>can you reach that for me user? :)
Can you reach that for me user? :)
>I-I'll go find a ladder or something
Hahahhahaha womanlet
So pathetic, you'll never find a boyfriend!
I bet Chad could.
Fuck you I'm 5'8 you teasing bitch.
Had this happen a couple years ago
>be 5’11” manlet
>at safeway
>browsing the greek yogert section for the cheap protein
>9/10 short milf comes by
>tried to reach the top shelf
>can’t get it
>looks at me
>say “hey there, you’re nice and tall could you please get that for me”
>reach and get it for her
>she smiles and say “it’s a good thing strong tall men are around when you need them”
it felt like a smart to a weird milf porno with no porno
Same here, I had the exact same experience except we had heterosexual intercourse afterwards, haha.
You faggots over 5'9 have it so fucking easy and you still call yourself manlets? Seriously go fuck yourself.
I think it's a meme.
Oh fuck off, why don’t you just get your boyfriend to get it for you. We both know you two lord his height over me.
I asked you out Sarah and you just snorted before walking away.
Fuck I hate you and I hate it when you pretend to be nice ‘how was your weekend user’ ‘user are you seeing anyone? I have friends...’ and I hate him just as much ‘user bud what’s up?’ user I think the girl likes you”
Well it’s ok because soon I’ll be better and won’t need you, I’ll disappear, I’m leaving the country next week. Tomorrow’s my last day and no one at work other than boss knows. You’ll never even notice my absence though. I didn’t want a pity party thrown for me, and I know that was going to happen because boss was dissapited when I said I didn’t want a party.
It’s ok it’s ok its ok I’m not horny and lonely and I’ll not freak out oh god please please help me I’m so lonely and horny
Still dumb as fuck
I honestly don't know why they make shelves so tall at stores when most people can't even reach.
>be 5’11” manlet
>at safeway
>browsing the greek yogert section for the cheap protein
>9/10 short milf comes by
>tried to reach the top shelf
>can’t get it
>looks at me
>say “hey there, you’re nice and tall could you please get that for me”
>y-you too
>360 and walk away while shitting my pants and crying
Why do I feel like such a fucking midget at 5'9 and yet everyone seems to say that it's the Manlet height that people start to respect you at
Who in the world told you this, my tiny friend
>360 and walk away
I unironically want to try this just to see the look on people's faces.
>that wonderful feeling when get high objects for little old ladies and lift heavy for the elderly.
Feels fantastic
If you see anyone with a deer in headlights look when you do it you’ll know that they know
this happened to me but with a 70 year old woman and i had a bunch of groceries in my pants that i was shoplifting
Wtf is this
Name or insta?
preemptive justice
I did a reverse image search for ya, looks like it's an image from Jow Forums.
Yeah I already reverse searches it, her name is mallory and it seems some German user got the pics from a /b/ fb/ig fap thread
>gets down on hands and knees
>gosh user! I wish my bf was as chivalrous as you! :)
I wonder if she would regret posting this picture on the internet if she knew that it would be used forevermore to get (you)'s.
>Be 30 yr old woman
>Go to Dairy section of Safeway for a gallon of milk and yogurt
>Skinny slender kid is there autistically inspecting the label on some yogurt
>Looks like a lost baby giraffe or something
>He looks at me and immediately looks away as I walk in
>He looks at my chest, turned red as a tomato
>Notice a bulge on his shitty basketball shorts, probably a boner
>Try and get to the yogurt but the sperg is in my fucking way
>Decide to fuck with him
>"Excuse me, you're nice and tall, can you get that for me?"
>Grabs tub of yogurt
>"Thanks, I really needed a Strong man to help me"
>He's physically shaking
>"Yo-You're Welcome"
Reminder that these off topic threads are incels (and I do t use that term lightly) closest form of interaction with females
Behind the keyboard of op is a twink faggot
Post body, op
>inb4 no you!
Hold the fuck up, I go to college with her. Like unironically, she goes to fsu
Fuck her for me yeah?
Kind of been a goal of mine, but why the fuck is she on Jow Forums?
Looks like some user has been posting her on /b/ for (you)s, specifically a German user
This is joke yes?
I’m praying it’s a pasta
Top kek
Take heart, bro. I was in the same situation you were in, so I became a woman and stole the boyfriend from my oneitis.
Don't play with me bitch
I know it's pasta, but
>girl was rude to you once
>she and her boyfriend are bros otherwise
>user leaves the country because of this
It's so good.
Very funny sis, but you have been dead for 2 years now haha
>Sure thing sweetie
>Gets it and puts it on a higher shelf
Take the lanklet pill
Put me in the screencap
>fuck off Drew, get it yourself
Dios mio..
360 is not walking away you fucking retard
Jokes on you, I'm 6'2", I can still find it odd how the selves are constructed.
When we don't, we get beaten with barbells and pushed back into the pit.
Nope, im a manlet, sorry :/
well baby i'm 6'2 and never leave the house without my 1" lifts in my nike airmax shoes so yeah probably!
>letting yourself be used by a thot
Pls be pasta , otherwise you are running from problems you don’t have
Lol idiot if you turn 360 degrees you would be facing the same direction.... Can't believe it's summer already, newfriend
well you're looking down at me so what do you think
>tfw the only times it happens is when 80 y/o grandmas ask me
>that wonderful feeling when you are finally needed by someone
At least you got those quads
This is me. I'm 1,68m.
She said something nice to you because you did her a favor. What a completely mundane story user.
nah fuck off bitch I will never help a thot because they never helped me in life. go ask Chad or some other beta orbiter
>be 5’6
>at market
>browsing the tuna section for the protein
>8/10 short teen with nice rack comes by
>tries to reach the top shelf
>can’t get it
>looks at me
>she moves on passing me by
There's nothing I could've done. It affects me from time to time but fuck it, better to focus on important things.
t. newfag
You must be fun at parties...
>it's okay hun, Chad's got it.
>Chad, could you come over here? I need you to reach something for me.
Train for dat manlet strength so you can someday punch the shelve and it drops perfectly in your hands
This isn't funny one bit. Do you honestly think this is how normies think? Have you ever interacted with a human being you retarded autist? or is your interpretation of human interaction based completely on greentext stories?
why do people like you even exist
Imagine being such a pathetic shut-in that you spend your time insulting little kids vlogging who get 13 views per video. KYS incel.
lmao at losers in this thread, I'm 5'6 and I deny 7-8/10 girls my dick even when they are basically begging.
Idk how I feel about this, I know her kind of well so seeing a girl I know being used on Jow Forums for bait is a really, really weird feeling.
Bitch I'm as tall as you
cringe and bluepilled
post her feet