I know you use this Site

he talked to me about that, you destroyed him, he lost the wisdom of reason because of you. You led him to harm himself. He went to the psychologist because of you.
I don't know if you cheated on him, he said you didn't, but i think you did.
You know about his routine, you see him alone and sad.
But you don't know he is now dating with a girl (the one in the photo), he didn't want you to know but i want to.
He is a way better man than you think, even with the mistakes he made.
I hope he will be happy with or without you.
He truly had the best intention with you.
The clock is ticking.
If you still care about him do something.
Don't come back when he will be in a relationship with this girl.
They're both friend of mine and don't you dare to hurt them.
I just want to inform you.
I don't know how you will react, we've never knew each other well even if years passed.

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cool post user. I'm not really sure what you're talking about though

same keep it up

boring discord drama shit

Sonic totem thread

oh and check these dubs

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Will I have fun and make a friend at the thing?

i think he is talking about some break-up shit

will I kill god and free the sentient beings of the universe?

oh fuck
I'm ready for you

Damn, r9k is getting more cryptic.

I am literally sacrificing myself
I'm infinity war fading away

originally bumping epic thread

>some relationship drama
It has to be because if it's not you realize there's nothing there

Please be quick. I am going insane.

Nice dubbles based friend!

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I was joking at first but now I cant feel my fucking legs and a tooth fell out
what the fuck oh my god is this even real oh my go I'm freaking out

Will I fix my shit or will I not do that?

Stupid fucking totem makes no sense.

Will someone wish me a happy birthday?

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Nice double dubs !!
Also please refrain from making me feel more insane by proxy on your behalf. It is not polite!

Happy birthday you filthy animal

I barely understood how to make a post.
I don't think I'm understanding what you writing.
I will check every now and then to see if that girl will do something.

Fuck off back to where you came from along with OP.

Garbage posts.

will i be dead in 5 years

But we all came from the womb, and how am I supposed to go there? I cannot fit anymore!

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Is death scary?
Pls say no thanks

we could make a thread stealing match
it would be funny

she seems kinda hot by this pic
good job op's friend

Is everything going to be okay? Please?

yes ofc
everything will be fine
you just have to make a move

shut up fabio
you're a cuck and it'll take you a decade or so to taste another pussy

you have a lot of repressed hatred don't you?
you actually seem a cuck replying to this thread in such a way

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fabio detected
go cut yourself some moar

i don't know who this Fabio is but i actually hope he isn't giving a shit about a faggot like you

did you enjoy the letter I wrote?

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I do not know you and I have not received any letter
fuck off with your spaghetti language

shit, i wish i was 13 again, everything seems so meaningfull
then again at 26 there is no clock, there is no caring, there is no freinds
best of luck m8, i hope you dont get to my age and cringe yourself out of sleep for the next 10 years

I will never go back to you, fabio
you're a cuck
and if I do, you wiggle your tail like a little puppy

zio io non mi vanterei di aver cornificato qualcuno, sei un pezzo di merda e dovresti solo stare zitto.

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non ti conosco ma gia' mi stai sul cazzo.
spero che lui stia godendo come un riccio mentre si scopa un'altra.
sei una puttana zia.

You're a ro-roastie
a big attention whore
You need someone to fuck you in order to feel important
You like to see him suffer for you
I hope you get hit by a car asap

hahaha fabio
a whore you love
that says more about you than me

>I don't know if you cheated on him, he said you didn't

i think that if he would be aware of the cheating he wouldn't love her anymore

you two seems being proud of cheating, you two are just petty kids, and why are you talking shit on thread on Jow Forums instead of doing something better?
it seems like your relationship is empty without this Fabio

Non so chi siate ma lui ha il mio rispetto, voi non siete un cazzo.

Will I live to see 30

Will I find serenity?

Will I live to see thirty originally


Will i do good on my exam tomorrow sonic totem?

ne ha gia' scopate due diverse
compresa lei

that says that you're a dumb faggot
she could cheat on you as she did on him

will i ever be succesful

I wasn't talking to you, weirdo

>I don't know if you cheated on him, he said you didn't, but i think you did.

so you didn't even tell him anything and you probably dumped him saying a lot of bullshit to him

>He truly had the best intention with you.
The clock is ticking.
If you still care about him do something.

