Why not just get a fatty gf?

Why not just get a fatty gf?

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Because it's far more fun to take a girl and fatten her up.
If you fatten up a fat girl you end up with an obese girl.

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>Why not just get a fatty gf?
all taken lol.

That woman isn't fat you idiot

is this real? pls give name

I don't have source for mine sorry

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shes hot, but shes fat

They have too many beta orbiters.

Beta orbiters mean literally nothing, they are flies. Like have you not ever hung out with a girl and seen the gay shit they send them? It's fucking hilarious

Looks like her insta is instagram.com/tabriamajors/?hl=en but I don't have any more pics of her.

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Those tits are a gift from god
If she were mine I'd let anybody grope her

>have you not ever hung out with a girl
Where do you think you are?

I exclusively go for fatties. Trying to find one into lactation.

You know, an actual cow gf.

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i wish i could but I have no social life outside of playing warhammer at a club once a week.

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yeah my bad

all I'm saying is, don't let beta orbiters stop you. If the girl is a complete roastie then stay away but otherwise give it a shot man.

I would become a responsible father in exchange for this.

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Are there any fat chicks at your club?

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The only time I've seen women there is when they're someone's wife. feels bad man.

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I would throw myself at a thicc woman if I ever left my computer

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nice trips but unfortunately chicks don't play 40k.

She cute. Those breasts are absolutely monstrous, her kids will fucken drown in milk.

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>acne belly

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And be forever remembered as the loser who couldn't score with a fat chick?
I'll die alone with dignity.

Would it stand to reason that there are many girls into this?
You'd think a big girl finding a guy who doesn't care how fat she gets would be pretty chill.
They can't all be perfectly smooth marshmallows.

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My greatest dream in life is to find a woman with an overflowing amount of belly fat, so I can use her as a soft pillow and fall asleep on her

I love obese women, and I love their belly fat so much

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huge taut bellies are h-hot

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Just make your own tho.

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Can't bridal carry the fat gf without wreckign your knees.

>implying I could get a girl
>implying I could get one to permanently disfigure her body for me

I could only dream. Cheering her skinny self on as she agonizingly tries to shovel in more food sounds fun though. Like coaching an athlete.

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just get strong you pathetic weakling

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>you will NEVER do this to a woman

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Fat girls don't want fat bfs

so what? I'm a pretty average dude on the lanklet side and I wanna squeeze a cute fat gf

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Then lose weight, lardass.

damn son, is there more of her?

not much, sadly

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I wantt to make your dreams come true

Why get a fatty when you can get a doll?

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I don't understand why but this is really hott


whish i could lel

Not into fat girls, but I'm desperate enough to settle if a still somewhat attractive fat girl made a move on me first

I tried that and it turns out that they are batshit insane and have terrible personalities.

Probably not going to show up in this thread, but is there a girl lurking who used to be obese and lost a lot of weight?

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Left optimal body fat for enhanced womanly curves
Right starting to degrade her proportions but would still fuck since she's hot obv

Would breed mutts with

Would also breed