Hey user, Is everything ok? Tell me whats on your mind. If I can I'll give advice or at the very least Ill listen

Hey user, Is everything ok? Tell me whats on your mind. If I can I'll give advice or at the very least Ill listen.

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I got some bad ideas in my head fren

Fuck you. You'll never understand my pain.

Im fucking exhausted. It's back and forth all day long without a single day of comfort. I'm honestly debating just running away into the forest and becoming feral. Fuck this shit. Fuck my country. Fuck my job.

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You must fight the country

I've stolen 7 painkillers from my mom throughout the day and I hate myself for it. They're the only thing that make me feel okay for a little while. I wish I could rewind time and not have done it.

Honestly I might one day just snap and go into the parliament building guns blazing and do as much damage as I can before killing myself because fuck those guys. They get paid tons of cash for just existing because of the laws they themselves enacted while the middle fucking class is barely making it through the day. Democracy is a fucking sham.

What kind of fucked up job you have that makes you consider going feral?

I'm probably gonna get raped accused pretty soon. I better start making plans to find a new job before then.

why is everyone such a prick

Got shit sleep last night because I've had manic episodes on and off. Girl I like got back with her ex. Fuck me

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I've been having a lot more anxiety issues lately, anxious about so many things while school's going on and I'm slacking behind in that too... And no need to give advice, I won't follow it.

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They were on a break. You can argue all you want, but that won't change the facts. If hadn't done it then someone else would have and it would have been so much more expensive. Now at least they know how it was done.

gf i loved broke up with me because she wanted to go through life alone and my dad most likely has cancer i feel like shit and all i want to do is sleep

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Do it user, use a go pro and stream it if possible.

Not to get too into Jow Forums territory but I work in a very Republican Conservative environment and people straight up like yell over me to get their ideas across. I don't even care too much about politics but I support immigration. I need to find a career man.

Fix your shit faggot

You could be balls deep in that girl by Christmas

If I make it to then, I'll stay watching for an opportunity. Sometimes it helps for someone to call you out for the faggot shit you're doing so thanks user


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I'm tired all the time. I'm depressed as hell and lonely too. My medication is making me drowsy all day so I can't really do much because when I get back from work I'm fucking exhausted. My skin is in a shit condition due to my illness. My brain doesn't function correctly because of my depression. My work is fucking garbage and boring and tedious.

Also there's this one girl I wish I had a chance with. She seems plain and normal. Doesn't have a bf and likely it's been a while since she's had one. I'd love such a homely girl, especially that she's smart and doesn't seem too crazy. Too bad she's not interested in me and I'm too much of a pussy to push for her. I mean I might try if we could only meet again, but meeting with my friends is hard, and getting her there too is nearly impossible in it all.

>Girl I like got back with her ex. Fuck me
Ahh a classic. Happened to me more than I can count.

He can't.

It's not gonna happen, user.

The Belgians actually have a point. Flood everything and just wait it out.

Let me enjoy the denial stage for a little bit even though I know better

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Do yourself a favour and don't. It'll fuck you up really bad if you let it go for too long, trust me.

i want to interact with women but im not 18 and i dont know what to do

They are constant fantasies though the real implications and overall massive exertion of energy required to do those make it a far stretch for any robot. Seems the only way to shove politicians aside is to read the classics then build on such with economic/ political theory though unfortunately the path to doing so requires extreme levels of study for one to become well-versed. Still it'd make sense of things and add a light where we're shut out of things. Are you British? You sound like one. Don't see what troubles the middle-class are having at the moment, really economically we're doing great - of course economic inequity, homelessness and poverty still exist though they always will. Middle class appears especially lush these days more than ever though arguably with more to lose given that the smaller borders between working-middle class are for those who want to move up and most of the time take one's place rather than accompany them.

I perceive the first fantasy as the most tragic, you want to haste away from the sprawl and society though cannot do so: our forests are meager and when not, filled with dog-walkers and cyclists. There's no "being alone" in the United Kingdom... no-where you can go out, have a fit and scream as much as you want to ease your troubles. I suppose that's the price to pay for our luxuries.

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Why the fuck can't it ever be that the girl is actually the more interesting one and introduces me into some cool shit she's doing and shows me her cool hobbies and whatever? Why do I always have to be the most interesting guy?

I don't want to do anything I used to enjoy doing. I tried eating, tried masturbating, tried watching youtube videos, nothing brings me joy anymore. I can't become passionate about anything. It's hell living like this.

>Are you British? You sound like one.
I fucking wish, mate. I'm Bulgarian. If you have any form of mental illness/deviance you are not only fucked systematically but socially too. Even slight autism makes you the crazy guy on the block. We abolished communism just so we could have corruption take its place.
Thankfully, tough, we have more than enough uninhabited space where I can run off to.

little story of my year so far

>realised i was being a dick to anyone
>leaving the internet, literal not even connected once since January
>trying to be a better person, more sociable, pretty and that kind of shit
>first 4 months goes well, started to go to gym and getting new peers at school
>tried to get a job, i couldn't because of preferences
>started to learn a new language
>i was really fucking bored tho so sometimes i requested to my friend if he can download some series or something
>suddenly depression hits me again
>i leave everything i was doing atm
>ffw to now
>realise i dropped everything and how idiot i was
>i want to start again
>tfw no money
>school notes are fucking low

and that's what i deal with recently

to everyone*

i'm sorry i'm a retard

I just made 4 posts on r9k all with 0 replies. I just want attention

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It happens to all of us user. Here's a (you) at least

That's what you fucking get for making actually interesting threads instead of a gay, trap, fembot or racebait thread, faggot.

Thank you friends. ily

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I'm alright. About 6 months ago I was having some pretty severe anxiety and depression issues. Was on meds for a while but I stopped taking them a couple months ago. I've been doing a lot of self-reflection and thinking about what I act the why I act and focusing on self-improvement. I'm definitely in a better place than I've ever been in my whole life.

But my therapist keeps trying to convince me that once you've dealt with the kind of anxiety and manic issues I've had, you never truly get over it. That I need to be medicated or else the issues will flare up again. Maybe they're right, but I don't want to become dependent on meds.