You didn't tell me women could be degenerates also...

You didn't tell me women could be degenerates also. I finally got my first GF and she has a diaper fetish and even shits in it. I didn't even fuck her yet and I want to bail. This is fucking gross. She is walking around in a diaper right now. Fuck this world.

Attached: rq.png (512x512, 67K)

hey, to each their own, heh??!

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give her to me, if you are that unhappy

Would you rather have a weirdo GF or no GF at all?

you fucktard
get used to it nigga
you gotta endure the brown town tornado

Get fucked, normie!


Get shit on, normie!


fuck no that's too low

What makes you think its a fetish? Maybe Chad just pounded her butthole too much and left her after she became incontinent? Now you get the leftovers.

Post pic of diaper

>I finally got my first GF and she has a diaper fetish and even shits in it.
I literally envy you so much I could kill you.
I would change her, hell since I am switch I would also put on a diaper and do dumb babu thint together

It feels like more than 90% of women have trash tier fetishes.

Attached: 3DPD.jpg (600x600, 56K)

Tell everyone.
She deserves to be dragged through the "mud" for that kind of repulsive horseshit.

>Fetish other than being hit

Attached: 1538673883358.jpg (1024x746, 62K)

You can give her to me.
I'm not even kidding; I don't have a diaper fetish, but I would do it with her because I have other fetishes.

>You didn't tell me women could be degenerates also.
thats pretty much what everyone tells you here everyday, what fucking board are you browsing

Fucking mormalfag.
Bet you think anal is rare

>tfw when gf stopped putting me in diapers

Guess I got too selfish

Stop being too much of a brat

tell her she doesn't need to worry about diapers anymore because you're gonna insert cock

better than my ex dude
she had a fetish of holding her shit as long as possible and a pull-out / pull-in technique to never have to shit for an entire week
she would make gigantic chad bombs and once blocked my toilet

ungrateful faggot

Yeah Ive been trying more. She did say that she would eventually do it again

Give her to me
>tfw no diaper gf

You lucky bastard user, where'd you meet her?