Press F to pay respects to my first guitar. Korean made shitter, Samick/Kort/Ibanez factory in South Korea in 1994...

Press F to pay respects to my first guitar. Korean made shitter, Samick/Kort/Ibanez factory in South Korea in 1994. Bridge post broke right out of the old dusty wood and the cost of the repair is more than double what the thing is worth so I can't justify a fix even with the sentimental value.
RIP in peace buddy.

Uh, ITT post your hobbies I guess. I just have no friends to share this sad feel with.

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Hey I want to buy a guitar to fuck around with. which brand is least china-shit

>tfw getting really good at guitar but no friends to start a band
>and no gf

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Same but I'm shit at guitar

I got you senpai, I'm a serial guitar collector. I've owned over 50 from all parts of the world. What's your price range, what's your favorite style of music, what do you have against eastern manufacturing, and please also include a pic of what you personally think is a good looking guitar
Same but I'm mediocre at guitar

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not him, but this is what i personally think is a fucking good looking guitar

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I really want to get into guitar, know any good brands? Just acoustic for now, I'd be willing to spend, at most, $100.

But my real hobby is fixing cars, even though I'm too poor to afford a decent vehicle to fix up

this one is really cool too, shame they're both the mikro version

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RIP Samick-made guitar.
Personally, this is the coolest guitar I've ever seen.

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Christ guys one at a time.
You sir have good taste. Ibanez makes great guitars. Both their Korean and Japanese lines are legendary, and their Indonesian line has come a long way in the last few years. You really can't go wrong with the RG series, actually, I have a lower end one kicking around. Sorry I cropped the pic so hard, fucking 2 mb limit.
>inb4 cum stain
Just cleaner I used on the Guitar
For $100 get a full sized used yamaha acoustic of any kind. I have a Yamaha from 1960 that's still G. Most reliable student priced brand by far. Well made too.
Man what the hell that Les Paul / PRS cross looking thing is throwing me off. I can't tell if I like it or hate it.

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>Man what the hell that Les Paul / PRS cross looking thing is throwing me off. I can't tell if I like it or hate it.
It's a 1984 Ovation Ultra GP. Here it is in black. Also, PRS double cut guitars look lame as fuck 2bh.

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it's probably not that difficult to repair yourself. most fixes for guitar like that involve them drilling a larger hole and gluing in a piece of wood then sanding it down

Get a normal RG. I recommend the RG421 but I'm biased because a) I hate whammy bars and b) I love the one that I own. Would recommend.

That sucks. Any plans on a new guitar?
>full sized used yamaha acoustic
Can't go wrong with that, they're well-priced for their quality.
Obviously $100 won't get you an amazing guitar, but your guitar should suck as much as you do. That being said, a good guitarist can still make a "shitty" guitar sound pretty good.
Does look pretty cool, but I've never been huge on those finishes. The headstock reminds me of Ovation

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Really liking this in black, user

i was thinking of getting an rg550 when i have money

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>tfw no guitar playing cute asian gf

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Do it. Not to shill here, but I highly recommend buying from Sweetwater since they'll do a free setup on your guitar before they ship it out.

Nah it's a floyd so it's routed all the way through wide open, it broke into open air. Any repair I could do at home would destroy a little section of the finish because I'd have to cut out a chunk of wood and glue in a new piece. I can't exactly drill out a hole when the problem is the hole got btfo completely. This picture is of better times. Enjoy pic related it's a top down view of the bridge mount situation I'm not going to take more pictures at the moment
I've never seen one of those before, I thought it might be a Sakura because of the headstock so at least I got that right
See my post above. The RG6003FM plays better than any Korean Ibanez I've ever held. It's an outlier to be sure. Can be had new for like $300-$350

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have anyone here playing a guitar with a carved neck? is this better for bending or something?

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>I thought it might be a Sakura because of the headstock so at least I got that right
No, you didn't get that right. It's an Ovation. I just told you that. I see you're more of a edgy, chugga chugga shred wanker though, so that explains your lack of taste.
Fuck yeah, dude. For me, the coolest looking ones are the black ones and the cherry sunburst ones (pictured here).
Disregard anything you read that's now been deleted. I thought you were OP.

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Never seen something like that
Would the fret buzz not be terrible? Or do you need really high action?

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scalloped boards are a meme. you can get basically the same thing by using large jumbo frets. large frets or a scalloped fretboard make it easier to bend, and it forces you to play with a lighter touch because you can't monkey grip the strings or they go sharp. playing chords gets more difficult. i like the way steve vai does it, even though i can't stand steve vai, he scallops his board only beyond the 12th fret, that makes sense to me because you aren't going to play chords up there.

i don't know, i just know of this because yngwie malmsteen's guitar have it

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no, it doesn't cause fretbuzz. the wood they scoop out of the fretboard has nothing to do with the sound being produced by the fret, it's entirely a personal preference feel thing.

Who else here /rosemetallicGreTscHin'/?

