How do I get these new fags to leave the gym already?
I already started to make snide comments as they walk by but I don't think it's enough
How do I get these new fags to leave the gym already?
I already started to make snide comments as they walk by but I don't think it's enough
>putting others down instead of lifting them up
OP confirmed for not making it
How about not being a cunt and give them advice. The only fag here is you.
maybe stop being an ass. We all have to start somewhere.
its the end of the first week back at work for most people, they don’t start dropping until this week usually
its not his fucking job to beat some sense into stupid fucks
Not going to make it.
Oh, come on. This is beyond advice and just straight retardation based on that gif.
Just wait it out, they'll leave
Not that guy, but I'm with him. I'd rather they get discouraged and go away.
>not lifting to make others feel inadequate and to feed your superiority complex
get off my board and kys
You scared of gym newbies? Insecure much?
Try not being a dickhead and they could leave on their own eventually. Keep to yourself faggot
hey man we all gotta make it new ppl and experienced ppl.
btw anyone got sauce?
>that skinny guy that's obviously new to bulking and keeps farting
this, theyre scared the zoomers and noobs will outgain them and take away everything they thought they had, attention, pussy, mires, etc.
Diggin the new THICCCCC girl at my gym
Pic related
>taking creep photos
Spotted the DYEL
Had two NYR gymbros start talking shit about me while i warmed up squats, because I suggested they use the other cage to OHP...10 minutes later I'm taking 365 to the grave and back 6 times and they're struggling to do 75lbs without cheating...
Hell yeah.fuck those twinks.
this, unless they're literally just resolutionist fags who are gonna leave come mid-february anyways, or just spend time at the gym rather than work out as effectively as they could
Clearly they already had some sense if they decided to start going to the gym, retard.
DYELs all of you, these useless fucks take up the weights, don't clean up, and smell like shit, kys, prove me wrong.
Son are you alright?
Fpbs like never before.
i just wanted sauce on that girls ass user. the pic you posted tells me everything i need to know about you though you sad autist.
That's not very Bro of you user. Remember the wisdom of Brodin.
Home gym master race reporting in.
I’ve had my rack for a couple of years now and honestly would never go back to the gym. I was always quite the introverted recluse and absolutely hated being at the gym but would force myself anyway. Never going back to that horrible shit.
Do you want me to tell you how I know you don't lift?
Faggots like you are one of the reasons why hamerica is fat.
yes please explain.
Sounds like a not my problem, those fatties can go eat yummie teddies!
There's a new kid that's started showing up at midnight at my gym. He has the zoomer undercut and glasses it's incredible. Talks to himself all night. Not like "one more rep!" under his breath, but like full volume solo conversations like he's got a Bluetooth in, but he doesn't have one. Which one of you is it?
Blue shirt? if so that's me user, come say hi
>the zoomer undercut
i'm having trouble picturing what this looks like
Like this but blonde and stringier
Jesus christ you're disgusting
Say's the TripFuck
Why are you sniffing other people?
unironically a decent haircut.
add in some gains and it's easy pussy
Got the same haircut but shorter hair. Girl asked me out in middle of the mall, out of nowhere. This has not happened ever before during the 32 years of my life.
It's a fine haircut bros, you just gotta not look like a vermin otherwise.
Fucking based
>Planet Fitness
>Taking the fucking photo WHILE SHE WATCHES YOU DO IT.
Enjoy getting thrown out. It was a shitty gym anyway.
> dear tumblr
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klaudiakelly posted this
I have a home gym too but i moved and have to join a gym. Hope it wont be that bad.
its not his pic. it's atleast a week old repost at this point