tremendous success guys thank you
Tremendous success guys thank you
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('w')7 Just doing my Civic duty.
uwu, no problem, daddy trump, *nughh* I HATE demoncrats >_
Didn't you guys lose the house? not much of a victory
if (fetchImage().getPerson == DRUMPF) {
self.emotion = SEETHING;
They also lost 2/3 thirds of all senate races. But because there was a net gain of one seat from 2016, this counts as a bigly win.
Be Republican house Rep.
Submit bill to senate evading House.
Walk over dems like it's nothing.
Pass laws.
Kek hard while they seethe at their worthless "victory"
After he soaks in some propaganda on Twitter and Fox news he will be coming out saying how it was all illegal aliens voting or some other bullshit excuse with no facts to back it up.
>Republicans shit on the constitution
>muh patriotism.
its not worthless at all though. Trumps 100% obvious russia connections are now free game
>not much of a vicotry
>GOP still controls the Senate which is responsible for actually passing laws that get proposed by the House
>also in charge of internal investigations so the Dems can't impeach Trump for bs reasons
>somehow dems think this is a huge blow to the GOP
You do realize a ton of legislation particular taxation has to originate and pass the house. It often happens where it goes to the senate with out even being voted on in the house. After clearing the senate it has to be sent back to the house and pass. Sometimes the House changes some shit and it has to go back to the senate again before it can finally be signed by the president.
And will never make it past the senate.
>falling for MSM propaganda when it was outed long ago that they are literally making shit up for ratings
If there was any russian collusion going on, they would have found it by now.
Was the FBI saying they couldn't find any proof of this not enough for idiots?
>>Republicans shit on the constitution
>>muh patriotism.
Yeah when Trump mentioned amending the Constitution with an executive order he basically admitted he wanted to go full dictator. Any president that attempts that should be hung in public for high treason. I don't care what party they belong to.
>republicans believe democrats can win 80% of all senate races
>because 80% is totally realistic
>republicans believe they are smart
Makes you think.
They did and he's blaming Paul Ryan lmao. Trump is one of the most pathetic people alive.
its odd when both sides seem to think they won tonight, democrats and republicans are a bunch of morons
WTF could Ryan even do about it?
Not surprising since this happens every midterms. It's actually a lower victory for dems than what happened with Obama for example
Hey donald
lube up that ass, im about to slide into it
>make it all about loyalty to Trump
he's the president
you don't seriously think he would've got his hands dirty do ya?
their would be at least 30 or more people in between the president and people responsible
with what evidence?
>What evidence
Being able to see the forest for the trees, something you retards obviously cant do