>I guess they never miss, huh
Who is "they"? And they never miss on what exactly?
>I guess they never miss, huh
Who is "they"? And they never miss on what exactly?
Other urls found in this thread:
they = chad
hit = fuck
miss = emotionally absent, the pump and dump
> being this retarded
Your mom fagget they miss your mom sucking dick
I watch this clip a ton, but I always become sad when watching it. Fuck this girl and this video 2bh
* miss = literally missing you
they never miss = they use pump and dump strat on thots liek mia khalifa
They never miss a moneyshot
>being this much of a loser over an ugly girl in a shitty cosplay
Why do robots demand acceptance and to be treated well if they don't even respect themselves?
wrong board, chad-kun.
>won't even give a response
>he just starts crying about his safe space being violated
Where do you view yourself in the hierarchy of the world?
i believe this is known as chimping out
they = millions of jew in the holocaust
hit = gas chambers
miss = escaping jews
what video are you talking about? I need to see it.
Nice victim complex lol
It's a shitty short video with an average looking girl dancing in cosplay to a shitty song. Google Mia Khalifa diss tiktok you'll find it
You're reading too far into it
reddit is awaiting
it was a diss at mia khalifa this user was right
>It's a shitty short video with an average looking girl dancing in cosplay to a shitty song. Google Mia Khalifa diss tiktok you'll find it
Found it. Does that shit even count as music?
Apparently. It's a really horrible song by a nig who cant rap trying to ride the soundcloud wave two years too late and his sandnigger gf who has a stick up her ass because Mia Khalifa sucked dick in a hijab.
Is this where you're just saying anything in order to get the last word? You can have it I don't give a shit.
Its a play on words. In that line, miss is meant as in I guess they never miss (you), huh? And they is referring to a girls ex-boyfriends. So, its ultimately mocking a girl about her boyfriends never missing her. (The girl in question is Mia Khalifa by the way.)
is that video some kind of supernormal stimulus thing?
whats the name of the vid/the trap
Thanks for ruining my day OPee
was an 8/10 trap until I found out it is actually a female. She looks so manly 5/10