If his Name is Fabio it seems to be the same Fabio that wanted to marry his ex, and in that case what a dodged bullet!
I don't actually think he wishes you to feel bad
he just seems to wants you by his side
(resulting a little pathetic but i think he is truth)

you two seems just proud of cheating on someone else and after reading this i think that there's nothing romantic in your relationship

>I will never go back to you, fabio
you're a cuck
and if I do, you wiggle your tail like a little puppy

You seem like someone aware to be a bad person that find pleasure in manipulating others
I think you just don't accept the fact he still doesn't hate you
the fact that this guy keeps thinking about you is making you feel bad

what a nice day r9k

from what his friend said he could probably forgive you anything but i hope for him to find someone better than you...
If he still loves you after all this shit, you're very lucky.

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this is NOT a thread
anyone who acts like this is a thread will be prosecuted by the full force of the law

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Am I right about my convictions and the fact that I didn't do that on purpose?

Non ho capito molto ma quando ci ha detto dell'anello lo abbiamo provato a fermare tutti, almeno lo abbiamo convinto a non chiederti di sposarlo ma solo di rimettervi insieme.

google translate didn't help that much with your pizza language
but i understood that he proposed to you
and despite this you didn't even tell him that you cheated on him
what a bitch

STOP posting in this non-thread

Will I ever find true love? Originally

why? i find it a very interesting drama

What are you talking about? There is nothing here. It's all in your mind. This isn't even a thread.

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I also want to roll for true love

non rovinero' l'idea che ha di te
non vedra' questo post
non apre questo sito da quando ho visto i suoi tagli
se ho fatto questo e' perche' so quanto ancora ci tenga a te.

Will it be fun?

Will I see her panties?

am I going to finally die today?

will my bike last through the winter?

this girl sounds like having some bdp or shit like that.
by the way
there are no excuses for cheating.
i hope you feel like the whore your are.
and that one day, when you will realize you lost someone truly important, he won't let you in his life.

will i win the eletions?

will i win the eletions?
i'm not trump

Am I going to die before my birthday?

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nice analysis
but i don't think someone else read it

i-d lik-e so-me gf please

yo sonic totem is this thread yours now?

hey sonic totem do you think its cool to be gay or what?

Sai la cosa che mi fa incazzare di piu' di tutto questo?
e' che gli hai fatto pesare tantissime cose e gli hai dato colpe che non aveva.
A me non importa se stia con te o meno.
Voglio che stia bene.
So solo che almeno fino ad adesso ti pensa ancora tanto e che ti vede ancora con gli occhi innamorati.
Non e' affatto stupido e ingenuo, se credeva in futuro con te ci sara' un motivo.
Io non me lo so spiegare, non ti ho mai conosciuta bene.

will i get cute waifu? uwu

nice thread
the interlocutors have disappeared though

Not quite, Watson.

How old are you? the girl in the pic seems barely 18
but you talked about things like marriage so i think you're a little bit older

Is op a gay faggot nigger that should kill himself?

>He is a way better man than you think

>loses his mind because of a roastie
lolno he's shit, cheap expendable npc cattle

Will "that" guy get better? I fucking hope so

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>cutting himself over a girl
Fucking fag

idk a girl he wanted to marry
i think it can happen

Traps are gray. Its fucking a man that like gay shit like a girl. It is 200% gay.

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Is it going to fail again? Orgorgg

Asking the same again, sonic totem

should i talk to her? yes no maybe so

Would it be worth it to me, for me to continue living?

god bless asdasdasdadasdhbhbhvgcfdxdhjfhcf

having a breakdown for losing a girl you truly love is quite understandable
all the things he made in his life makes him a man, not just a moment in which he fell down
i think that just talking about honor he is a better man than the one she is with now
a "man" that is proud of cheating
he is just vile and selfish and doesn't truly care about this girl

Does he think negatively of me?

Does that euro guy still think of me at all?

Will I get an original bf anytime soon?

will my friend get gf?

Pota questa qui e' una figa
penso che questo ragazzo sia solo ancora molto innamorato della extipa
se voleva maritarla
non sa che e' una strega pero'

tu sei un bimbo
ma quale uomo si vanta di mettere le corna
e chiami lei puttana
sei un viscido porco
non meriti il rispetto di nessuno
e lei non rispetta neanche se stessa
che pena

will she ever love me again? orgno

We're never going to talk anymore, are we?

reroll!!!!!!!!! orgno