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Also, come be a fa/gg/ot so I can bully you

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i haven't posted in /gg/ in a long time. are they still obsessed with roman

>The headstock reminds me of Ovation
user, it is an Ovation...

It's a distinct possibility.

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Actually I am right. What's it like to know everything though?
Scalloped board makes it a little easier to play. No wood in the way of your fingers. Some people swear by it others say it does nothing. Personally I've only tried a guitar with it once or twice so I have no strong opinion, but it didn't hinder me anyway.
Yeah pretty much jumbo frets are probably not far off a half scallop honestly.
I already post there but your general has sucked for like the last 2 years.

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Meant to write 'in theory makes it easier to play'

ITT: picrel

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Do you have any idea how expensive pedals are man

kinda unrelated but I just bought a bass. gonna practice on my days off. Currently playing the ukulele for a month now

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all ukuleles deserve to be thrown into a fire

>I already post there but your general has sucked for like the last 2 years.
i know

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but why? i like the sound it's cute and it's easier

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Actually, you're not right. Not even in the slightest. Look at this. See what it says on the headstock? Read it, and then kill yourself, you stupid, arrogant faggot.

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Oh and secondly I own three Fenders currently. Just because I own an RG doesn't mean I'm a shredder you goofy fuck. I can afford to own more than one guitar? Why get them all the same style my dude

who else /tele/ master race

>tfw no socially approved hobbbies
>tfw cover hobby not accepted anymore

>uses pedals
> posts on Jow Forums unironically
Makes sense

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Hey are you slow buddy? Here's that image again in case you missed it the first time.

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dude telecasters are for women and homosexuals

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>Just because I own an RG doesn't mean I'm a shredder you goofy fuck.
You're a faggot who gets upset at an electric guitar not looking like a generic super strat, that's all I need to know. Also, you get excited over fucking *superstrats.*
>I can afford to own more than one guitar? Why get them all the same style my dude
Good for you. I never said anything that would warrant you asking this, though. Just goes to show how stupid you are.
When in doubt, pretend you were trolling. That'll work.

you're thinking of jazzmasters user

Yeah, posted that reply before I saw yours about it being an Ovation
Never been big on sunburst or that "rippled fabric" look, usually prefer solid colors, typically black but I also like cream with black. Seafoam green or whatever it's called like pic related can be cool too, and an old friend of mine had a dark purple Suhr that I loved playing. Or just straight wood "color"
Regardless, I'd really like to get my hands on one of those. My dad has an acoustic Ovation that I enjoy playing even tgough I generally prefer electric
I'd really like to try one out, sounds interesting

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trust me i'm not orjfmfjrkrjj

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Well I posted the ovation applause branded as a Sakura twice. If you still haven't picked up that they're the same thing through your seething rage then idk, I can't help you. Take your meds before posting

>usually prefer solid colors, typically black but I also like cream with black.
You'll probably like the one I posted here, then.And I'm not really big on burst finishes either 2bh. Wouldn't say I hate or dislike them, but I'd always choose solids over burst. The cherry sunburst Ovation GP is the one and only exception.

yea man jazzmasters totally aren't an indie meme

>Well I posted the ovation applause branded as a Sakura twice. If you still haven't picked up that they're the same thing
You're full of shit and you're definitely the stupidest motherfucker I've seen on this site all year. Have fun with your lame ass superstrats, you bro-metal shitstain.

lol bruh what year is it where you live

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Where did the RG touch you? Jej this larp just went from sad to funny, wp.
If you're real though I hope you're not actually this mad about being wrong about which obscure Japanese guitar manufacturer owns another.

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>tfw all some anons want to do is start fights and we will never have peace in guita/r9k/

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i bsolutely hate the way ibanez guitars look, fucking disgusting, look at that ugly ass head. makes me fuckin sick.

This thread was linked to in /gg/ and it's better than /gg/.
I play bass and guitar, both alright but I'm too autistic to look for people to play with so I end up just noodling around every day.
I also spent way too much money on gear and started to learn how to repair/setup/build electric guitars. All of which are useless skills except for saving me some money.
Also I'm starting to learn upright bass soon.

Implying it's hard to be better than 2018 /gg/

you mean the guitar gear thread where 95% of the posters can't even read sheet music that a 5 year old read?

Also you sound like a carbon copy of me. Too bad you probably live far away or I'd start a band with you

It isn't but it's still nice.
By the way OP if I got that right you can definitely repair that guitar cheaply. Drill the broken hole wider, get a wooden dowel that's the same diameter or ever so slightly wider, glue it in with decent woodglue, redrill the hole for the captive nut and hammer it in.

Probably on a different continent even.

it's a cheap south korean guitar the body is probably made out of fucking dry wall

Ok gook loser.

Your moms pussy must be south korean then.

Well no, it's probably made out of 4-5 pieces of basswood. The repair as I described it should work if it really is just the captive nut/post that broke out of the wood. Alternatively he could even glue in a wood veneer instead of plugging and redrilling after widening the hole. As long as he gets to the right diameter hole so the captive nut sits securely again.

that's just when she sees you, her pus gets drier than sheetrock

Try doing some solo songs, like John Darnelle's early work. Listen to the the album All Hail West Texas for some inspiration.

