weed dealer, could he know someone? I've also looked into Swiss suicide tourism, but it seems only to be for sick people.
I wanna off myself dudes, but I'm too pussy to do it in a painful way. How easy is it to buy a gun...
Why do you want to do it? Origilina
Just don't see myself having the capacity to be happy. I lurked here when I was in a much worse spot, but now that I have an education, a job and a decent amount of friends, I still feel almost the exact same as I did back then.I'm not miserable, but far from happy. I have no interests or goals so I'm kinda just wasting space here.
Just fall in love with someone who doesnt care about you. Youll die a little more each day.
the most painless way is to get absolutely drunk then go outside in the cold, get naked, and die of hypothermia
planning on doing this myself
Holy shit, good idea. How long do you reckon it would take?
Why don't you go to a therapist or psychiatrist?
You can jump, just need at least 7 stories, preferably more, and for absolute best results, dive head first. See if there are any tall apartment buildings with balconies nearby or something. Can't advise on gun if I don't know your country and region, I know here I can just walk about 500 meters west and buy a gun in a few minutes, but this is the easiest place in the world for that.
Why do you discourage OP? What do you have to gain?
Depends on the cold, best to do it in water I think. At freezing point it can take between 15 to 45 minutes in water.
Tried. Had good success with CBT. Pills were a joke. Attempting to talk through some of the issues was even a bigger meme. The second they heard "divorced parents" they latched onto that and didn't bother discussing much else.
Been looking into that, but there is nothing I've found that is accessible. Would have been done ages ago otherwise.
Why would you courage him? What do you have to gain?
therapist gave me pills that gave me ED and made me sleepy
no effects other than that, life still seems pointless
Have you told them that maybe you need another kind of meds?
>doesnt post his location
What help do you expect
Knowing I helped a man solve his problems. It's called empathy.
I believe you need to join some sort of shooting club to get a gun there. Or maybe I'm thinking about Norway.
Jumping, carbon monoxide poisoning, or freezing are easier probably.
Suicide is not a solution (except if it's because of a terminal disease or something like that, i can understand that).
Where in Sweden are you from? Might be able to help you out if you're in Stockholm.