>screamed at my mom for three hours for no reason and she left crying.before she left she was begging me to tell her "what could she do to make me not fell like this. What can I do to make her feel better" she was sobbing and begging me to stop.i told her to leave and get me some McDonald's.i just pissed on her bed
I'm 25 years old
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please stop being mean to your mom!
What the actual fuck user, why did you piss on her bed?
Because I'm depressed that's why I'm upset okay?
When she gets back tell her you are sorry. That you are sorry and there is just something wrong with you. Something you cannot control, and need help dealing with. That you love her but can't show it the way you should. Tell her you'll do anything if she can just help you. Go to a therapist, get your life on track, it doesn't have to be like this. Godspeed user.
so you don't even have any real problems and you fucking ruined your moms day? lmao oh well. trash family.
I feel like this could have been me if I didn't make a serious effort to get my shit together when I turned 20.
Well to be honest I smoked a lot of crystal meth yesterday.ive never acted like this before in my life. I feel like a monster.i was acting like a monster.i should go to bed now but I want to apologize to her when she gets home
I put her Sheats in the washer right now. She's going to wonder why the fuck I was in her room and near her bed.
I'd say be an hero here, but really, you are below that. Go live your shitty life until you die of an overdose, druggy. And leave your mom alone, you manchild
Maybe go to therpy or listen to your mother's advice, even if it sounds back
Apologize to her. Don't excuse your behavior, because what you did isn't right at all. From now on try to do better for her.
>crystal meth
just fucking kill yourself already you're beyond saving.
There are people that really act like OP. I can't imagine screaming at someone for no reason like that.
This is how I acted when I was on too high a dose of Adderall for 2 years. Jesus I hate my self looking back...
Rehab right now, please dont hurt your mother OP . Maybe you can still make it out of this one
What you need to do is really check into rehabilitation and not say you're sorry but mean it by your actions. Trust me
all too relate able
Your mom loves you even if you don't think so.
She imagined the best life for you, even if you don't think she managed to give it to you.
She loves his little baby. She'd like to feel proud of you. Don't disappoint your mommy, user, because she doesn't have much time left, and the only thing you'll be able to look at when she won't be here anymore is your photo album.
How did you turn your life around user. I don't want to be as degenerate as OP but I feel like I'm already on that path.
get your own McDonald's, faggot, and get a job there while you're at it.
im 18 and I still scream at my parents but over the littlest things..
Lol you fucking mentalist.
You think you're depressed now. Imagine how you'll feel when she calls the police on you and you get to spend the rest of your life on the street or in a homeless shelter.
Once she wises up and sorts you out, no one will sob and cry if you start acting like an absolute manchild anymore. You'll be put in your place and hopefully beaten the fuck up.
You're fucken dead kiddo.
This is why I'm going to beat the living daylights out of all my kids. Can't have those little fuckers even dreaming about doing something like this
I bet you're borderline and should therefore an hero
Jesus christ I hope my son doesn't grow up to be like you. If you were my son I'd beat the shit out of you every day and demand rent until you leave.
>winning in a fight against a younger version of
approximately you
Hilarious delusions.
Stop being a cunt and apologize, and probably ask for help in finding a therapist
I will lick those tears off of your face. Also sauce plox
you sound like a loser, do the right thing and neck yourself
Your son will either end up like him, become a drug addict, or kill himself.
Fuck you for reproducing you filthy animal. I hope you feel good about yourself raising someone solely to suffer so you fulfill your sick twisted animal instincts.
Well you realize what you just did.
What you do next is completely up to you and probably will result in opposite ways