Im a heavy metal guitarist. I play a Dean ML Trans Brazillia with a Floyd Rose. My first band was a bluegrass band before I got better at playing metal-esque tunes. I also collect knifes and work on my car

Ha, I'm the same user from too
So yes, I really like that one
I've enjoyed playing teles but think they're overrated in some forums, could also be due to musical taste. I like humbuckers
My favorite guitar I own to play is my SG special from the 90s (but I only own three guitars0)
What do you guys think of Jaguars? Guy I knew had one that was fun to jam on

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Ive just started getting into guitar mainly by learning anime songs. It's very fun. I mainly play drums but I suck at them and I've played those does 13 years.

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teles with humbuckers are easy to find

You're right but is closer than you think. You're right I can fix it and have done work like that before but I won't be able to preserve the finish in one spot. I'd need to cut a chunk of wood out and cut a piece to fit then drill a new hole, which would work, but I wouldn't be able to save the veneer personally. A more experienced wood worker with some fancy router or something, ie a luthier, has a better chance of not making it look like shit than me.
welcome to /gg/ r9k edition

Also I have like 12 guitars or something so I'm not really that invested. It'll probably just hang on my wall now

Should I buy a used Epiphone or buy a new Gibson les Paul. I already own a strat. Thank you btw

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Alright fair enough, I didn't read that part where you elaborated on the damage.
Here are my partscasters btw.

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i play 20 year old video games

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I assume you meant a used Gibson or new epiphone right? I'd say get a used Gibson SG/LP Faded if its Gibson you're after. The faded ones cost a bit less new so they're even cheaper used. I think that's probably the best money/guitar ratio in your situation
I like everything besides the knobs. Maybe it's the angle but they just have a funny shape. +1 for natural finish and also maple neck.
Hey man I also do that I don't have a new console, just PC. But I have my GameCube and my PS2 still, also a Wii. What's your favorite PS2 game? I've been replaying need for speed pre street recently

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And here is the strat I built.
The Tele has a semihollow swampash body with a walnut top and the Strat has a mahogany body. Oil finish on both of them since I couldn't be bothered with lacquer.
Dimarzio twang king PUs in the Tele (4-way switch for the series setting + phase mini switch) and Dimarzio tonezone + Air Norton in the Strat (3-way mini switches for the serial/single coil/parallel for each pickup).

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Everyone comments on the knobs, lol. They're standard dome knobs made of maple, I think they look neat with the maple neck but it's an easy thing to change if I really don't like it at some point.
Also I built both of these guitars for autistic reasons, I really liked the wider string spacing/nut width on my dreadnought acoustic (1 3/4'' at the nut) and nobody makes electric guitars with these neck dimensions and the specs I wanted so I built those 2 myself.

That's very cool actually, it shows that you put a lot of work in to them. Nice builds man, I wish I could try one.
Here's my main guitar. Fender with a TOM and a Gibson scale length kek

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Damn son what an old picture, almost all of those guitars being reflected in it have been sold

I like the balanced lower ends that humbuckers have to offer since I tend to use more fuzz/od on my board
Teles are still nice for a different sound, but not holy descendants like plebbitors say
Don't care if Gibsons are normie-tier, I love the way mine plays and sounds. Got it used for a few hundred, would never buy a new one though

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I play banjo, is this the right thread?

Dont judge me robots, I live in the city.

i have a lot more ps2 games but these are some of my favorites, the GameCube was very kino

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How do you feel about ratchet and clank size matters
Banjo is cool I want a banjitar

Also pretty top tier picks there user

Banjo is weird, man
That half string and shit
I play guitar, but did you start on anything else?
The other instrument I'd like to learn is piano, but banjo's still up there, along with mandolin

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Yeah, too much work lol. I always end up being too invested into some hobby of mine and fuck up at university because of that. Even though I know none of my hobbies will result in a career. Probably, banjo is pretty cool. I like bluegrass music but haven't really gotten into any bluegrass instruments except for a cuigar box guitar that I can't play because I set it up for slide.

its a great game but my favorite is Up Your Arsenal, ratchet and clank games are always good

Up you're arsenal is great I forgot about that one because I don't own it. I should go find a copy
At least you're being productive with that energy man that's more than a lot of people can say

Also posting current wall where my top 5 sit. BC Rich Bich was a gift

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Nice ibanez in the middle, have that one also. Was thinking bout getting a Warlock but ended up with it instead cuz I figured it'd be more versatile

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Yeah good call on that it's a great guitar

sell all that garbage and buy one good guitar you retard

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>stop liking what I don't like
I'll get right on it

Hello /gg/

sell it on ebay and buy a real guitar

seriously dude you have five turd variations on the same guitar. sell the turds and buy one decent version on the guitar you already have

id be stunned if you actually owned one.
i have a lower end gretsch

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