How do I achieve soviet hero mode?

how do I achieve soviet hero mode?

was he natty?

Attached: stalingrad.jpg (1944x1296, 540K)

Shoot some krauts and don’t eat much

Is that a dumbbell or grenade in his right hand?

Why is there no art like this in america or the uk? Its glorious

It's sad we don't see scultures like this anymore.

I wish we'd build a new memorial in Washington DC. It'd be a bronze statue of every president we've ever had. I know presidents like Trump would be destroyed by antifa though. But it'd be cool and honorable to see statues of what the presidents looked like, etc.

different values, instead we have sky scrapers and shit as that's the stuff we worship not the sacrifice of the common man

Bravery and courage x F

Attached: 1546948177560.jpg (713x528, 54K)

Cause Murica mostly bombs weak tiny nations and still gets it's ass kicked most of the time.

cause Jews ruined art and art like that is almost strictly European.

also fuck you commie subhuman

Jews don't like glorious things. You have McDonalds and bombing palestinian children instead.

You can curl a grenade
You can throw a dumbell in your enemy's face
No big difference after all

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comrade, kettle bell make you inwincible

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Sculpture is beautiful
Reality not so much.
Russians were ready to give up when Germans pushed for Moscow, Stalin motivated people in only way he knew, threat of death.
Young ruskies didn't have much choice, they either died because NKVD shot anybody trying to flee, or died trying to fight germans without a weapon since soviets got more people than firearms.
Pity sculpture didn't manage to catch the truth.

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Based and kikepilled

Jewish lies.
NKVD didn't shoot anyone unless it was completely necessary. And stop watching movies like Enemy at the Gates and you won't be talking bullshit like ''3 guys, 1 gun''
In battle of Stalingrad Soviets were already mobilized and their logistics were alright, their industry was producing guns. Why would they not have enough guns for their soldiers?

Socialist realism is so cringe, how could anyone have thought spending this much money on shitty art was a good idea.
The original memeoids.

Yet you're probably saying that art the Germans built was worth it.

>The Nazis had made a cult of physical fitness and beauty
lmao, you guys really believe anything as long as it doesn't conform to what you learned in AP US history

all russian soldiers was scrawny as fuck, cuz of low rations..after war, scientists discover steroids, so since then almost 95% of ruskies athletes are geared of fuck.

Nah it's all bad.
Bauhaus architecture and design was cool though, although it was pre-nazi. Good german contribution to art from the era.

German generals knew they were finished when they saw the T-34s.

It's always the Jews with y'all. You guys are silly

Yeah especially considering the casualty ratio which was 50 destroyed soviet tanks for 10 german. Are you retarded you nigger jewish faggot?
Gee i wonder who could be behind this post...

Do you even realize the irony going on here

>50 destroyed soviet tanks for 10 german
The germans met the inferior T-26s and BTs first before their encounter with T-34.
>When it was first encountered in 1941, German general Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist called it "the finest tank in the world" and Heinz Guderian affirmed the T-34's "vast superiority" over existing German armour of the period.

>when they saw the hoards of endless T-34s.

you do know that communism is a jewish invention right?

Seething and coping

Attached: WcYFyvb.jpg (862x1082, 259K)

>the notion that the current system will one day be outgrown and replaced by an another, more efficient system to accomodate a larger population and economic ecosystem is a jewish invention

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